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Un nuevo frente marítimo para Palma de Mallorca

Category: ⚐ ES+espacio público+sostenibilidad+urbanismo

En 2018, la ciudad de Palma de Mallorca se propuso reformar su paseo marítimo frente a la zona portuaria, y convocó un concurso abierto para ello. Hoy os contamos algunos detalles sobre nuestra propuesta, que quedó finalista.

El reto consiste, principalmente, convertir lo que ahora es una barrera, un borde, en un nuevo espacio urbano que conecte la ciudad con el puerto. Nosotros proponemos una transición en la forma de entender ese espacio público, desde concebirlo como un “paseo” lineal a verlo como un “frente” marítimo más amplio, un lugar donde la ciudad pueda expandir sus usos actuales y descubrir otros nuevos.

La propuesta es crear un espacio con nuevas cualidades, un eje cívico donde la ciudad pueda ver reflejada su identidad, aportando representatividad y, sobre todo, añadiendo a ese espacio valor de uso para ciudadanos y visitantes. No se trata, por tanto, solamente de un proyecto de pacificación del tráfico y renaturalización, sino de caracterización y activación.

El enfoque general del proyecto se puede desglosar en una serie de criterios o líneas de actuación. Estas líneas se han agrupado en cuatro “frentes” (integrado, ambiental, activo y conectado) entendidos como capas del frente costero que sintetizan las prioridades de la propuesta e ilustran la visión de la ciudad que la sustenta.

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On Cities Workshop by the Norman Foster Foundation

Category: ⚐ EN+city+events+news

Norman Foster Foundation On Cities Workshop

Belinda Tato and José Luis Vallejo will be participating in the On Cities Workshop, organised by the Norman Foster Foundation, which will take place this week (18 to 22 June 2018) in Madrid. The workshop will focus on Autonomous Innovative Communities, selecting a district in Madrid as a case-study for a research project that will be developed throughout the week. The On Cities Workshop will include seminars, lectures, one-to-one tutoring and urban architectural tours to learn more about the context of Madrid and it’s districts. During the course of the workshops, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the Norman Foster Foundation’s archive and research projects.

Can each community locally produce all of the energy, food, and clean water needed for basic living—requiring no centralised infrastructure? Can humans transition from ownership to sharing, while living and working in compact, agile, supportive environments? This workshop explores the premise that emerging urban innovations can dramatically reduce resources consumed by cities while simultaneously creating more livable, entrepreneurial communities.

‘We are living in an era of extreme urbanisation and rapid global warming’, states workshop mentor Kent Larson. ‘The challenges of both call for more than mere incremental adjustments.’

After reviewing applications submitted by hundreds of candidates from around the world, the selection committee awarded ten scholarships to students from the following universities and institutions: American University of Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, United States; London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile; Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark; Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, the Netherlands; Tongji University, Shanghai, China; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

These ten students will engage with a group of specialists through a series of seminars and lectures culminating in a five day workshop led by the Atelier mentor, Kent Larson, Director of MIT Media Lab City Science Group and Initiative, and his team. Nicholas Negroponte, Co-Founder and former Director of MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, United States will act as the Chief Advisor of the workshop tutoring the students through the research process.

The Academic Body spans a wide range of practitioners working in different fields interrelated with the City, including: Beatriz Colomina, Director of Graduate Studies, School of Architecture, Princeton University, Princeton, United States; Luis Cueto, General Coordinator for the Mayor in Madrid, Madrid City Hall, Madrid, Spain; Anupama Kundoo, Principal, Anupama Kundoo Architects, Madrid, Spain/Auroville, India; Winy Maas, Co-Founder and Director of MVRDV and Director of the Why Factory, Delft, the Netherlands; Tim Stonor, Managing Director of Space Syntax, London, United Kingdom; Leonor Tarrasón, Director of Environmental Solutions, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Oslo, Norway; Belinda Tato and José Luis Vallejo, Founders and Directors of Ecosistema Urbano, Madrid, Spain/Miami, United States.

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Ecosistema Urbano at Milano Arch Week

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+ecosistema urbano+events+news

Triennale Milano - Milano Arch Week 2018

Next Sunday 27th May José Luis Vallejo will be giving a lecture at the Milano Arch Week 2018.

This important event, this year under the title “Urbania“, is promoted by the Comune di Milano, the Politecnico di Milano and the Triennale di Milano in collaboration with Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, and includes a rich program of conferences, workshops, installations, exhibitions, performances, events open to citizens to reflect together on the future of the city and the dynamics of contemporary architecture.

