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Conferencia en Granada

Category: ⚐ ES+eventos+noticias

El próximo martes 5 de junio tendré el placer de volver a la escuela de Arquitectura de Granada a presentar el trabajo de Ecosistema Urbano. Todavía guardo un extraordinario recuerdo de mi paso por la escuela participando en Arquitaxi 2007, un congreso organizado exclusivamente por estudiantes que con ingentes dosis de energía y entusiasmo lo hacían posible. En esta ocasión, asistimos para participar en las jornadas [IN]SOStenible, también coordinadas por estudiantes.

conferencia insostenible

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Una arquitectura para dentro de 10/100/1000 años | Curso de verano URJC

Category: ⚐ ES+eventos

Os dejamos información sobre un curso de verano que tendrá lugar en julio de 2012:

Curso de verano

Pensando una arquitectura para dentro de 10/100/1000 años

La creciente complejidad técnica, normativa y económica ha modificado de forma ya irreversible los requerimientos a los que la Arquitectura debe dar respuesta; así como los propios procesos de trabajo. De igual forma ha sucedido con la demanda social, donde los cambios culturales, demográficos y políticos, requieren nuevos espacios y soluciones. Superando la inmediatez del presente, proponemos dar un salto temporal que nos permita asomarnos al futuro de la Arquitectura.

¿Por qué 10 años?
Una década es un tiempo prudente para consolidar las tendencias aún emergentes – más aun considerando la creciente velocidad de desarrollo de nuestras sociedades – y testar las ideas hoy solo enunciadas.

¿Por qué 100 años?
Un siglo es un margen de tiempo donde profundos cambios pueden consolidarse, lo que permite intuir qué elementos, sucesos o corrientes de pensamiento actuales serán capaces de transformar de manera efectiva
nuestra arquitectura.

¿Por qué 1.000 años?
Un milenio es una entidad temporal que escapa a nuestra capacidad de predicción. Pero invita por ello a imaginar, soñar, aventurar, una arquitectura completamente diferente – o tal vez completamente similar– a la que conocemos.

Como parte del programa, Belinda Tato dará una charla sobre urban social design el día 17 de julio a las 10h.

Diptico Curso Verano Arquitectura URJC

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URBACT | Movilidad eléctrica | Mayo 2012

Category: ⚐ ES+urbact+urbanismo

Hoy ponemos a la descarga el Boletín de Noticias URBACT del mes de mayo de 2012: [Download not found]

urbact mayo 2012

Socios privados en la movilidad eléctrica: la experiencia de EVUE

El proyecto de URBACT “Vehículos Eléctricos en la Europa Urbana” (siglas inglesas: EVUE) se centra en el desarrollo de estrategias sostenibles e integradas, y en técnicas de liderazgo dinámico para que las ciudades promuevan el uso de vehículos eléctricos. Los Grupos de Apoyo Local de URBACT (siglas inglesas: ULSG) para este proyecto proporcionan una oportunidad para las ciudades asociadas de trabajar con socios privados. Sally Kneeshaw, experta líder de EVUE, aborda este asunto en su artículo “Socios privados en la mobilidad eléctrica: la experiencia de EVUE “.

Entrevista con Claes Nilas, Presidente del Comité de Seguimiento URBACT

A principios de 2012, Claes Nilas, originario de Copenhague, asumió el cargo de Presidente del Comité de Seguimiento del programa URBACT, un puesto que se mantendrá hasta el final del año. El Sr. Nilas es el Secretario Permanente de Estado y Ministro Adjunto en el recién creado Ministerio danés de Vivienda, Urbanismo y Desarrollo Rural. Aquí nos cuenta por qué “el programa URBACT es todo valor añadido”, y presenta desafíos urbanos desde una perspectiva danesa.

Resultados de la tercera convocatoria de propuestas para URBACT II

La reunión del Comité de Seguimiento del programa URBACT II tuvo lugar en Copenhague el 23 de abril de 2012. El punto principal en el orden del día: la tercera convocatoria de propuestas para la creación de Redes Temáticas de URBACT. Descubre los 19 nuevos proyectos aprobados.

Más Empleo – Mejores ciudades: Danos tu opinión

En una crisis económica, ¿cómo pueden las ciudades ayudar a sus ciudadanos a encontrar trabajo y permanecer en activo?. Si tiene experiencia en este campo e ideas que compartir, ¡a URBACT le gustaría saber de usted!

