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ecosistema urbano wins competition for unconventional play object

Category: ⚐ EN+competitions+ecosistema urbano

Last year, the Amsterdam design bureau Carve developed a plan for a new public square in Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Carve specializes in the design and engineering of public space for use by children and young people. Their plan for the new square in Dordrecht, named Governeurs Plein, included five open spaces for the addition of unconventional play objects.

In cooperation with the Centre for Visual Arts in Dordrecht, Carve invited 10 design firms to develop inventive, resourceful and multi-age friendly objects to complete their final design for Governeurs Plein. Ecosistema Urbano and the nine other bureaus invited submitted the following Proposals: continue reading

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Lina Monaco | Nuova collaboratrice per la sezione italiana del blog

Category: ⚐ IT+ecosistema urbano

Abbiamo il piacere di presentare una nuova collaboratrice di Ecosistema Urbano: Lina Monaco.

Lina Monaco ha conseguito la Laurea Magistrale in Progettazione Architettonica , presso l’università di Roma 3 nel 2009, romana, tuttora svolge la sua attività professionale di architetto a Roma.

Nel 2005 studiando a Barcelona, presso l’ETSAV, UPC, incomincia ad interessarsi agli studi urbani ed alla progettazione dello spazio pubblico finchè nel 2007 sceglie di incentrare la sua Tesi di Laurea, sull’Idea di Quartiere. continue reading

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From Brown to Green: Development of London´s 2012 OLYMPIC PARK

Category: ⚐ EN+city+sustainability

Olympic game development is  rushed,  expensive and large-scaled.  Now, more than ever, winning the right to host Olympic games also comes with large-scale responsibility. Olympic game hosts are given the opportunity to present their country as leader of the current  times –  and in our time, its becoming more and more obvious that such large-scale development must be carefully pursued by the sustainability conscious.

London took this challenge and ran with it. The new East-London Olympic park that will soon boast world-class sporting facilities for the 2012 summer Olympics was once, not too long ago, just an unvisited, industrial wasteland. continue reading

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Buckminster Fuller Institute assesses our work at Ecosistema Urbano. [The Buckminster Fuller Challenge]

Category: competitions+ecosistema urbano+urban social design

As a current semi finalist for the Buckminster Fuller Challenge award, Ecosistema Urbano is proud to share the Buckminster Fuller Institute’s Summary Assessment with our readers. We are always excited to read that others believe in the potential of our work to inspire and engage architects and residents to become active agents of change. You can find Ecosistema Urbanos complete Semi-Finalist profile here

Ecosistema Urbano is an architectural firm located in Madrid, Spain led by Belinda Tato (@belindatato), Jose Luis Vallejo (@jlvmateo), Michael Moradiellos (@terapiasurbanas) and Domenico Di Siena (@urbanohumano). The core of their proposal centers on contributing to an emergent practice of urbanism that responds more fluidly to the nature of contemporary urban problems. “Creative Urban Sustainability” is the theoretical framework that scaffolds their endeavors, which include built prototypes, an online platform for citizens to engage with their cities and Web 2.0 tools for design practitioners to engage with each other. The idea is simple: combine innovation, creativity and action to generate urban solutions.

Three projects they recently launched highlight their approach. The first is the Plaza Ecopolis pilot, a demonstration site focused on water issues and on transforming local cultural norms. It features a macrophyte water treatment system integrated into a complex of buildings (including a kindergarten) built around a plaza. The second is the What If Cities web platform that asks citizens to imagine what their cities could do and be. Anyone can download it as open-source software and modify it for his/her town/city. It is currently being used in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. The third is a blog and TV station they launched as a solution generator and mode of exchange for fellow design practitioners. continue reading

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Beyond the beats: the U.S. city that’s shrinking faster than any other

Category: city+migration as mutation+urbanism

Detroit is known by many as the birthplace of techno, a reputation that has preceded the shrinking city among music-savvy youth for 20+ years. Like most twenty-something Americans,  I have never really considered visiting the city of Detroit – that’s why, when i was asked “what Detroit is like” while living in the other techno-capital, Berlin, I didn’t have much of anything to say – except for something along the lines of “i hear it’s pretty cold”. continue reading

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Ecosistema Urbano in Hamar

Category: ⚐ EN+competitions+work in progress

We are glad to report you that Ecosistema Urbano’s principals Belinda Tato and José Luis Vallejo visited Hamar last week to present the ONETHOUSANDSQUARE project to the city’s politicians.