Date and time: May 27th, 19:00 h.
Location: Palco giardino – Viale Alemagna, 6, Milano

Location map of the Garden pavillion at the Milano Arch Week 2018

See full program at the website

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Paisajes en movimiento: ¿Más allá del urbanismo táctico? | Conferencia en Imagina Madrid

Category: ⚐ ES+eventos+sostenibilidad+urbanismo

Imagina Madrid

Imagina Madrid, un proyecto del que hablamos aquí hace algún tiempo, presenta los nueve proyectos que se van a llevar a cabo en nueve lugares de la ciudad, y que están en pleno proceso de concreción y desarrollo tras los primeros talleres de co-creación con los participantes.

Para ello, durante estos días 8, 9 y 10 de mayo está teniendo lugar en Matadero un evento con la exposición de los proyectos y otras actividades. El día más intenso de cara al público será el próximo jueves 10, con tres talleres y tres charlas impartidos por invitados de lujo:

José Chong, coordinador técnico del Programa Global en Espacio Público de ONU-Habitat, Ethan Kent, vicepresidente de Projects for Public Spaces y Pola Mora, Head of Community & Partnerships de ArchDaily.

A ellos se unirá José Luis Vallejo, co-fundador de Ecosistema Urbano, quien asumirá el rol de moderador de las charlas.

Fecha: 8, 9 y 10 de mayo de 2018. Las conferencias públicas serán el día 10.
Hora: Ver programa. Las conferencias públicas comenzarán a las 19h.
Lugar: Nave 16A, Matadero Madrid. Plaza de Legazpi, 8, Madrid.

Más información

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Atmospheres for Social Interaction | Workshop and lecture in Helsinki

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+city+events+news

Next Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th José Luis Vallejo will be giving an open lecture and leading a workshop at the Aalto University Department of Architecture.

The workshop will develop the topic “Atmospheres for Social Interaction”. How can we, as architects or urban planners, support the development of the social aspect of urban life?
Lecture and workshop by Ecosistema Urbano at the Aalto University Department of Architecture

Location: Lecture Hall A1 at the Lecture Graduate Centre, Aalto University
Lecture: November 23rd, 17:00h
Workshop: November 24th, 10:00-18:00h
Original call:

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Lecture in Aalborg

Category: ⚐ EN+events+news

Tomorrow José Luis Vallejo will be giving a lecture at the Utzon Centre in Aalborg, Denmark, as part of the Utzon(x) Lecture Series).

Cartel - Charla de Ecosistema Urbano en la serie Utzon(X)

Since 2010 the international Utzon(x) Lecture Series have arranged lectures and symposiums with the participation of Jacob van Rijs (MVRDV), Juhani Pallasmaa, Mathias Kohler (ETH Zürich), Sigrid Adriaenssens (Princeton University), Dirk van Gameren (TU Delft/Mecanoo), Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (Bow-Wow,9 Jenny Osludsen (Snøhetta) and Nanne de Ru (Berlage Institute) among others.

Location: Utzon Centre, Aalborg, Denmark
Date: November 21st, 2017
Time: 16:00 h

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Impostergable | Workshop en la Bienal de Chile

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+noticias+urbanismo

Los próximos días 1 a 5 de noviembre José Luis Vallejo participará en el workshop internacional de la XX Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Chile en Valparaíso.

Este taller tiene como objetivo servir de plataforma práctica para los diálogos, conversaciones y temas que se discutirán durante el desarrollo de la bienal. Así, el Workshop se instalará como una oportunidad para que los estudiantes, guiados por un equipo de tutores, planteen a través de herramientas proyectuales soluciones tangibles a las temáticas impostergables evidenciadas durante la bienal, en la ciudad de Valparaíso.

La actividad propone centrar la mirada en las zonas menos observadas y más vulnerables de Valparaíso: las quebradas. ¿Cómo se debe construir en estos sistemas topográficos?, ¿Cómo se puede diseñar un proceso de transformación de los cerros?, ¿Cómo se puede intervenir en las zonas más desfavorecidas de Valparaíso?. De esta forma se plantea la construcción de los diálogos que den respuestas a la precariedad de las quebradas de Valparaíso, postergados e informales. De estas propuestas se espera que puedan imaginar y diseñar los procesos de transformación arquitectónica y urbana necesarios para la ciudad.