URBACT: Movilidad eléctrica. Boletín Mayo 2012

¿Qué es URBACT?

URBACT es un programa europeo de aprendizaje e intercambio que promueve el desarrollo urbano sostenible, capacitando a las ciudades para desarrollar en colaboración soluciones frente los mayores desafíos urbanos, y reafirmando el papel clave que juegan ante cambios sociales de complejidad creciente.
URBACT, integrado por 300 ciudades, 29 países y 5000 profesionales que participan activamente, ayuda a las ciudades a desarrollar y compartir soluciones prácticas novedosas y sostenibles que integran la dimensión económica, social y medioambiental.

Os recordamos que también podéis descargaros los boletines anteriores:

Abril 2012: [Download not found]

Marzo 2012: [Download not found]

Enero 2012: [Download not found]

Octure y Noviembre 2011: [Download not found]

Septiembre 2011: [Download not found]

Agosto 2011: [Download not found]

Junio-Julio 2011: [Download not found]

Mayo 2011: [Download not found]

Abril 2011: [Download not found]

Marzo 2011: [Download not found]

Febrero 2011: [Download not found]

Enero 2011: [Download not found]

Diciembre 2010: [Download not found]

Noviembre 2010:[Download not found]

Octubre 2010:[Download not found]

Septiembre 2010:[Download not found]

Julio/Agosto 2010:[Download not found]

Junio 2010:[Download not found]

Mayo 2010:[Download not found]

Abril 2010:[Download not found]

Marzo 2010:[Download not found]

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Tour virtual por la Plaza Ecópolis

Category: ⚐ ES+hallazgos

Os dejamos este Tour Virtual de la Plaza Ecópolis. Con él podéis navegar por todos los elementos característicos de la plaza y del interior del edificio. Encontraréis descripciones detalladas, infografías y vídeos explicando por ejemplo cómo se depuran  las aguas residuales en la laguna de plantas, el funcionamiento de los toldos regulables y los tragaluces para el ahorro energético, o cómo se aprovecha la luz solar y el calor del terreno con paneles solares y bombas de geotermia.

Tour Virtual Plaza Ecópolis

Para iniciar el tour haced clic en la imagen. Está disponible para Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome e Internet Explorer, sólo en Windows. Necesitaréis este plugin para Mozilla y Explorer o este otro para Chrome.

Fuente: Rivas Ecópolis

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Category: ⚐ ES+eu-tec

Son paneles que ofrecen un sistema de iluminación interior captando la luz natural desde el exterior. Un panel receptor con lentes pivotantes de seguimiento solar capta la luz y esta se transporta después por cables de fibra óptica que pueden alcanzar hasta 20 metros. Estos cables llevan la luz hasta los paneles de distribución que iluminan el interior del edificio.

Es un producto muy interesante que permite ahorrar consumo eléctrico para iluminar espacios oscuros aprovechando la luz natural. La flexibilidad y longitud de los cables y la posibilidad de doblarlos o disponer en vertical u horizontal facilitan la iluminación en muchas partes del edificio.

Comment: (1)

Open Source Urbanism | Open Source City

Category: ⚐ EN+open culture+urbanism

Image by Joshua Gajownik modified by Francesco Cingolani.

Today I want to share an article that was previously published in Studio Magazine. On this occasion, I would like to thank their coordination team for inviting me to join their first release.

Summary /Overview

Traditional media don’t broadcast what the citizens are debating or organizing on a daily basis. Nevertheless, thanks to Social Networks, people can receive information and interact in real time with others, taking part in debates and social movements; and the 15th of May in Spain is an example of this.

This new information ecosystem reduces the influence of the mass media and slowly forces local authorities to relate to citizens in a more direct and horizontal way.

This is a great opportunity to generate a new “social control” model, pushing local authorities to take public opinion into account.

The digital media offers a broad environment for communication so that the organisation of any given action is greatly improved; everything becomes decentralized while simultaneously connected and synchronized.

On the urban scale, we speak of the “Sentient City”, a model based on a technological/social ecosystem, where knowledge, collective actions, and interactions between individuals and groups are encouraged, taking advantage of the new possibilities offered by hybridizing physical and digital layers.

