Para este fin de semana os proponemos un plan eu:KIDS, dar una vuelta por el Hub Madrid y su Mercado de la Buena Vida.
Archive for February, 2014
February 19, 2014
Hoy ponemos a vuestra disposición la edición #39 del Boletín de URBACT, correspondiente al mes de febrero de 2014 y especialmente centrado en los resultados de la segunda edición de este programa, que empiezan a hacerse públicos.
Desde hace un par de ediciones, en lugar de poner el boletín de URBACT a descarga en PDF como hemos hecho siempre, lo estamos haciendo en un nuevo formato que permite que cada cada edición del boletín se pueda visualizar online, desde un ordenador o un dispositivo móvil, y que los lectores puedan suscribirse fácilmente para recibirlo por email.
En estas primeras ediciones es posible que encontréis errores o aspectos mejorables, en cuyo caso os agradeceríamos que nos lo comunicarais usando el enlace de contacto al final del propio boletín. Esperamos poder ir mejorando el formato edición tras edición hasta tener algo realmente atractivo, legible y cómodo.
Ver boletín #39 de URBACT – Febrero de 2014
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Ilustración por Jonathan Reyes y Mar Albiol de Carpe Via
Este jueves 20 de febrero Ecosistema Urbano estará junto a Zuloark en el Aula Magna de la ETSA de Valencia para contar, respectivamente, dos proyectos que abordan prácticamente el mismo asunto desde perspectivas, contextos, medios y formas de trabajar bastante diferentes: dreamhamar y El Campo de Cebada.
Como nos comentaban desde el colectivo Carpe Via, que colabora en su organización, esta jornada se debatirá en torno al inspirador aunque todavía poco definido concepto de urbanismo open source, así como sobre el nuevo papel del arquitecto en los procesos de creación y transformación colectiva que están adquiriendo cada vez mayor importancia. Se planteará el necesario cambio de actitud desde la arquitectura para abordar este tipo de procesos, y su profesionalización e incorporación a la figura tradicional del arquitecto o urbanista.
Estamos deseando unirnos al prometedor debate con nuestras propias experiencias y reflexiones.
El evento se podrá seguir en streaming desde
Fecha y hora: 20/02/2014 | 12.30 h
Lugar: Aula Magna | ETSA – UPV
February 13, 2014
Zaramari, los organizadores del BAT, nos hacen llegar la convocatoria PLAY DAY para la concepción, diseño y puesta en práctica de intervenciones urbanas efímeras y de bajo coste que lleven el juego, por un día, a diferentes lugares del barrio de Otxarkoaga, Bilbao.
El juego es un instrumento para activar el espacio público. Una herramienta participativa y transformadora para la interacción y recuperación del uso de la calle y su disfrute colectivo. Una forma divertida y distendida para relacionarse y conocerse.
PLAY DAY es una propuesta cultural y artística. Una actividad para recuperar el juego como herramienta para la socialización y la transformación social y física de la calle. Un día para acondicionar temporalmente el espacio público y disfrutarlo de otra manera. Una iniciativa que se presenta como una respuesta frente al modelo actual de la calle para el tránsito de vehículos y personas. Una ocasión para convertir la calle por un día en un lugar para experimentar con el espacio de forma libre y creativa, dotando de espacio a la imaginación.
Si quieres saber cómo fue la edición anterior de PLAY DAY échale un vistazo a este vídeo:
Plazo de presentación de propuestas: 4 de marzo de 2014 a las 24h.
Día de la intervención: 22 de Marzo de 2014.
Dotación económica: 900€ por instalación.
Detalles de la convocatoria: Play Day Otxarkoaga
February 10, 2014
According to their own description, Bracket is an annual publication documenting issues overlooked yet central to our cultural milieu that have evolved out of the new disciplinary territory at the intersection of architecture, environment, and digital culture. Bracket is a project developed by InfraNet Lab, published by Actar to examine both design and theoretical positions centered on a particular theme.
The fourth issue, Bracket [Takes Action], will examine the ability of design to incite socio-political / socio-cultural action.
