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Open Shore Project for West Palm Beach | #1 Strategy to Trigger The Change

Category: ⚐ EN+competitions+ecosistema urbano+sustainability+urban social design+urbanism+work in progress

As we announced a few months ago in our previous post,  our project Open Shore is the winning proposal of Shore to Core international competition.

Open Shore is a complex project that addresses many different topics in an effort of providing solutions to several challenges that the city of West Palm Beach shares with many other cities. For this reason, we decided to present more in detail our project in a series of 3 posts dedicated to the three main points of the proposal: #1, Strategy to trigger the Change; #2, Waterfront: celebrating unexpected public space; #3, Banyan Hub: a city into a building.

Before going into detail of our proposal, it would be useful to introduce the context of the city of West Palm Beach.

As reported in the Shore to Core Competition Website, West Palm Beach is a young city that is growing quickly. Many associate this region with a large retirement community, but there is also a growing population of people in their 20s and 30s, as well as large Black and Hispanic populations. The city’s downtown and 10-mile waterfront present an opportunity to develop new amenities that reflect the city’s emerging populations, and design is a crucial tool for tackling these evolving needs.

The design competition asks: How can we reimagine our downtowns to make them more engaging and vibrant? How can cities collect information that informs future adaptation and growth?  How can we facilitate social interaction among diverse groups? How can the built environment improve residents’ physical health,  mental health, and social capital? 

Today we present the first post of the series, starting the narration of this exciting experience. This first chapter introduces the previous analysis and the general strategies that informed the design of the project areas.

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Jose Luis Vallejo, keynote speaker at New Generation Festival in Rome

Category: ⚐ EN+ecosistema urbano+events+news

Next Tuesday September 26, Jose Luis Vallejo will be lecturing as keynote speaker in Rome on the occasion of the Fourth Edition of New Generation Festival.

More information about:
DAY 1 – Programme of Sunday 24 September 2017
DAY 2 – Programme of Monday 25 September 2017
DAY 3 – Programme of Tuesday 26 September 2017

Among other experts and architects that will take part to the event, there are: ENORME Studio (ES), Fosbury Architecture (IT), Luca Montuori (Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning at the Municipality of Rome, IT), Orizzontale (IT), Olga Polishuk (Chief Operating Officer of Strelka Institute, RU), SET Architects (IT), Jean-Benoît Vetillard (FR), U67 (DK), and WikiSpazioPubblico (IT). Moreover, the second day of the festival on Monday, September 25, will be closed by the keynote speech of Koert van Mensvoort (Next Nature, NL).

About New Generation Festival:
The 4th edition of the New Generations Festival – Architects VS Rest of the World – proposes an intense programme of discussions, workshops and cultural activities, involving numerous international guests, gathered to reflect on the profession of the architect from multidisciplinary points of view. After successful events in Milan (2013), Florence (2014) and Genoa (2015), Rome will host the fourth edition of the New Generations festival with the aim of creating a community of architects and experts from different disciplines, in order to redefine the role of architecture in contemporary society.

The relation between the new generations of architects and other disciplines is a broad field of discussion that will be addressed via three umbrella topics: (a) Urban Vocabulary & Public Space, (b) New Economies & Values, and (c) Digital Infrastructure & New Media. These 3 topics will be at the center of the debate during the Festival, inviting young architects, city makers, sociologists, economists, public & private institutions, startups, communication and digital media experts, web developers, programmers and many others professionals to discuss and exchange ideas. The discussion will see the participation of representatives from the wide network of the New Generations Platform, which counts more than 80 young practices and more than 500 international experts.

URBAN VOCABULARY & PUBLIC SPACE: cities are changing at a fast pace, is the profession and the way we face urban problems keeping up with this rapid developments? New Urban Vocabulary looks at the way architects are more and more becoming mediators in complex urban processes, proposing new ways of thinking not just in terms of urban planning methods, but ways of working with communities, re-activating and re-claiming public space.