In reversing the supremacy of centralisation over individual actions, citizens can become aware of their power and organize themselves on the web.
We have the necessary technology, knowledge and dynamics to put in place more open processes of urban administration and management. Citizens have already started to move; and although public administration could take advantage of such independent and autonomous processes to deal with complex situations, it appears that a clear political will is still lacking.

The fragmented city

Today, the dimensions of time and space, which were historically strongly linked in a space-time continuum, are increasingly growing apart and becoming independent, in a fragmented spatial perception. Nowadays a large number of people are moving from one point to another of the city to reach their workplace, and go back home. The distance between these two points (spatial dimension) and what happens between them does not affect or interest these people in any way. Indeed, the only thing people are concerned with is the duration of the trip (time dimension).
The city is no longer a continuous place, but a structure of nodes connected in a network (network city). These nodes become increasingly more defined, organised and efficient and, the journeys between them shorter and faster thanks to technical progress. The spaces of a city that have no particular characteristics and a unique function, that is to say everything that is not a node, loose significance, including public spaces.

In such city – the “fragmented city” – we use low cost technologies (internet, telephone and transport) to move, to manage our social relationships, and to communicate with people with whom we don’t necesarilly share a common physical space like a neighbourhood.

Very often the complexity of one point exclusively consists in giving access to other points, hence the importance that movement has acquired today. Instead of living in a continuous space, we continuously move between discontinuous spaces (points or nodes).

This networked structure, unlike a continuous structure, reduces diversity and complexity. The less diversity and complexity, the greater the need to move. Every point has its function and identity. Everything seems more organised and easier to find. However, to find what we are looking for, we are compelled to move constantly to other nodes.

The majority of these journeys are done by means of transport, at a speed that does not allow any relationship with the surroundings. There is a starting point and a finishing point, with little opportunity for a surprise or a change. All this implies an impoverishment of the intermediate spaces, spaces that link different points: places are consequently public spaces.

In order to transform these kinds of cities, it is essential to intervene in everyday aspects of life which might appear to have no relationship with the design of public spaces in urban areas.

Our lifestyles are two dimensional: in situ and virtual. Now we are able to intervene in the new dimension, what we commonly call “virtual” or “digital”, . As the sociologist Manuel Castells says “Everything we do, from when the day begins until it is over, we do it with internet […] the connexion between in-situ (not real because reality is virtual and in situ at the same time) and virtual is established by us. There are not two different societies, there are two kinds of social activities and relations within ourselves. We are the ones that have to search the best way to arrange and adapt them.

fragmented cityImage by Francesco Cingolani |

Public Space, Sentient Space

According to Daniel Innerarty, in the city the homogeneous and non changing area is nothing more than an extreme case within a global area of connected local multiplicities. Instead of neighbourhoods, local networks are developed, and public debate takes place in a virtual area. In this scenario, streets and squares have ceased to be the main meeting areas.

Internet seems to offer an alternative “space” for social relationships as compared to “traditional” spaces. This can be seen as a problem leading to empty public spaces; or on the contrary, it can be considered an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen social relationships by creating the necessary budgets to improve the vitality of public spaces. Today the Internet is the “place” where community models of management are being experimented.

I believe it is important to reconsider the city as something built by everyone, and to see public areas as the ground where this process can take place. Today we have tools available that are able to act as a catalyst for participatory dynamics that were previously impossible to coordinate. There are increasing examples of processes of creation by citizens, linked to the use of new technologies. It is undeniable that Internet is a key factor contributing to changing the society. That being said I believe it is obvious that we cannot think of public space without taking into consideration the potentialities of these technologies, how they are used and how they can be an added value.

We should begin to talk about a new type of public space, a hybrid space, where technology could become a catalyst for hybridising dynamics between activities that are not traditionally connected or that are located in other (private) spaces.

Juan Freire explains this clearly: “The differentiation between spaces and physical and virtual communities is outdated. We are witnessing a hybridising process which modifies our individual identities, communitarian and territorial. Internet has contributed to the development of global networks, but paradoxically it has had a less noticeable influence in local spheres. However, digital technologies modify radically the way in which we are organised and we relate to our environment so we are already living in territories where the digital realm is as important as the physical. The hyper-local networks and hybrid public spaces are the new realities which we confront with the advent of Internet and digital culture in our local environment”.

