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Grupos de apoyo local URBACT: Una herramienta para la política participativa | Boletín URBACT | Agosto 2011

Category: ⚐ ES+urbact

Hoy ponemos a la descarga el Boletín de Noticias URBACT del mes de Agosto 2011:[Download not found]

Los Grupos de Apoyo Local URBACT (ULSG) son una de las principales innovaciones en el programa permitiendo una política participativa en la toma de decisiones a nivel local.

Cada socio URBACT establece un grupo de apoyo local con la participación de aquellos agentes locales más interesados en el tema abordado por el proyecto.

El objetivo principal del Grupo de Apoyo Local URBACT es maximizar el impacto del intercambio transnacional del proyecto y del conocimiento adquirido en las prácticas y políticas a nivel local. Estos grupos tienen un papel especial en la producción del Plan de Acción Local (LAP) que cada socio se compromete a producir a nivel municipal. continue reading

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POLITECNICO DI MILANO to participate in dreamhamar

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar

Yesterday Noa  (@dolceoblio) described in this excellent post – please read it to fully understand network design – the different participation profiles. The great thing about newtwork design is that allows both individuals and collectives to participate. That is why we also invite schools and universities from all over the world to take part into this collective dream to redesign the city center of Hamar.

Today, I am very glad to offically announce that Politecnico di Milano will take part in dreamhamar.

Every year, in architecture school, we use to have a design course where we developed a design for a specific case study…so why not work on Stortorget Square in Hamar? From Ecosistema Urbano we believe there are a lot of talented students and professors out there that could share their ideas about how a 21st century public space should be and how to apply those ideas to Stortorget Square.

Probably, prof. Fabrizio Zanni was thinking something similar when, during the very first session of HAMAR EXPERIENCE put forward – via the chat – the idea of participating into dreamhamar with his students of the course Architectural Design 3 of Politecnico di Milano.

Here are more details from prof. Fabrizio Zanni:

The contemporary urban public space has been invested in recent decades, by substantial modification processes and trivialization of the form, social use, materials and construction technologies.
It is to reconfigure the role and form of new public urban spaces “hybrid”, built and unbuilt, artificial and “natural”, placed between the soil, underground and above-ground, inserted in the “Core” of the city or lost in urban sprawl .
The overall intention is to move from their typological definition to a more complex phase of materials, equipment, scenery, so you rethink the urban space as a hybrid generating nucleus of a new and more contaminated Forma Urbis.
The laboratory will develop the project of an interesting case of urban public space (built or not), the scale urban master plans, architectural scale to the definition of a sort of his “inner landscape”, with a focus on the use combination of materials and techniques bio-eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable.

Students will develop a series of transformation and revitalization proposals for the square.

I want to add that Fabrizio Zanni and his students will especially focus their work on  TACTICAL URBANISM online workshopsdirected by Ethel Baraona Pohl and Paco Gonzalez. It’s still not confirmed if Politecnico di Milano is taking part into this workshop as a special guest or if they will just develop a special process from the distance. By the way, if you want to participate in dreamhamar too, registration is still open for ONLINE WORKSHOPS to take part on October 2011 (fee reduction until 31st of August 2011)

If you want to have a more precise idea about Prof. Fabrizio Zanni and his Urban Hybridization research program, please visit or have a look at the presentation below. We did it for the first Urban Hybridization conference in Milan (Domenico Di SienaManu FernandezPaco GonzalezCesar Reyes Najeraand Ethel Baraona PohlFrancesco Cingolani):


Click here to read it in full screen.


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Hamar Experience Without Ads

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar+internet

Yesterday’s Hamar Experience was all about Technology. We were lucky to have to exceptional guests, Bjarte Ytre-Arne and his friend Terje Berg. The first will be the community activator of the onsite Technology workshop. As a homage to them, we are going to show you how to skip the ads when watching the Experience (hurray!).

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EU blog se toma un descanso

Category: ⚐ ES+ecosistema urbano

No, aunque sea verano no nos vamos de vacaciones. Nos trasladamos a Hamar para trabajar en el proyecto de diseño colaborativo dreamhamar.

Los próximos días realizaremos el trayecto Madrid-Hamar en coche. Sobre el viaje sí que podemos prometeros un post que esperamos os resulte interesante.

View Larger Map

A partir de entonces contad con que seguiremos publicando posts relacionados con dreamhamar y el proceso de rediseño de Stortorget Square los lunes y los viernes y, siempre que nos quede tiempo y energía, publicaremos algún artículo más entre semana.

