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#networkedurbanism: ‘Physital’ Social Networks

Category: ⚐ EN+networkedurbanism

Hyper activated place of connection - Table Talk

Hyper activated place of connection – Table Talk

Earlier this year we introduced to you #networkedurbanism, now that the “studio report” book is almost ready, we are publishing a series of posts showing some of the projects that the students have developed during the 2010, 2012, and 2013 studios at the GSD.

In this sixth #networkedurbanism post we present to you two projects that apply the concepts of a social network, like the ones that we generally use—twitter, facebook—to the physical world using digital locally-targeted apps or physical objects. continue reading

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Ed Glaeser: ciudades y globalización, o por qué la proximidad y la diversidad importan

Category: ⚐ ES+urbact

Lyon - Fotografía de Jean-Raphaël Guillaumin

Lyon – Fotografía de Jean-Raphaël Guillaumin – clic para ver original

El pasado enero Ed Glaeser, economista, profesor de Harvard y autor de El triunfo de las ciudades, dio una acelerada e inspiradora conferencia en la London School of Economics (Escuela de Economía de Londres) sobre las ciudades y la globalización. Muchos de sus comentarios resonaban con las experiencias de ciudades Europeas y el conocimiento de las redes URBACT. El marcado optimismo que mostró respecto al creciente fenómeno de “urbanización” en todo el mundo se basa en sus investigaciones, que vinculan la densidad a la productividad y al aumento de satisfacción vital. sigue leyendo

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#networkedurbanism: Your Digital Opinion is Important to us

Category: ⚐ EN+networkedurbanism

Place Pixel

Earlier this year we introduced to you #networkedurbanism, now that the “studio report” book is almost ready, we are publishing a series of posts showing some of the projects that the students have developed during the 2010, 2012, and 2013 studios at the GSD.

In this fifth #networkedurbanism post we present to you two projects that share the aim to enrich the physical space with a digital layer, the connection between real and virtual worlds was one of the recurrent themes in the studio and these two projects truly create a strong link between them allowing people to express their opinion about the physical city using digital means. continue reading

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Hacia un desarrollo local liderado por la comunidad | URBACT julio 2014

Category: ⚐ ES+urbact+urbanismo

Urbact CLLD

En este boletín os presentamos, a través de una entrevista, el concepto de Desarrollo Local a Cargo de las Comunidades Locales, así como una nueva edición de la serie “Historias de ciudades”, esta vez sobre las dificultades y aciertos de Údine con la integración de la población romaní.

¿Os gustaría contar la experiencia vivida desde vuestra ciudad? ¿Lo que aprendisteis, las dificultades superadas, los logros…? En ese caso, no dudéis en contactarnos, estamos buscando ese tipo de historias.

Ver el boletín online de URBACT en español – Julio de 2014 continue reading

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#networkedurbanism: Better Communities, Better Places

Category: ⚐ EN+networkedurbanism

My Little Public - See below

My Little Public – See below

Earlier this year we introduced to you #networkedurbanism; now that the “studio report” book is almost ready, we are publishing a series of posts showing some of the projects that the students have developed during the 2010, 2012, and 2013 studios at the GSD.

In this fourth #networkedurbanism post we present to you three projects focused on social issues and placemaking, their main goal is trying to involve the local communities in the construction process of the future of the cities. continue reading

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Sostenibilidad, crecimiento y costes: entrevista a José Carlos Díez, economista | eutv

Category: ⚐ ES+eutv+sostenibilidad


Hoy, a través de nuestro recién resucitado canal de vídeos, rescatamos una entrevista inédita realizada en 2008, en la que José Carlos Díez (@josecdiez), economista y por aquel entonces profesor en la Universidad de Alcalá, nos hablaba de su visión del concepto de sostenibilidad.

En los dos minutos y medio que dura la entrevista, Díez nos comentaba, entre otras cosas, de la dificultad de los mercados para valorar económicamente los bienes ambientales (“contaminar es gratis”), y defendía la necesidad de fijar precios públicos para incorporar el coste de su degradación en la toma de decisiones.