Work on the project has not yet begun and another article was published in the local newspaper, supporting it in the name of democracy – “Invitasjon til demokrati” (invitation to democracy) was last week’s title in Hamar Dagblad, a local newspaper.
I think the Spanish project is exciting, especially because it invites us to participate in a democratic process’ says Brox Haugen (..) Today the square is large, sloping, gray and noisy. We, the local residents, must find out, preferably together, how we can make it more inviting.’”.

Please see bellow for the complete article (in Norwegian). For more information about the project please visit the website ONETHOUSANDSQUARE. continue reading

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URBACT | Del macro al micro-urbanismo

Category: ⚐ ES+urbact+urbanismo

Cualquier análisis del presente de las ciudades europeas o españolas y sus tendencias urbanas actuales pasa por situar a éstas en un contexto de crisis que implica globalmente, entre otras cuestiones estructurales a tener en cuenta, el cambio climático de características impredecibles y que exige modificaciones en los modelos energéticos y de consumo, o a la enorme preocupación por el hundimiento de la economía mundial y la crisis de los sistemas financieros y sus consecuencias directas o indirectas sobre los modos de vida urbanos. Este es un momento de gran complejidad que nos hace ser más conscientes de nuestras limitaciones y que anuncia el fin de una etapa de aparente seguridad y el comienzo de otra que se mueve entre lo imprevisible y la incertidumbre.

La crisis es especialmente grave en España debido al modelo económico de años atrás basado en buena medida en la edificación y en la explotación de recursos, especialmente del recurso suelo. Es difícil en este contexto de cambio necesario de rumbo tratar de enfocar algún punto fijo o marco de referencia donde situar un eje básico de cualquier actuación urbana. El escenario que se plantea es muy complejo en donde no hay demasiadas certidumbres y en donde el tiempo y los procesos cobran un especial protagonismo. No obstante esta crisis, como cualquier otra, sirve no sólo para corregir tendencias sino sobre todo para detectar oportunidades. En un momento de grandes cambios y pocas certezas probablemente es cuando se debe producir una mayor demanda de creatividad, innovación y de prospección futura y de anteponer la reflexión a la acción en unos tiempos menos acelerados. continue reading

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Design Blogs to Bookmark

Category: ⚐ EN+design

We’ve put together a bit of information about some of the top environmentally responsible design blogs (in english) out there. Bookmark them and share your comments! Networking via blog platforms develops design ideas and forwards ecologically-minded efforts.   Enjoy!

You can find the direct links to the websites here:




Jetson Green

The designers accord

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USDE | Las sesiones abiertas de la semana

Category: ⚐ ES+educación+urban social design

Como todas las semanas, os recordamos la próximas sesiones abiertas de los 3 cursos que forman parte de Urban Social Design Experience, el proyecto de educacion expandida promovido por la asociación Urban Social Design, que se transmitirán en y a las cuales os invitamos a participar:


Facilitar la ciudad colaborativa por Adolfo Chautón | todos los lunes de 18h a 19h
próxima sesión > “Todos creamos, todos compartimos” lunes 4 de abril 18h (UTC+1, Madrid, España)
blog del experience >
experience-kit > continue reading

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Sostre Cívic, a cooperative housing model

Category: ⚐ EN+urbact

While preparing the URBACT Biannual report, we found some interesting information regarding sustainable urban development. One of them is Sostre Cívic, a non-profit association that aims to provide planning solutions applicable to our society through non speculative access to housing.

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