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STUDIECYKEL.DK | a social economic undertaker company to help students in Denmark and Africa

Category: ⚐ EN+sustainability

Image above by

As I am a student myself I thought it is important to not just talk about architecture and sustainability but also students, society in general and how we can make our world a better place and help others. See how small actions can do big difference to the world.

I will be going back to Denmark in august and it happens that I am in the situation of needing a bike. My old bike did not survive the last Danish winter and believe me when I tell you, that a student living in Copenhagen needs a bike to get around the city, to go the fast and easy way from home to the university and in my case it only takes 30 minutes by bike and not the 60 minutes by bus to get through the city… continue reading

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New York Theater City | Resultados del concurso

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura

Hace ya algunos meses os presentamos en nuestra sección #followarch #web el Concurso Internacional de Arquitectura para Estudiantes “New York Theater City” promovido por Archmedium.

Hoy tenemos el placer de anunciar que ya han sido seleccionados los ganadores de dicho evento.

Primer Premio

ph4 Studio (Junyoung Park, Joongha Park, Changbum Park, Changseok Han, Suehwan Kwun).
Yeong Nam University continue reading

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Category: eu-tec

Flexipanel de Sempergreen es un sistema modular de paneles de vegetación integrada de 60 x 50 cm, para instalación vertical tanto en interior como exterior. El sistema emplea módulos de peso ligero y fácil ensamblaje. Según el modelo, ofrece todo tipo de aplicaciones verticales y horizontales: paredes interiores, fachadas, muros de contención, cobertura de terrenos, cubiertas planas o inclinadas, etc.

La aplicación vegetal en los paramentos verticales consigue una reducción de la temperatura ambiente, favorece la absorción de CO2 y mejora el aislamiento térmico del edificio. La capacidad de retención hídrica de los paneles reduce considerablemente el riego y el mantenimiento.

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Online Workshops open to participants & Hamar Experience Session 2

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar

dreamhamar is Ecosistema Urbano’s latest project and besides collaboratively designing the new Stortorget square in Hamar, aims to generate the conditions for interaction and self-organization between people and their environment.

Two online workshops will allow anyone to be part of an international network of professionals and talented people. The aim is to develop and share ideas about the design of a public space: Stortorget Square in Hamar, Norway.

Registration is open and they will take place in October 2011: continue reading