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Mad(e) in Mumbai | Urban practice in India

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+urbanism


In 2009 we had the pleasure to lead the final thesis projects of a group of international students taking the Master in Advanced Architecture at the IAAc —Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.

Among them, we met Kalpit Ashar, who developed as final thesis a project in his home city Mumbai, dealing with informality and social processes. I am happy today to introduce you to the work of MAD(E) IN MUMBAI, and the office established by him together with his partner Mayuri Sisodia. In their own words:

Made in Mumbai

Image: The Mumbai Report

The office provides comprehensive design services in the fields of public institutions, high density housing, environmental infrastructure, community design, landscapes and territorial planning. MAD(E) IN MUMBAI takes its shape in the madness of Mumbai city. This crazy patchwork of ideas, experiences and materiality becomes a repository and laboratory for the studio. It is a departure point for its speculation and practice.

Made in Mumbai

Made in Mumbai

Urban repository – Images: Mayuri Sisodia, Jacob Wilson and Ming Deng

They work closely with the chemistry of the city to discover potential fields of operation. The belief of the practice lies in looking beyond the visible for the unseen and for absurdities of things and places.

Together they have won many national and International design competitions which include Flood resilient Housing Design for Gorakhpur, Revitalisation of Banganga Crematorium, and Regional cultural centre for sustainable community by IAHH and Kalanagar traffic junction Urban Design competition by BMW Guggenheim lab.

Made in Mumbai

Aqueous commune, flood resilient habitats in the city of Gorakhpur

For example, Aqueous communes are flood resilient habitats in the city of Gorakhpur, a city in mid-Gangetic belt. They are Community built initiations that accommodate changing rhythms of Rapti river and make them part of everyday life of its inhabitant. They change imagination of water from an enemy to a friend and celebrate it and make peace with it through design. These aqueous communes multiply along the landscape to contribute to its resilience and develop into an intimately stitched neighbourhood.

Other works by Mad(e) in Mumbai

Other works by Mad(e) in Mumbai

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REaction workshop in Paris : Diseño paramétrico y Smart Cities

Category: ⚐ EN+⚐ ES+city+ciudad+diseño+eventos+events+news+noticias+parametric+technologies+tecnologías

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Becas IAAC 2012-2013

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+creativity+news+technologies+urbanism

IAAC scholarships


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IAAC Special Scholarships to Spanish and Portuguese Architects

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture

Since its creation 10 years ago, the with alumni from over 30 different countries, has become the most international post-graduate architecture program offered in Barcelona. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, and reinforce the presence of the Institute in the Iberian Peninsula, IAAC has initiated a special Scholarship Program in order to foster a wider reach of our educational programs in the local architectural community.

Beginning the following academic year, 2011-12, IAAC will offer special scholarships for Spanish and Portuguese Architects, covering 50% of tuition fees. Enclosed you will find a poster for the scholarship program. The IAAC professional Masters in Advanced Architecture and Urbanism program is accredited by the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development and can be completed over one or two years.

IAAC is dedicated to the next generation of architectural development with students and researchers from around the world. This year the MAA program includes 60 students from 25 different countries. The official language of the Institute is English. continue reading

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Gunter Pauli – The Blue Economy: Flow Based Architecture

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+sustainability


Next Thursday May the 12th Gunter Pauli will be lecturing at IAAC from 12.00- 13.00

Dr. Gunter Pauli graduated with a degree in economics from Loyola’s University in Belgium and obtained his masters in business administration from INSEAD in France. He is an entrepreneur and founder of ZERI Foundation (Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives). The Blue Economy is an international community of companies, innovators and scientists, providing open source access to develop, implement and share prosperous business models that strive to improve natural ecosystems and the quality of life for all.

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Carrer de Pujades, 102, Barcelona,
IAAC Auditorium, Free Admission

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de vuelta de la Biennale de Venecia

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura

Vicente Guallart comparte con nosotros su visita a la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia.

La 12 Bienal de Arquitectura llega a su fin. Un  grupo internacional de estudiantes del Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña la ha visitado recientemente  recorriendo los diversos pabellones y conociendo entre otros a los diversos proyectos de los equipos españoles participantes, que han tenido una presencia destacada.

Hace dos años, el IAAC produjo una instalación para el Arsenale bajo el titulo Hyperhabitat, en la que se investigaban las interacciones entre  nodos de habitabilidad (viviendas, edificios, barrios, ciudades, países)  desde lo local a lo global. Por ello, decidimos que mas que diseñar una instalación y hacerla fabricar en cualquier lugar del mundo (en una gran fábrica global), invertiríamos en una maquina de corte laser de gran formato, para poder  fabricar nuestra instalación en nuestra nave del 22@ de Barcelona.

Esa misma máquina es la que meses más tarde nos permitió construir la Fab Lab House, para participar en el , y por la que volvemos a estar en Venecia, esta vez en el Pabellón Español. continue reading

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Gawel Tyrala from Wroclaw, Poland

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+eu:abierto

Within the IAAC Thesis projects series we started last year, we continue today by presenting the work by Gawel Tyrala, an architect from Wroclaw, Poland. As a thesis project he developed a project to enter a competition on Vistula River banks. Permanent activities around Vistula River banks forced the need to create temporary infrastructure for going on events. continue reading

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Brynhildur Guðlaugs de Reikiavik, Islandia

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+eu:abierto

Hoy presentamos el trabajo de Brynhildur Guðlaugs, arquitecta de Reikiavik, Islandia. Su propuesta, con el título Sensual landscape (Paisaje Sensual), es un centro de aguas termales o balneario para los excursionistas que practican el senderismo por la región de Torfajokull en Islandia. Esta zona deshabitada ubicada al sur de Islandia es una de las más importantes zonas termales del país y debe su nombre al glaciar Torfajokull. El funcionamiento de las instalaciones es una adaptación de las aguas termales ya existentes en la zona. continue reading

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Pablo Rica, Barcelona, Spain

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+eu:abierto

Hoy presentamos el trabajo de Pablo Rica: Compact – Fabric Forming Component .

La tela es un material flexible y adaptable, de apariencia suave. En combinación con un elemento de relleno, cambia de blanda a dura, mejorando sus cualidades estructurales y térmicas. El material endurecido, a la inversa, vuelve a ofrecer un aspecto suave. La ambigüedad y discrepancia entre tejido sólido y piedra elástica vuelve el proceso interesante. Y en ese cambio de estado es donde surgen nuevas posibilidades de diseño. Compact es un proyecto de investigación que examina el potencial de la tela como técnica de construcción y desarrolla un sistema modular, combinando las propiedades del material con su relación medioambiental. continue reading

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Pablo Rica, Barcelona, Spain

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+eu:abierto


Today we present the work by Pablo Rica: Compact – Fabric Forming Component .
Fabric is a flexible and adaptable material with a soft appearance. In combination with a fill in material, the properties change from supple to hard, gaining structural and thermal qualities. The hardened material turns to have a soft appearance in reverse. This is where the ambiguity and discrepancy from solid fabric to elastic stone becomes interesting. And in that process of changing condition is where new possibilities of design arise. Compact is a research project about examining the potential of fabric as a construction technique and developing a modular system, in which material properties and environmental aspects are involved. continue reading