According to Juan Freire the crisis of public (physical) spaces in urban areas is also due to the lack of (open) design, giving the citizens, once more, the opportunity to take a real interest in its use. It has also brought into debate concepts such as “hybrid spaces”, to refer to the opportunities that the hybridising of the physical with the digital sphere offers in public spaces.
We can grant the assumption of the existence of a digital skin that characterizes public spaces and devote ourselves to defining its qualities and characteristics. Instead of “hybrid” I like to use the concept of “sensitive”. “Sensitive space” refers to the “living” character of these spaces; to their capacity to promote a two-way relationship with its users, to catalyse hyper-local social networks and to visualise information related to the environment in a transparent manner.

prosumerImage by Francesco Cingolani |

Social networks and Self-organization

If we analyze the increase in the use of social networks on the Internet we realize that we are witnessing a process of change that will lead to the disappearance of the current dissociation between digital and in-situ identity.
Most people can continue living in complete normality without having to take care of their digital (identity) presence in social networks. Nevertheless, it is highly probable that in a few years time the concept of identity will inevitably integrate both the digital and the physical dimension. Consequently, each person will be forced to take as much care of their digital identity as of their physical identity, something that many people have been doing for some time already.

We must take several specific factors of this new kind of identity into consideration such as its peculiar time dimension. The building process of the digital identity over time leaves a footprint on the web, a visible footprint that is accessible to any user. The end result is an identity that is perceived as a sum of the past (footprint) and present identity.

Generally we control our public image by showing at each time only what we wish. However, when our identity leaves a footprint on the internet, we no longer have exclusive control over it but it is shared amongst friends and acquaintances (namely the peer group).

Each person that knows me can publish information (photographs, texts, etc…) that are directly or indirectly related to my identity without the need of my approval. This is what happens in most of the social networks.

Certainly, my digital identity will be entirely integrated in the learning process and will be increasingly associated to a physical space; that is, the idea we had about a parallel digital identity that is detached from reality does not, I think, interest anyone: in fact we do not even have time to create parallel identities.

Our identity is not only formed by way of the information that my friends and I have published, but also through the information that my devices publish. An example could be the use of services like Foursquare that allows me to upload posts in my social networks about my location at any time, taking advantage of the internet connection of our mobile phones.

To explain this phenomenon Tim Berners-Lee mentions Giant Global Graph, this means, the future Semantic Web with which we shall go from gathering the relationship between people to focus on the relationship between people and their interests (documents). Thus, if the “Internet” has allowed us to connect computers and the “Web” has allowed us to connect documents, then the “Graph” will allow us to link the documents (places, objects, etc.) and the people. So we could define the Graph as the third level of abstraction, taking into account that in each layer (Internet, Web, or Graph) we have handed over some control only in order to reach bigger benefits. A direct consequence of these dynamics is the definite statement of a (unique) identity on the web that can be recognized by any agent, person or application.

This unmistakable digital identity facilitates the development of innovative social hardware projects based on participation of a non-collective nature, where the dynamics of collaboration are the result of individual action and interaction. We are progressively discovering the self-organisation of informed societies that are capable of revolutionizing their own structures taking advantage of the virtual mirror phenomenon that enables the association of information on a given situation with individual decisions.

open source urbanismImage by Francesco Cingolani | based on flickr images by & See-ming Lee

Control and decentralization

Social networks reinforce a new type of control: a decentralized control operated by a diversity of independent individuals that collaborate, using shared and mobile capacities of calculation and communication. Information and Communication Technologies do not present a solution, but an opportunity to improve our ability to manage territories. ICT’s can be used for many different purposes. On the one hand their enormous capacity for processing data can be used to centralize all the information and try to “solve” urban complexity; but they can also be used to open and decentralize decision-making.

The aim is to research on how ICT’s allow us to define an urban administration structure where discontinued points of control exist in an environment of self-determination (appropriation) and liberty. This is an idea that is close to the definition of tensegrity that Buckminster Fuller mentions: “islands in compression inside a tense ocean“.

The introduction of digital technologies within the physical space enables the development of new communication dynamics and relations between neighbours that improves the cohesion of local communities and their quality of life, offering a feeling of greater security.

