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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Gawel Tyrala from Wroclaw, Poland

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+eu:abierto

Within the IAAC Thesis projects series we started last year, we continue today by presenting the work by Gawel Tyrala, an architect from Wroclaw, Poland. As a thesis project he developed a project to enter a competition on Vistula River banks. Permanent activities around Vistula River banks forced the need to create temporary infrastructure for going on events. continue reading

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Les Rencontres de la Lumière – December 8th, Lyon

Category: ⚐ EN+ecosistema urbano+events


Every year, the Festival of Lights welcomes the “Rencontres de la Lumière” organised in collaboration with the LUCI Association (Lighting Urban Community International). These meetings provide a forum for discussions on the theme of urban lighting and the associated social and environmental issues. The 2009 edition will focus on light planning developments in various countries over the past 20 years and will question the social and economic sustainability of urban lighting.

9.00 a.m – 12.45 p.m.: From public image to public space: developments in lighting masterplans over the past 20 years

Since the 1980s, urban lighting and masterplanning have been the focus of attention    for urban communities.    Urban lighting has changed significantly, from an aesthetic vision to a vision more linked to city rythms, the habits of inhabitants, public space and social issues. The City of Lyon’s celebrations for the 20th anniversary of Lyon’s lighting masterplan is a fitting occasion to reflect on    its positive and negative aspects and to compare it to the masterplans of other cities in Europe and beyond, taking into consideration different cultural contexts and methodologies.

– Antoine Bouchet, Public Lighting Department, City of Lyon, and Michel Bouit, former Director of Public Lighting, City of Lyon
– France- Rong Haolei, Beijing Institute of Urban Planning and Design – China
– Jens Jacob Bierring, Architect, Urban Design Department, City of Copenhagen – Denmark
– Margherita Suss, GMS Studio associato, Milan – Italy

Moderator: Alexandre Colombani, Director of LUCI Association

2.30 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.: Social and economic sustainability of lighting

For several years, technical and economic aspects of sustainability have greatly influenced lighting practices and    policies, while environmental, social and cultural    factors were generally dealt with in the context of thematic approaches.    Taking these    factors    into account in this way does not offer a sufficiently global approach and many issues are left unexplored. The ‘Rencontres de la Lumière’ do not claim to exhaustively examine sustainability issues but will, through the presentation of diverse case studies, demonstrate the value of taking the environmental, social and cultural dimensions of lighting into consideration.

– Horacio Valencia, Urban Lighting Architect, City of Medellin – Colombia
– Tim Edensor and Steve Millington, Senior Lecturers in Human Geography, University of Manchester – England
Michael Moradiellos [ecosistema urbano], and Juan José Garcia, Light Engineer, Madrid – Spain
– Chanyaporn Chuntamara, Professor at the School of Architecture and Design, Thonburi, Bangkok – Thailand

Moderator: Jean-Michel Deleuil, Lecturer HDR, EDU-EVS, INSA of Lyon – France

Les Rencontres de la Lumière

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Brynhildur Guðlaugs de Reikiavik, Islandia

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+eu:abierto

Hoy presentamos el trabajo de Brynhildur Guðlaugs, arquitecta de Reikiavik, Islandia. Su propuesta, con el título Sensual landscape (Paisaje Sensual), es un centro de aguas termales o balneario para los excursionistas que practican el senderismo por la región de Torfajokull en Islandia. Esta zona deshabitada ubicada al sur de Islandia es una de las más importantes zonas termales del país y debe su nombre al glaciar Torfajokull. El funcionamiento de las instalaciones es una adaptación de las aguas termales ya existentes en la zona. continue reading

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Pablo Rica, Barcelona, Spain

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+eu:abierto


Today we present the work by Pablo Rica: Compact – Fabric Forming Component .
Fabric is a flexible and adaptable material with a soft appearance. In combination with a fill in material, the properties change from supple to hard, gaining structural and thermal qualities. The hardened material turns to have a soft appearance in reverse. This is where the ambiguity and discrepancy from solid fabric to elastic stone becomes interesting. And in that process of changing condition is where new possibilities of design arise. Compact is a research project about examining the potential of fabric as a construction technique and developing a modular system, in which material properties and environmental aspects are involved. continue reading

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Brynhildur Guðlaugs from Reikiavik, Iceland

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture

sensual landscape01

Today we present the work by Brynhildur Guðlaugs, an architect from Reikiavik, Iceland. Her proposal, called Sensual landscape, is a bathing facility for the hiking people who travel around the Torfajokull region in Iceland, an uninhabited area in the south and one of the most powerful thermal areas in the country, named after a glacier, Torfajokull. The structure of the facility is an adaptation of the already existing hot springs that are situated all around the area. continue reading

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Category: ⚐ ES+ecosistema urbano+eventos

El próximo día 12 de septiembre a las 19:00 horas se inaugura el VI Encuentro de Artistas 2009 en el ESPACIO-ARTE EL DORADO (antigua Fábrica El Dorado) en Quintanar de la Orden, Toledo. continue reading

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11 de Septiembre 2009 | Lanzamiento ¿Alguien Dijo Participar?

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura

ADP 04

Para presentar un libro la tradición editorial manda buscar un lugar (galería “trendy”, auditorio institucional, centro cultural o salón parroquial) en el que reunir a unos cuantos colegas, amigos y familiares… descorchar una botellas y explicar de lo que trata el libro en cuestión. Puedes enviar a los medios de comunicación un “press-release” y dependiendo de tu poder de convocatoria esperar llenar más o menos el local alquilado-prestado-ocupado. continue reading

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PROYECTOS DE TESIS EN EL IAAC (The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia ) Rodrigo Toledo de Medellín, Colombia

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura


Jose Luis Vallejo y Belinda Tato han sido tutores de uno de los grupos de tesis en el IAAC el pasado mes de junio. El grupo contaba con 16 estudiantes de paises distintos tales como Rusia, Polonia, Colombia, Turquía, India, etc…Ha sido muy interesante trabajar con un grupo tan heterogéneo y multicultural. Los temas de tesis han sido seleccionados por cada uno de ellos y varían en su escala y emplazamiento. Vamos a publicar en las próximas semanas los resultados de algunos de estos trabajos. Hoy os presentamos el trabajo de Rodrigo Toledo, arquitecto de Medellín, Colombia. Se trata de una propuesta para la ciudad de Medellín en la que aborda aspectos económicos y sociales relacionados con la configuración y el uso del espacio público. continue reading

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IAAC THESIS PROJECTS 2009. Rodrigo Toledo from Medellín, Colombia.

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+downloads

Jose Luis Vallejo and Belinda Tato have been tutors of one of the thesis projects group at the IAAC last June. There were 16 different students from many different countries such as Russia, Poland, Colombia, Turkey, India and so on. It has been very interesting and exciting to work with architects with such different backgrounds. The topics were chosen by them and there is a whole range of different ones from a very small scale to a large one.
We will be presenting some of these thesis works in the following weeks. Today we present the work by Rodrigo Toledo, an architect from Medellín, Colombia. His proposal is for his home city Medellín and he deals with the economic and social issues related to public space scene. continue reading

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Talleres Habitar 2.0 – junio 2009 – Córdoba

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura

El curso está abierto a la sociedad general, especialmente a personas interesadas en cuestiones relacionadas con la sociedad, la ciudad y la vivienda. Para los estudiantes de la UCO se reconocerán los cursos con créditos ALC. Quienes se interesen en realizar las jornadas taller pueden hacerlo de manera total o eligiendo las jornadastalleres que les interesen. Por cada jornada se obtienen 0-5 créditos ALC. continue reading