We are glad to report you that Ecosistema Urbano’s principals Belinda Tato and José Luis Vallejo visited Hamar last week to present the ONETHOUSANDSQUARE project to the city’s politicians.
Work on the project has not yet begun and another article was published in the local newspaper, supporting it in the name of democracy – “Invitasjon til demokrati” (invitation to democracy) was last week’s title in Hamar Dagblad, a local newspaper.
“I think the Spanish project is exciting, especially because it invites us to participate in a democratic process’ says Brox Haugen (..) Today the square is large, sloping, gray and noisy. We, the local residents, must find out, preferably together, how we can make it more inviting.’”.
Please see bellow for the complete article (in Norwegian). For more information about the project please visit the website ONETHOUSANDSQUARE.
[…] en ella, y es ahí donde se entienden los planteamientos colaborativos como los propuestos por Ecosisistema Urbano en Hammar, o ideas de zuloark, (VIC) vivero de iniciativas ciudadanas,… en los que se reclama la […]