Thanks to new technologies and to some cultural “mutations”, systems and worlds that were previously closed and not very transparent, are now open to the participation of agents (and people) who are external to their organisational structures. Citizens become more available to participate and collaborate because they are better informed and they are finally considered as useful partners for the urban administration. Architects and urban planners can reasonably begin to work keeping in touch constantly with citizens, “sharing” their decision-making “powers”.

To explain this phenomenon we can refer to the concept of “long tail” coined by Cris Anderson. The Internet and the digital environment have changed the (power) distribution laws and the market rules. The present political and economic system is based on a pyramid structure where the power (or the economic or creative potential) of many is considered inferior to the power of those that stand on the highest part of the pyramid. There is a new system based on the addition or accumulation of all the small potentials (or powers) of the mass of citizens that, thanks to the systems of communication on the internet, can equal or exceed the power (or potential) of those who are in a privileged position today. These are the old markets of masses and the new niche of markets that are pictured at the top and the bottom of the well known graph of statistical distribution.

The presence of a centralized identity is not needed when the control and feedback devices allow the actors to visualize or to become aware of the consequence of their actions. The unconscious self-organisation phenomenon becomes conscious and intended control when the individuals are allowed to understand the effects of their actions. The concept of tensegrity comes in here when it refers to an administration model where decentralized and centralized decisions are joined, avoiding the appearance of any closed and omnipresent control dynamics.

Reversing the supremacy of centralization over individual decisions, citizens can become aware of their actions and intentionally coordinate them. This process may help to restore the necessary legitimacy and credibility to the interventions that take place in degraded urban areas.

control y descentralizacion Image by Francesco Cingolani |

Towards participation: Accountability and open data

“Participation demands an information system, an observatory and indicators that will regularly reflect the situation of what we consider as key variables to establish our evolution, that should be accessible and comprehensible for citizens” (Agustín Hernández Aja, 2002)

In 2002, Hernández Aja, Urban planning professor at the Universidad Politécnica in Madrid, describes the essential assumptions for citizen participation. A decade later, communication models and administration dynamics that bring us close to these assumptions start to become popular.

I would like to highlight (point out) accountability and the Open Data movement.

Approaching the term accountability we can create an ecosystem of communication and transparency that can enable citizens to demand responsibilities from governing bodies. This would help us to reach the objective of decentralizing control, which is necessary for a true democracy.

Open Parlamento ( is a great example of how to work to achieve accountability. It is a web-based tool that enables distributed monitoring of the work of the members of parliament in the Italian parliament.

The web page offers lots of information on draft legislation, and in general, about all the activities in the Parliament. Most interesting of all is the distributed monitoring system that allows for control of every Member of Parliament’s political activities. Every citizen can “adopt” a member and publish all their declarations and confront them with their parliamentary activity.

We can imagine this same system applied on a local scale, where citizens have greater organization capacities and power to exert pressure. The control to which all the local administrators would be subject to, would be so intense that they would nearly be obliged to start up a transformation of the administrative structures towards a more open and participatory model.

The Open Data movement is an important drive towards achieving transparency over public administration. Open Data consists of making Public Administration data available for the public, such as data related to projects that are financed with public money or managed by public institutions.

The aim is to take advantage of the data that the public administrations do not want or do not have the capacity to analyze. Releasing this data enables any person or organization to build new consultation and visualization formulas, to simplify, diversify and even to enrich the initial information.

In Spain, within this new tendency, the Open Data Euskadi project should be highlighted. It is part of the Open Government initiative of the Bask Government: a website dedicated to the exhibition of public data in a re-usable format, under open licenses. On an urban scale, two projects stand out that have been activated by two Spanish cities; Zaragoza and Córdoba. They are beginning to take their first steps in the world of Open Data.

I am convinced that citizen pressure will force all the big cities to join this process of openness and transparency.

sentient cityImage by Francesco Cingolani | REAL-TIME CITY | a proposal for Smart Turin by HDA | Hugh Dutton Associés.

Open source and Network Awareness

As we mentioned previously, reversing the supremacy of centralization over individual actions, citizens can become aware of their “power” and begin to organize in networks.
We have the technology the knowledge and the dynamics available to introduce more open urban administration processes. Citizens have begun to move; the administrations could take advantage of these autonomous and independent processes, to manage very complex situations. However, a clear political will is still lacking.