An extract from the call:
Bracket [takes action] asks: What are the collective projects in the public realm to act on?
How have recent design projects incited political or social action? How can design catalyze a public, as well as forums for that public to act? What is the role of spatial practice to instigate or resist public actions? Bracket 4 provokes spatial practice’s potential to incite and respond to action today.
The fourth edition of Bracket invites design work and papers that offer contemporary models of spatial design that are conscious of their public intent and actively engaged in socio-political conditions. It is encouraged, although not mandatory, that submissions documenting projects be realized. Positional papers should be projective and speculative or revelatory, if historical. Suggested subthemes include:
Participatory ACTION – interactive, crowd-sourced, scripted
Disputed PUBLICS – inconsistent, erratic, agonized
Deviant ACTION – subversive, loopholes, reactive
Distributed PUBLICS– broadcasted, networked, diffused
Occupy ACTION– defiant, resistant, upheaval
Mob PUBLICS – temporary, forceful, performative
Market ACTION– abandoning, asserting, selecting
Submission deadline: February 28, 2014 (10pm EST)
More info
February 3, 2014
Anja Humljan | eu collaborators
Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores
Today we introduce you to Anja Humljan, a young architect with a very diverse profile and an interesting background, who is doing an internship with us and will be contributing with some posts for the blog while working on her own research. Here, she tells us more about herself:
I am a freelance architect from Slovenia, passionatelly pursuing projects around the world – from New York to Madrid, Australia and Denmark, with Tokyo on the to-do list. To fulfill my interests in interdisciplinary and multimedia approach to architecture I studied classical architecture in Slovenia, photo-media, video arts and sound recording in Australia and digital design in Denmark. Together with Danish colleagues we designed an interactive pavilion NoRA exhibited and built at Venice Architectural Biennial 2006.
For the past ten years, I have been investigating various fields that at first glance have no connection with architecture: I explored emotional expressionism and dynamic relationship between individual and space through modern dance and ballet. While living in New York City, I was taking part in dance intensives with world’s most renowned modern dance companies – Alvin Ailey and Complexions. Studying vocal techniques and sound recording for six months at Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, working as voice actor, narrator and radio presenter made me sensible for the sonic quality of our contemporary environment, discovering the importance of sound and its immense potential within architecture. By consistently teaching and practicing yoga for twelve years I have been investigating proprioception and pareidolia and learned how to strengthen individual’s sub consciousness via physical training, meditation and discipline.
SPACE POTENTIAL: URBAN YOGA AND VIDEO METHOD PLES On the threshold between all the respected fields and architecture, I placed a conceptual platform Space potential. It responds to my questions on space and architecture: what is crucial for architecture today, what needs to be pursued in the architectural practice, what we should not give up on, so that architecture will continue to exist and work as architecture. I believe we perceive and experience space in a complex way: objective qualities form physical aspects of space (geometry and function), whereas the subjective qualities form existential aspect of space (multisensory bodily experience, intuition, stories, movement, the passing of time). For analyzing, documenting and presenting the existential aspect of space I established and tested two concepts: Urban yoga project and Video method Ples. Ples is the acrostic of the four consecutive phases (P-rimary, L-atent, E-xperimental and S-ummary), as well as a Slovenian word for dance, which symbolizes the relationship between the architect and space.
Urban yoga project, a series of photos taken and are still to be taken in various metropolises around the world, is rediscovering the lost spatial sensuousness, a situation where city and body are in constant interaction and are thus mutually supplementing and defining each other. I believe that for as long as our bodies will relate to the real space, as the heart relates to organism, cities will remain, citizens will survive, and as for the architecture – it will continue to exist and work as architecture.
Working for versatile, proactive and extremely productive Ecosistema Urbano Arquitectos is utmost exciting and fun, eagerly awaiting each new project to come.
Occupation: Architect
Interests: Existential and experiential Architecture, Brand design, Voice acting and narration, Modern ballet and flamenco, Electronic music, blues rock, jazz and fado, Jivamukti yoga
City/Country: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Social profiles: Facebook