December 19, 2012
posted by Ecosistema Urbano
Today we introduce Blanca Abramek, an architecture student who did an internship with us last spring/summer. She did a great work actively helping us with the design and selection of contents for a book about Dreamhamar that we are now (finally!) finishing.

In her own words:
I’m in my final year of Architecture and Graphic Design at University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. As researcher at the Positive Psychology Center, I am investigating the relationship between urban design and well- being.
Because of my interest in fine arts, cultural anthropology, psychology and film I like to look at design from a holistic perspective. In my opinion architecture relies on an interdisciplinary exchange in which lies the opportunity for architects to seek broader strategies for impact. I believe that in today’s world we, architects and urban designers, need to seek radical new channels of influence that move design away from focusing only on providing professional services and toward a more ambitious role of cultural leadership in the built and social environments.

Here is a short summary about Blanca:
Occupation: Student
Interests: Dance, travel
City/country: Warsaw, PL
Social profiles: @tendrebarbare
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Both photos were taken at our office in Madrid. The first –amazing– one is by Emilio P. Doiztúa.