Probably the administrators have managed to delay the transition towards a new participatory administration model, thanks to the indirect or even direct support of what is known as the “fourth power”: the media. The current information system still offers the administrators and the “powerful” a wide opportunity to manipulate and control certain processes.
The emergence of a more distributed information model is beginning to offer to any citizen the possibility to produce relevant local information. A communication ecosystem based on social media is born.
This new information ecosystem can reduce the influence of the mass media and therefore force the local administrators to enforce accountability regarding the decisions that are taken. The administrators will be compelled to relate to this new, more horizontal and distributed form of communication: an opportunity to generate “social control” that can improve transparency and force the local administrators to take the public opinion into account.

A clear example of what is being presented here, are the latest citizen mobilizations that are happening in Spain. After the 15M demonstration, an organized and authorized event, many occupations took place in numerous squares in the whole of Spain. These camps were organized in a matter of hours using Twitter and Facebook. It is impossible to exert control over these information flows and action catalysts like the occupations. Steps have been taken towards a model in which governors and administrators are going to have to understand that they cannot continue to ignore the citizens while they defend the interests of others.

We are witnessing an innovative construction process of a new communal and public sphere; the development of a new model of public space that we have called “sensitive space”. Traditional media don’t communicate what we the people are debating on a daily basis, nonetheless, thanks to Social Networks, people can receive information and interact in real time with others taking part in debates and social movements, the example of the occupation of public squares is an example of this.

It is interesting to note that the in-situ (on-site) realm is absolutely essential and how the digital media is simply offering a wider environment for communication so that the organisation of any given action is greatly improved; everything becomes decentralized while at the same time connected and synchronized.

These processes seem to be nearly inevitable. Once they are established as natural local administration processes then we will be speaking about a more favorable environment, for an Open Source City, that is, a city open to everyone’s participation.

Flickr image by Julio Albarrán

This article was originally published in and Studio Magazine.

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Ángulos de incidencia 40° 3° | 24 horas de intercambio creativo

Category: ⚐ ES+noticias

Este próximo sábado 19 de mayo Belinda Tato participará en una cena-charla como parte del evento “Ángulos de incidencia 40° 3°” que tendrá lugar en Matadero Madrid.

AoI Invite Supper

Ángulos de Incidencia (AoI, siglas en inglés) es un intercambio creativo de 24 horas de duración que agrupa a dinamizadores culturales y creadores en una actividad transdisciplinar que incluye música, danza, gastronomía, arquitectura, diseño.

La actividad se desarrolla en varios actos, donde los profesionales y el público interactúan en un original encuentro que evoluciona desde el escenario íntimo de una cena, pasando por un mercado, un concierto, lounge y diversas acciones performativas. Las diferentes acciones transcurren desde el interior de la Nave 16 hasta la Plaza Matadero, en el exterior.

Os dejamos un avance en vídeo del evento:

Más información e inscripciones en la página de Matadero Madrid

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Climate Change Adaptation in Kokkedal

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboraciones+concursos

We are very pleased to announce that Ecosistema Urbano has been pre-qualified to participate in the competition “Klimatilpasning i Kokkedal” (Climate Change Adaptation in Kokkedal, 30km North of Copenhagen, Denmark). We participate together with Spectrum Arkitekter (DK) and Tyréns (SE) and with an expert panel consisting of: Morten Elle (U.S.), Territorial Studio (FR), Street Movement (DK), Soren Hansen and Steffen Aarfing (DK).


This competition is a collaboration between Realdania Fredensborg Municipality, Realdania, Local and Construction Fund and the public housing companies in Kokkedal.  The challenge is to explore new possibilities for local management of stormwater and flooding and how to combine it with recreational areas ​​and new active sites, new places for citizens to meet.

Image credits: Spectrum Arkitekter

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#24H | Un experimento editorial inmerso en la cultura abierta

Category: ⚐ ES+cultura abierta+noticias

¿Cómo late el #15M ahora? Hace un año todos fuimos testigos de una iniciativa de acción ciudadana en red que ha modificado nuestra percepción de la democracia. ¿Qué ha pasado con esa energía palpada en plazas locales y que luego se extendió a espacios públicos en todo el mundo?. Creemos que el movimiento no se diluyó sino que mutó contagiando a asambleas ciudadanas en barrios y pueblos, y ahora está germinando en forma de redes de apoyo surgidas al margen de las instituciones.