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Ecosistema urbano selected for the second round of the Voronezh Sea Closed Competition

Category: ⚐ EN+competitions+ecosistema urbano+news

Voronezh and the reservoir - image via - click to visit source

Voronezh—which became popular in the late 80s because of a controversial UFO incident—is a city of over 1 million inhabitants, situated 500 km south of Moscow. It is located on the banks of the Voronezh River, which in 1972 was transformed into the Voronezh Reservoir or “the Voronezh Sea” as it is called by the inhabitants —a huge lake, 30 km long and 2 km wide. You can read more about the history of the reservoir here.

During the following decades the population enjoyed the cool water during the hot Voronezh summer, but in 1992 the authorities labelled it as “not fit for swimming” as a result of the increasingly polluted water.

Click on the image to see some cool panoramas of the Voronezh Sea

Click on the image to see some cool panoramas of the Voronezh Sea!

The Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Voronezh region recently decided to organize a competition in order to develop a strategy for the future of the Voronezh Reservoir. The competition consists of two parts:

  • An Open Ideas competition meant to gather ideas that show the potential of the lake for urban and nature development.
  • A Closed Competition for teams of landscape architects, urbanists and ecologists that should combine ideas about possible future uses of the lake with technologies for cleaning it up. The strategy should include both a project and proposals for implementation.

We are glad to communicate that we have been selected among the four finalists of the closed competition. Over the following weeks we will be working hard on putting together a creative approach and a comprehensive strategy in a great presentation. More news soon!

Related link: Report of the jury

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Claire Cassanet | eu collaborators

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+ecosistema urbano

Today we introduce you to Claire Cassanet, a young landscape engineer who just left the office after four months of internship. We worked and learned together, we cooked together, we enjoyed every day in her cheerful company. We already miss you, Claire! Read on as she describes her experience with us…



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#networkedurbanism: active awareness

Category: ⚐ EN+networkedurbanism


Earlier this year we introduced to you #networkedurbanism. Now that the “studio report” book is almost ready, we are publishing a series of posts showing some of the projects that the students have developed during the 2010, 2012, and 2013 studios at the GSD.

Today’s three projects are focused on the knowledge—or the lack of it—that we have of our environment and the resources we use. Believing that many poblematic behaviors we have are caused by our low level of awareness, these projects try to find a way to communicate effectively their content and to initiate discussions and reflexions which may eventually lead to environmental improvements. continue reading

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Mad(e) in Mumbai | Urban practice in India

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+urbanism


In 2009 we had the pleasure to lead the final thesis projects of a group of international students taking the Master in Advanced Architecture at the IAAc —Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.

Among them, we met Kalpit Ashar, who developed as final thesis a project in his home city Mumbai, dealing with informality and social processes. I am happy today to introduce you to the work of MAD(E) IN MUMBAI, and the office established by him together with his partner Mayuri Sisodia. In their own words:

Made in Mumbai

Image: The Mumbai Report

The office provides comprehensive design services in the fields of public institutions, high density housing, environmental infrastructure, community design, landscapes and territorial planning. MAD(E) IN MUMBAI takes its shape in the madness of Mumbai city. This crazy patchwork of ideas, experiences and materiality becomes a repository and laboratory for the studio. It is a departure point for its speculation and practice.

Made in Mumbai

Made in Mumbai

Urban repository – Images: Mayuri Sisodia, Jacob Wilson and Ming Deng

They work closely with the chemistry of the city to discover potential fields of operation. The belief of the practice lies in looking beyond the visible for the unseen and for absurdities of things and places.

Together they have won many national and International design competitions which include Flood resilient Housing Design for Gorakhpur, Revitalisation of Banganga Crematorium, and Regional cultural centre for sustainable community by IAHH and Kalanagar traffic junction Urban Design competition by BMW Guggenheim lab.

Made in Mumbai

Aqueous commune, flood resilient habitats in the city of Gorakhpur

For example, Aqueous communes are flood resilient habitats in the city of Gorakhpur, a city in mid-Gangetic belt. They are Community built initiations that accommodate changing rhythms of Rapti river and make them part of everyday life of its inhabitant. They change imagination of water from an enemy to a friend and celebrate it and make peace with it through design. These aqueous communes multiply along the landscape to contribute to its resilience and develop into an intimately stitched neighbourhood.

Other works by Mad(e) in Mumbai

Other works by Mad(e) in Mumbai