ECOSISTEMA URBANO ( José Luis Vallejo) – España
PRÁCTICA (Jaime Daroca + José Ramón Sierra + José Mayoral) – España
ADAMO – FAIDEN (Sebastián Adamo) – Argentina
ESPIRAL (León Duval + Jorge Brady + Luis Felipe Venegas) – Chile
BARCLAY & CROUSSE (Jean Pierre Crousse + Sandra Barclay) – Perú


Gabinete de Arquitectura (Solano Benitez + Gloria Cabral) – Paraguay
Iñaqui Carnicero – España
Rahul Mehrotra – India
Hashim Sarkis – USA/Libano
Gehl Architects – Dinamarca
MGM (José Morales) – España
Ecosistema Urbano – España

Más información:

Fechas: 1 al 5 de noviembre de 2017
Lugar: Parque Cultural del Valparaíso

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Jose Luis Vallejo, keynote speaker at New Generation Festival in Rome

Category: ⚐ EN+ecosistema urbano+events+news

Next Tuesday September 26, Jose Luis Vallejo will be lecturing as keynote speaker in Rome on the occasion of the Fourth Edition of New Generation Festival.

More information about:
DAY 1 – Programme of Sunday 24 September 2017
DAY 2 – Programme of Monday 25 September 2017
DAY 3 – Programme of Tuesday 26 September 2017

Among other experts and architects that will take part to the event, there are: ENORME Studio (ES), Fosbury Architecture (IT), Luca Montuori (Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning at the Municipality of Rome, IT), Orizzontale (IT), Olga Polishuk (Chief Operating Officer of Strelka Institute, RU), SET Architects (IT), Jean-Benoît Vetillard (FR), U67 (DK), and WikiSpazioPubblico (IT). Moreover, the second day of the festival on Monday, September 25, will be closed by the keynote speech of Koert van Mensvoort (Next Nature, NL).

About New Generation Festival:
The 4th edition of the New Generations Festival – Architects VS Rest of the World – proposes an intense programme of discussions, workshops and cultural activities, involving numerous international guests, gathered to reflect on the profession of the architect from multidisciplinary points of view. After successful events in Milan (2013), Florence (2014) and Genoa (2015), Rome will host the fourth edition of the New Generations festival with the aim of creating a community of architects and experts from different disciplines, in order to redefine the role of architecture in contemporary society.

The relation between the new generations of architects and other disciplines is a broad field of discussion that will be addressed via three umbrella topics: (a) Urban Vocabulary & Public Space, (b) New Economies & Values, and (c) Digital Infrastructure & New Media. These 3 topics will be at the center of the debate during the Festival, inviting young architects, city makers, sociologists, economists, public & private institutions, startups, communication and digital media experts, web developers, programmers and many others professionals to discuss and exchange ideas. The discussion will see the participation of representatives from the wide network of the New Generations Platform, which counts more than 80 young practices and more than 500 international experts.

URBAN VOCABULARY & PUBLIC SPACE: cities are changing at a fast pace, is the profession and the way we face urban problems keeping up with this rapid developments? New Urban Vocabulary looks at the way architects are more and more becoming mediators in complex urban processes, proposing new ways of thinking not just in terms of urban planning methods, but ways of working with communities, re-activating and re-claiming public space.

NEW ECONOMIES & VALUES: how did the economic crisis of 2008 affect the profession? What do we mean when we talk about successful, sustainable and collaborative economic models in relation to the design field? Collaborative Economies proposes an investigation of the economic models behind successful, emerging and innovative architectural practices. The aim is to analyse the contemporary workscapes with a specific attention to economic sustainability, unveiling challenges and opportunities of the contemporary workfield.

DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURES & NEW MEDIA: New Technologies and Digital Media are changing the way we work in an unprecedented way, but what is the impact of those changes on the architectural profession? Which new figures and experts need to be involved in this highly complex process? Digital infrastructures looks at how seamlessly integrated technological systems run in the background of our cities but have the power to fundamentally change both the approach to architecture and the way we experience spaces, creating a base for innovation.

See you in Rome!

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La Academia norteamericana: un atributo de la arquitectura española

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+convocatorias+noticias

Jose y Belinda en el "lottery day" - GSD Harvard

El próximo lunes 18 de septiembre Ecosistema Urbano participará en el curso “La Academia norteamericana: un atributo de la arquitectura española” en la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.

El evento tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre la influencia que ha tenido la academia norteamericana en el desarrollo académico y profesional de varios arquitectos españoles. Así, se pretende evidenciar el valor de la internacionalización y del intercambio, tanto en el contexto universitario como profesional, siendo éstos espacios necesarios para el desarrollo creativo y profesional.