Reflejar este movimiento libre, evolutivo, emergente y dinámico en un libro estático es cuando menos un ejercicio incompleto. Bernardo Gutiérrez nos propone una experiencia de publicación como reflejo de tal complejidad. Te invitamos a conocer una publicación que no es un libro… al menos como lo conocías hasta ahora.

“¿Por qué nadie escribe un libro abierto que tienda a infinito, que el colectivo pueda
despedazar, aumentar… ?”

—@bernardosampa #24H


Este es un blog-libro-relato que recrea 24 horas, entre el 16 y 17 de mayo de 2011, en un planeta llamado Internet, justo antes de que la Puerta del Sol de Madrid se llenase de “Indignados”.

#24H es remezclable. Cualquier lector puede deconstruir #24H: leerlo, escribirlo y reescribirlo. La licencia Creative Commons lo permite. El autor y la editorial creen en la creación colectiva. El remix es deseable.

#24H es un laboratorio, es una cobaya voluntaria del mundo editorial. Pretende rastrear nuevos caminos. Vendiendo #24H a 1,99 euros en formato digital, el autor y editorial desean probar que hay otras fórmulas editoriales al margen de las fábricas de best seller. También proponen que liberar la copia sin fines lucrativos incide positivamente en el autor, la editorial y la obra. Y que Internet es el mejor aliado (no enemigo) de la cultura. El libro se publicará en diversos formatos: Print-on-Demand a través de Bubok y Lulu, eBook a través de un ePub enriquecido con vídeos, enlaces e interactividad con las redes sociales para tablets, y eBook tipo Kindle.

Pay with a tweet

Durante la semana pasada se dio a conocer el libro por la red, pudiendo ser descargado en formato PDF a cambio de un tweet, y próximamente se habilitará una “sala de mezclas” que permita a lectores y creadores hacer suya la obra, editándola, cortándola, versionándola, reescribiéndola. La obra se presentará además este próximo miércoles en Madrid (y posteriormente en Barcelona), con una conversación entre Virginia Pérez Alonso (directora de 20, Pepe Cervera (periodista), Stéphane Grueso (cineasta, activista), el colectivo Zuloark y el autor.

Os animamos a seguir la conversación en la red y a participar en ella utilizando el hashtag #24H.

Fecha: 16 de mayo 2012
Hora: 19.30 horas
Lugar: La Offficina, Matadero – Paseo de la Chopera, 14, Madrid

Descripción del libro: dpr | barcelona
Entrevista al autor en

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#followfriday | Esperanzadores reconocimientos

Category: #follow+#followarch+#followcreative+#followweb+⚐ ES+noticias

Hoy hacemos un #followfriday múltiple, que la ocasión lo merece. Estos últimos días de abril hemos estado comentando por el estudio las buenas noticias que nos estaban llegando, relacionadas con proyectos e iniciativas que conocemos y seguimos de cerca. Teníamos ganas de publicar algo al respecto, y al final se han juntado tantas que he decidido hacer un post conjunto para hablar de todas ellas.

Inteligencia Colectiva 2.0

Inteligencias Colectivas

Inteligencia Colectiva, un proyecto online del colectivo de colectivos Zoohaus, ha sido reconocido con el premio arquia/próxima 2012.  La página, que funciona como un catálogo abierto de soluciones constructivas y prototipos rescatados de la creación colectiva, ha sido valorada como “generadora de nuevos procesos, un auténtico formato transformador”.

Según el fallo del jurado, este reconocimiento se enmarca dentro de una búsqueda de “los nuevos roles de los jóvenes arquitectos con los que están desarrollando su trabajo buscando nuevos formatos, bien sea a través de encargos o auto-encargos, nuevas formulas de colaboración en grupo o colectivos, activismo social y participación ciudadana, urbanismo de acción, nuevos medios de comunicación aplicados a la arquitectura, así como una nueva sensibilidad respecto de lo construido.” Y desde luego, todo ello está presente en este proyecto, perfectamente integrado en sus principios, sus medios y sus objetivos.


