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BRACKET [takes action] call for submissions

Category: ⚐ EN+convocatorias+news

Brackets [Takes action]

According to their own description, Bracket is an annual publication documenting issues overlooked yet central to our cultural milieu that have evolved out of the new disciplinary territory at the intersection of architecture, environment, and digital culture. Bracket is a project developed by InfraNet Lab, published by Actar to examine both design and theoretical positions centered on a particular theme.

The fourth issue, Bracket [Takes Action], will examine the ability of design to incite socio-political / socio-cultural action.

An extract from the call:

Bracket [takes action] asks: What are the collective projects in the public realm to act on?

How have recent design projects incited political or social action? How can design catalyze a public, as well as forums for that public to act? What is the role of spatial practice to instigate or resist public actions? Bracket 4 provokes spatial practice’s potential to incite and respond to action today.

The fourth edition of Bracket invites design work and papers that offer contemporary models of spatial design that are conscious of their public intent and actively engaged in socio-political conditions. It is encouraged, although not mandatory, that submissions documenting projects be realized. Positional papers should be projective and speculative or revelatory, if historical. Suggested subthemes include:

Participatory ACTION – interactive, crowd-sourced, scripted
Disputed PUBLICS – inconsistent, erratic, agonized
Deviant ACTION – subversive, loopholes, reactive
Distributed PUBLICS– broadcasted, networked, diffused
Occupy ACTION– defiant, resistant, upheaval
Mob PUBLICS – temporary, forceful, performative
Market ACTION– abandoning, asserting, selecting

Submission deadline: February 28, 2014 (10pm EST)
More info

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Low Budget Urbanity: frugal practices transforming the city | Call for papers

Category: #follow+#followresearch+⚐ EN+convocatorias+sustainability+urbanism

The trans-disciplinary research initiative “Low-Budget Urbanity. Frugal Practices Transforming the City” invites PhD and post-doctoral researchers to their first Early Career Laboratory from March 25th to 28th 2013 at HafenCity University in Hamburg.

Low Budget Urbanity - visit website

Low-Budget Urbanity is a research programme that explores contemporary urban phenomena such as ridesharing and online hospitality networks, water-saving infrastructures and DIY-practices of house owners, and second-hand consumer cooperatives as saving practices that transform the urban setting. These self-organized saving practices all involve “complex encounters, connections and mixtures of diverse hybrid networks of humans and animals, objects and information, commodities and waste“ (Sheller and Urry 2006:2).

Public budgets are slashed, many cities are burdened with near-paralysing debt, and for private households, too, saving money often is less a virtue than the order of the day. As a search term of an exploratory and multidisciplinary research project, “low-budget urbanity” provides a relational perspective on those seemingly disparate austerity phenomena. The research focuses on the question of how these phenomena are transforming cities.

What is new is not that saving money constitutes a principle of individual practices (rationalized building, economic or political action, individual budget planning, etc.), but that the austerity imperative for the assemblage, i.e. the confluence and interaction of these principles has become a force that shapes and defines cities.

Next you can find a call for papers that many of you may find interesting, with the topic “What is the value of saving costs? The urban economics and politics of everyday saving practices”.

CfP EarlyCareerLab LBU

More info:

Official website:
Research group funding programme

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Revista Urban: Los futuros de la planificación – call for papers

Category: ⚐ ES+urbanismo

La reciente eclosión de la crisis financiera mundial y su reproducción en otras escalas y sectores despertó en muchos la esperanza de un giro progresista que, operando en distintos niveles, de lo local a lo global, y afectando a un amplio abanico de políticas, tuviera como denominador común la recuperación del lugar central de la planificación en los regímenes de gobierno contemporáneos. Los procesos de reestructuración neoliberal desencadenados por la crisis de los 70 iniciaron un paulatino recorte de los modelos de bienestar consolidados durante las décadas precedentes; en dicha dinámica la planificación ha sido puesta en tela de juicio y, con frecuencia, se ha visto relegada a un segundo plano en la programación política, con resultados nefastos. Al calor de la reciente quiebra de ese modelo desregulador y figurando un desplazamiento simétrico, las voces críticas han imaginado una recomposición del viejo lugar social de la planificación bajo un estatuto renovado.

Sin embargo y hasta la fecha los acontecimientos parecen seguir un curso bien distinto. Las políticas puestas en juego se encargan de recordar tozudamente el viejo aserto regulacionista: que las crisis no son más que mecanismos de reequilibrio del sistema capitalista una vez agotada una determinada etapa, una vez llevada al extremo la proliferación de agentes y nichos de acumulación prefigurada en la misma. Lejos de preparar el terreno para el regreso del ethos social de los modelos de bienestar, la crisis parece alentar la imposición de programas más estrictos y estrategias de reestructuración más severas a los ya exangües agentes públicos. continue reading

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call for papers: Hibrydation and cross-culturality in contemporary habitation

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+urbanism

Through the public bid won by means of the project presented to the aids to the investigation regarding architecture in the year 2007, from the old Ministry of Public Works and Transportation and today dependent on the Ministry of Housing and Planning of the Territory of Junta of Andalusia, a line of investigation is defined regarding the manners of coexistence and habitation in the Andalusian territory in the near future, within 20 and 40 years, that shape evolutions and generate possibilities according to variables that today, each day, we can perceive as determinants of cultural transformation. continue reading

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Hibridación y transculturalidad en los modos de habitación contemporánea:

Category: ⚐ ES+eventos

Invitación a la participación
Seminarios Internacionales de apoyo a la Investigación titulada:
Hibridación y transculturalidad en los modos de habitación contemporánea.
continue reading