Disfrutad de lo que queda de verano y no os os olvidéis de nosotros.

¡Nos leemos en septiembre!

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How to make pizza, network design style

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar+urban social design


Image by Seth W. (Flickr)

Sometimes two simple words combine to create a concept difficult to understand, like network design.

Network design is the methodology Ecosistema Urbano is going to apply in the redesigning process of Storget Square, in Hamar. The name of the project is dreamhamar.

It looks like this: continue reading

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#followcreative “il Deposito delle Idee”

Category: #follow+#followcreative+⚐ IT+città

“ All’indomani dell’ approvazione della delibera  del Consiglio Comunale che sancisce la vendita  del patrimonio immobiliare ATAC il Deposito Liberato di San Paolo invita tutte e tutti a riconquistare la città!”

In un momento in cui i processi di partecipacione ci vengono praticamente imposti dalla comunità europea diviene urgente interrogarsi su quali siano i metodi ed i meccanismi  che posso attivare una reale partecipazione e renderla efficace. Mentre da un lato urbanisti e sociologi, producono manuali e carte della qualità  che raramente vengono letti da architetti, come gia visto alla biennale dello spazio pubblico, i giovani si lanciano, altrettanto alla cieca, in esperimenti di attivazione di coscienza sociale. A mio parere, e come ho sperimentato nel workshop festarchlab di Terni, il salto nella qualità della partecipazione sta tutta in questo scarto tra un processo partecipativo offerto dall’alto in cui  un tecnico si rivolge ai cittadini chiedendo “ in che modo possiamo aiutarvi a migliorare la vostra qualità della vita” e all’ azione,  in cui qualcuno scende in strada e comincia a fare qualcosa di riconoscibile come “stiamo cercando di migliorare il nostro ambiente pubblico, come puoi aiutarci a fare la cosa giusta?”. La differenza sta nell‘umiltà del “propositore” e nella responsabilizzazione di tutti i partecipanti che è la base della comunità, e che diventa più forte nei momenti di difficoltà. Il caso del Deposito pieno di Idee è di questo secondo tipo . continue reading

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Architecture in your Hand

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture

“Architecture in your Hand” it’s the new dpr-barcelona‘s publishing project. A new approach of how books can take advantage on the use of digital technology, the network organization and the production, distribution and use of knowledge, all together outlining a new suggestive landscape to learn.

The ever growing number of mobile devices, the diffusion of the boundaries between public and private space, the subversion of the traditional publishing structure and the new forms of learning; are somehow the start point of this publishing project for architecture contents.

Considering that the main goal of a book is to store and transmit information added to the potential of networked learning, we have imagined that this concept can be expanded and spreaded. As being transmitted through a new basis, this information should be structured following a different mobile logic: enhancing immediacy, brevity, and simplicity. continue reading

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Category: ⚐ ES+eu-tec

Malla de simple torsión, malla flexible de celdas romboidales. Fabricada en distintas alturas y luces dependiendo del tipo de aplicación.

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EU in Hamar | dreamhamar latest news on Hamar Experience

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar+ecosistema urbano

Since last Thursday part of Ecosistema Urbano (@ecosistema) is in Hamar for the dreamhamar project.

Belinda Tato and Noa Peer (@belindatato, @dolceoblio) are in Hamar making contacts within Hamar’s social fabric and trying to get as many people involved as possible. Today they will share with us dreamhamar‘s progress on Hamar Experience, at 18:00 (Madrid, Norway time).

There will be five FREE workshops for the Hedmark County residents to participate on. By means of these workshops their ideas will become part of the network design process of dreamhamar.

For those who do not live in Hedmark, the online workshops are the best way to participate in dreamhamar. Registration is open until September 26th. continue reading

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Apuntate al curso Urban Social Design | UNIA | Sevilla

Category: ⚐ ES+ecosistema urbano+urban social design

Como ya os comentamos hace unos días, este año Ecosistema Urbano (@ecosistema) vuelve a coordinar un curso para la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.

El curso coordinado por Belinda Tato (@belindatato) y Domenico Di Siena (@urbanohumano), tendrá por titulo URBAN SOCIAL DESIGN.

El objetivo es ofercer una mirada poliédrica sobre la ciudad explorando nuevas herramientas, dinámicas y metodologías sobre participación, creación colectiva, trabajo en red, nuevas tecnologías, cultura urbana e innovación social.

El curso tendrá lugar los días 19 y 20 de septiembre 2011. Para matricula y más información:

A continuación os presentamos los ponentes  y los temas que tratarán (en orden de participación): continue reading