En 1953 y, tras huir de la dictadura española, el arquitecto José Luis Sert fue nombrado decano de la Escuela de Diseño de la Universidad Harvard, cargo que ejerció hasta 1969. Así comienza el recorrido de una serie de figuras fuertemente influyentes de la arquitectura española en la academia norteamericana, que se releva con el liderazgo de Rafael Moneo en la Universidad de Harvard y se continúa con otras figuras más contemporáneas, como Iñaki Ábalos. Todos estos arquitectos, tras pasar por cargos de prestigio e influencia en Estados Unidos, regresarán posteriormente a España, donde revisitarán y reconducirán su profesión tras la experiencia vivida. Esto supondrá una significativa transformación para la arquitectura española.

El seminario incluirá conferencias por parte de Iñaki Ábalos (Ábalos+Sentkiewicz), Víctor Navarro (Langarita Navarro), José Luis Vallejo (Ecosistema Urbano), Luis Rojo (Rojo/Fernández-Shaw), Ricardo Devesa (Actar Publishers), Marina Otero (After Belonging Agency), Ángel Martínez García-Posada, y los fundadores de PRÁCTICA Jaime Daroca, José Mayoral y José Ramón Sierra.

La matriculación esta ya abierta y se puede completar desde el siguiente enlace:


Fechas: 18, 19 y 20 de septiembre de 2017
Lugar: Monasterio de la Cartuja de Sevilla, España.
Aforo limitado.

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Ecosistema Urbano is recognized as a 2017 Social Design Circle Honoree by the Curry Stone Design Prize

Category: ⚐ EN+design+ecosistema urbano+news+urban social design

We are honored to announce that Ecosistema Urbano has been recognized as a 2017 Social Design Circle Honoree by the Curry Stone Design Prize.

What is the Curry Stone Design Prize?

The Curry Stone Design Prize is awarded each year to honor innovative projects that use design to address pressing social justice issues. Supported by the Curry Stone Foundation, the Prize highlights and rewards projects that improve daily living conditions of people in communities around the world. The Prize acknowledges work that is considered emerging in the professional and public consciousness.

What is the Social Design Cirle?

This year, in honor of the 10th anniversary, the Curry Stone Design Prize assembled a group of 100 of the most compelling social design practitioners of the last decade, a project called The Social Design Circle. As the organizers of the prize refer: These are practices which have captivated and inspired us over the years, as we’ve built a global community of visionaries, activists and game changers. The Social Design Circle project gives answer to what are defined to be the 12 most urgent questions in social design practice. Each month a new topic is adressed through a new open question. Answers come from different practicioners among the 100 winners.  The questions up to date asked are:

Should designers be outlaws?   Is the right to housing real? Can design challenge inequality? Can design prevent disaster? Can we design community engagement?

Can design reclaim public space?

Ecosistema Urbano has been included in the category “Can design reclaim public space?” of the Circle, together with other colleagues and collectives as Asiye eTafuleniBasurama, Collectif Etc., EXYZT, Interboro,  Interbreeding Field, Studio Basar, Kounkuey Design Initiative, Y A + K and Raumlabor Berlin.

Here follows the report of the jury regarding our work:

We honor Ecosistema Urbano particularly for their progressive ideas on community participation. The group has worked to update the very notion of “community participation” through the development of online tools which encourage global participation on local projects. The group has developed several apps to collect community input throughout the design process. New technologies work to break down barriers which traditionally inhibited the full participation of community. Many of our ‘communities’ today are in fact digital, so the idea of community participation must be updated as well.

In a physical space, the group is best known for their green projects like Ecobulevar – a project of ‘air trees’ in the Madrid suburb of Vallecas. The project is intended to be temporary, but creates the same sort of community space that one would find in an old growth allée.

The air trees are made from repurposed industrial materials such as recycled plastic, greenhouse fabric, rubber tires. They contain rooting vegetation and atomizers that cool and moisten the air in the cylinder and around it (8oC to 10oC cooler than the rest of the street in summer). The cylinders can be used for public gatherings, and solar panels provide electricity for lighting when needed (excess energy is sold back to the grid and helps fund the maintenance of the structures).

This and other sustainability projects like Ecopolis in Madrid speak to a shared sense of community responsibility and interaction.

Moreover, an interview we gave for the occasion together with our colleagues of Interboro constitute the episode 24 and 25 “Tools for urban action” of the Social Design Insight podcast. You can listen to episode 24 here, while the episode 25 will be shared on Thursday June 8 on Curry Stone Design Prize webpage.

Stay tuned!