While preparing the URBACT Biannual report, we found some interesting information regarding sustainable urban development. One of them is Sostre Cívic, a non-profit association that aims to provide planning solutions applicable to our society through non speculative access to housing.
Tag Neighborhood
April 1, 2010
Deadline: April 19, 2010
Dates of the event: June 7 – 23, 2010
With the participation of Platoniq, Douglas Repetto, and the working group formed by Andrés Burbano, Alejandro Araque, Alejandro Duque, and Alejandro Tamayo.
Interactivos?’10 is a workshop which develops projects gathering and putting into action collaboration and local urban knowledge networks using free software and hardware technologies and “Do It Yourself” (DIY) and “Do It With Others”(DIWO) methods.
web: http://medialab-prado.es
(fuente foto: www.youcoop.org)