NEW ECONOMIES & VALUES: how did the economic crisis of 2008 affect the profession? What do we mean when we talk about successful, sustainable and collaborative economic models in relation to the design field? Collaborative Economies proposes an investigation of the economic models behind successful, emerging and innovative architectural practices. The aim is to analyse the contemporary workscapes with a specific attention to economic sustainability, unveiling challenges and opportunities of the contemporary workfield.

DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURES & NEW MEDIA: New Technologies and Digital Media are changing the way we work in an unprecedented way, but what is the impact of those changes on the architectural profession? Which new figures and experts need to be involved in this highly complex process? Digital infrastructures looks at how seamlessly integrated technological systems run in the background of our cities but have the power to fundamentally change both the approach to architecture and the way we experience spaces, creating a base for innovation.

See you in Rome!

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Kits para niños: involucrando a la ciudadanía más joven en el planeamiento participativo

Category: ⚐ ES+Centro Histórico Abierto+Cuenca Red+ecosistema urbano+educación+participación+Plan CHA+Plan Encarnación Más


Como probablemente hayáis notado, hace unos meses este post fue publicado en nuestro blog en inglés.  Con razón de la publicación de este articulo en la Carpeta Informativa de Abril del CENEAM, Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, se ha recientemente traducido el texto al castellano. Por lo tanto, os dejamos a continuación esta lectura para hispanohablantes.

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El ecobulevar, lleno de vida

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+el ecobulevar paso a paso+en uso+eventos+hallazgos+noticias+urbanismo

Cuando en 2004 se diseñó el Ecobulevar de Vallecas, se concibió no solamente como un dispositivo de acondicionamiento climático del espacio público, sino también como un punto de encuentro, un escenario, un espacio de juego… una infraestructura para la vida sociocultural del barrio.

El papel de un árbol en el aspecto social, algo que se buscaba reproducir en los

El papel de un árbol en el aspecto social, algo que se buscaba reproducir en los “árboles” artificiales

El pasado 25 de agosto tuvimos la fantástica oportunidad de ver y documentar este aspecto en todo su potencial con motivo de BLOCK PARTY, una actividad programada allí como parte de Los Veranos de la Villa que, fiel al interés del actual Ayuntamiento por apoyar el desarrollo de los barrios periféricos, llenó las estructuras con talleres y exhibiciones de parkour y tricking, y conciertos de hip hop. Os dejamos algunas fotos que nuestro fotógrafo de cabecera, Emilio P. Doiztúa, sacó del evento.

Habiendo pasado una década desde su construcción, los árboles a su alrededor (los biológicos) comienzan a dar algo de sombra, sustituyendo gradualmente la función bioclimática de estas estructuras. Sin embargo, tras años de presencia en un barrio parcialmente desocupado, donde la poca vida que podía verse en el bulevar tendía a concentrarse en torno a ellas, y donde la falta de mantenimiento sigue haciéndose notar, su función simbólica y como espacio social sigue viva. ¿Llegará realmente el momento en que tenga sentido desmontarlas y llevarlas a otro lugar, como estaba previsto por diseño? ¿O se habrán convertido en parte insustituible del espacio público y de la identidad del lugar?

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ecosistema urbano busca arquitectos

Category: ⚐ ES+comunicación+convocatorias+ecosistema urbano+noticias

Ecosistema Urbano está buscando arquitectos para su incorporación en nuestro equipo de Madrid.
Buscamos dos perfiles, con competencias lingüísticas diferentes:
+ Un perfil inglés nativo/bilingüe
+ Un perfil con alemán profesional

Para ambos perfiles se requieren además los siguientes requisitos:
– Máximo nivel de conocimiento de programas de BIM y QGis
– Experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos de ejecución
– Experiencia profesional internacional
– Disponibilidad para incorporación inmediata

Los interesados pueden enviar CV y portfolio antes del lunes 11 de septiembre a la dirección a través de un enlace a Issuu o similar (sin archivos adjuntos, por favor).

¡Muchas gracias por difundir el post!