Noticia en la web de arquia
#followweb | | EU blog

More than green

More than Green

More Than Green, una web creada por Play Studio que aborda directamente el tema de la sostenibilidad de una manera holística y positiva, y que reseñamos aquí hace poco,  ha sido seleccionada para representar a España en la Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de 2012 en la categoría de publicaciones en otros soportes. Forma parte de una selección entre la que están presentes otras iniciativas igualmente interesantes y que probablemente conozcáis, como FreshLatino, la mencionada Inteligencia Colectiva 2.0, Planeta Beta o HipoTesis.


Acta del jurado de la BIAU
#followweb | | EU blog

Activadores Urbanos

Activadores Urbanos - Alicante

Una de las apuestas de Ecosistema Urbano para el taller What if..? Alicante de 2010 (del que podéis leer varios posts aquí),  fue la de crear una figura nueva llamada “activadores urbanos”, un grupo de ciudadanos activos que, soportados por una beca, impulsaban y dirigían el taller a nivel local haciendo de puente entre el papel externo de EU como expertos y el del resto de los alicantinos como participantes. El taller fue un éxito desde muchos puntos de vista, y los “activadores” decidimos que valía la pena dar continuidad al impulso que nos unió durante su desarrollo. Ahora formamos Activadores Urbanos, un colectivo  abierto (y en fase de crecimiento) que acaba de ser reconocido en Alicante con la primera edición del Premio Ejemplo a la contribución urbana social y plural.


Leer entrada en el blog de Activadores Urbanos

El Campo de Cebada

El Campo de Cebada

El Campo de Cebada, proyecto vecinal de reactivación del solar de la Plaza de Cebada (Madrid), ha quedado finalista del Premio Europeo de Espacio Público Urbano. Destaca entre otras obras seleccionadas por la relación entre el bajo presupuesto invertido y el gran impacto positivo en el vecindario, y sobre todo por el hecho de que ha sido impulsado por una comunidad formada por vecinos, colectivos y asociaciones del barrio circundante que se han movido a una para lograr una serie de concesiones de las instituciones a cargo de la gestión de ese (inicialmente) solar y (ahora) plaza, y que se han volcado para darle vida. Un espacio singular en el centro de Madrid que nos encanta visitar: bulle de energía y es un claro ejemplo de la capacidad de los ciudadanos de intervenir en su entorno inmediato.


Noticia en el blog de El Campo de Cebada
Placemaking | El campo de cebada | EU blog

Acampada en la Puerta del Sol

Acampada en la Puerta del Sol

Y hablando del mismo Premio Europeo de Espacio Público Urbano, sorprende y emociona especialmente una nominación espontánea, que ha requerido una categoría propia para resolver el debate que generó en el jurado: la acampada de Mayo de 2011 en la Puerta del Sol, y el modelo de espacio público que representa y que se dio a la vez en muchas otras ciudades.

Como comentaba Francesco Cingolani, lo más interesante de la historia de este premio es el principio: ante la convocatoria del concurso se generó entre una red de personas un debate que tuvo como resultado, como explican en Paisaje Transversal, una llamada abierta a “reivindicar las plazas que han servido como soporte para que la ciudadanía participase y debatiese en ellas, como principales candidatas a tamaño galardón”. Una apuesta por el valor del espacio público entendido no sólo como algo construido, sino también como la energía pública que lo mueve, la gente que lo usa y lo que en él sucede. Un debate oportuno y necesario que, a través de una de las propuestas presentadas, se trasladó igualmente al jurado, dando como resultado un reconocimiento por mérito propio y fuera de categorías preexistentes.


Ficha de la candidatura
Un lugar llamado Sol | EU blog
Sol, el barrio de las letras y el 15M | EUblog


Como muchos de vosotros, pensamos que estos reconocimientos son síntoma de que algo está cambiando. Más concretamente, síntoma tardío de que algo ya estaba cambiando, de que algo lleva años moviéndose y creciendo en el panorama de la arquitectura, el urbanismo y otros ámbitos relacionados. Y lo citado arriba es sólo la punta del iceberg; ese algo son en realidad muchas cosas, mucha gente compartiendo visiones convergentes, generando nuevas experiencias y haciéndolas realidad día tras día. En cualquier caso, el hecho de que “instituciones” culturales tradicionales como son los premios y las exposiciones comiencen a fijarse en ellas y a darles el valor que se merecen trae consigo una esperanza: la de que por fin estos movimientos estén alcanzando la masa crítica que los hará estar más y más presentes, poco a poco pero sin vuelta atrás, en otras esferas de la sociedad.