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Movilidad urbana sostenible | Curso en Cuenca, Ecuador

Category: ⚐ ES+noticias

Del próximo 16 de abril al 18 de Mayo tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador) un curso semipresencial sobre  movilidad urbana sostenible, uno de los temas claves del presente y del futuro de las ciudades de todo el mundo, que va a demandar cada vez más conocimiento, experiencia y criterio profesional en los próximos años.

Cartel del curso de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible en Cuenca, EcuadorClic en la imagen para ver a tamaño completo.

El curso, impartido por expertos y profesionales con experiencia práctica en el tema, está concebido como una experience en la modalidad de educación expandida, que pretende contribuir a disminuir la brecha digital cognitiva mediante el uso de TICs y la capacitación técnica específica en materia de movilidad urbana sostenible.  Una primera puerta a la apuesta por nuevas ciudades, más participativas e inclusivas.

Los ejes temáticos del curso serán los siguientes:

Módulo I: Movilidad Urbana y cambio climático
Módulo II: Peatones y otros usuarios de los espacios públicos
Módulo III: La bicicleta como modo de transporte urbano
Módulo IV: Transporte colectivo en áreas urbanas

Abordará temas como los aspectos técnicos de la apuesta de las ciudades por la movilidad sostenible, la ciudad participativa e inclusiva, los espacios accesibles, la ecología urbana y la movilidad eficiente y segura.

El programa está destinado a todos los profesionales que hayan finalizado sus estudios en las carreras de Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Geografía, Ingeniería civil o estudios sociales y que deseen mejorar sus conocimientos acerca de la movilidad en las ciudades, su planificación y criterios de diseño urbano en función de los nuevas demandas de transporte.

Esta es una iniciativa de Alexa Velasco de Movére Mario Hidrobo de Activadores Urbanos creada para la Universidad de Cuenca en Ecuador, Sudamérica.

Más información:

Preinscripción: hasta el 4 de abril de 2012
Inicio: 16 de abril de 2012
Finalización: 18 de mayo de 2012

Web oficial: MUS Experience

El programa está destinado a todos los profesionales que han finalizado su pregrado en las carreras de Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Geografía, Ingeniería civil o estudios sociales y que deseen mejorar sus conocimientos acerca de la movilidad en las ciudades, su planificación y criterios generales de diseño urbano en función de los nuevas demandas de transporte.

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Hamar Experience 13 | Lets get active and green

Category: ⚐ EN+events

As every week, today we are announcing today’s Hamar Experience session, which is a live broadcast made by de Ecosistema Urbano team, full with stories and updates about the dreamhamar project. There goes the original text (by Marisa):

Go green

In this session Belinda Tato will talk about last week ACTIVITIES WORKSHOP. If you have seen the pictures, then you already know that the participants had a great time and really enjoyed themselves. As Creative Guest Elger Blitz said, playing is good for everybody, regardless of their age.

We also have a guest: ENVIRONMENT Community Activator Romy Ortiz, a human geographer from the University of Bergen. She works in the Centre for urban ecology, on environmentally friendly urban development, urban meeting places, and integration issues. This is what she writes about her role:

“Come to the workshop, so we can design a square that is human and environmentally friendly!”

If you don’t feel like surfing, this is your best shot at getting the latest news on what’s going on in Stortorget Square!

See you today, on Monday 17th, at 18:00 on!

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Hamar Experience 12 | Cultural Rucksack and art in public space

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar+events

This evening the energy of the young and the inspiration of the muses make a somewhat different Hamar Experience, but don’t be afraid, for it is what happens when you have so many things to talk about with such nice guests.

Kathrine Berg is a lovely woman and artist who is working with the 1,300 kids from the Cultural Rucksack Project. By the way, the Cultural Rucksack will finish this week and we are looking forward to seeing the results.

Inger Lise works on a different project about art and youth. Whatever she has to say, it is going to be interesting. And yes, we are letting her tell you the details about the project. We think it’s more interesting that way.

And there is more, because next week ACTIVITIES workshops begin and you are going to get a preview on what is going to happen there – What? You haven’t registered yet? It is free, it is fun and you’ll meet interesting people while talking about Hamar. And we might just invite you to coffee and cake, too.

There will also be a surprise for the technology oriented, so don’t forget your smart phone or your tablet pc.

Let the muses and the younsters inspire you this evening at 18:00h on Hamar Experience 12.

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Hamar Experience 11 | Technology workshop

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar+events

Last week the TECHNOLOGY workshop took place and Hamar response was even better than expected. We also had a workshop with students from Bergen School of Architecture, who resulted in a free lunch on Stortorget – with a cow as special guest!

On today’s Hamar Experience 11 Belinda Tato will share pictures and anecdotes from the workshop and the free lunch.

And of course, because Hamar is the star of dreamhamar, Belinda will share the spotlight with a citizen who participated on TECHNOLOGY workshop – Morten Fridstrøm. He will tell us about his experience and if the workshop was everything he expected!

Unfortunately, we will not be able to bring the cow to Hamar Experience. Nevertheless, you’ve got a date with the progress of dreamhamar on Monday, at 18:00h on

See you this evening!

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Dreamhamar network of european workshops: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.

Category: ⚐ EN+arquitectura+dreamhamar

Copenhagen 5-9th september 2011

During one week master students and 3rd year students from the Royal Academy of fine Arts, School of Architecture in Copenhagen were working around dreamhamar project. The students were mainly from Denmark but there was an important amount of them coming from countries all around the world. There were students from: Australia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Chec Republic,
The workshop was lead by the danish professor Frans Derniak and the ecosistema urbano partner Jose Luis Vallejo (@jlvmateo).
The main aim of the workshop was to experience public spaces in Copenhagen by directly acting on them and later extract the learning of the process and comunicate to Hamar citizens involved in the design of the new Stortorget Square. continue reading

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Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar

This is going to be a very interesting week in Hamar. TECHNOLOGY workshop begins tomorrow, Sept. 27th, at 18h at the Physical LAB, with media expert Bjarte Ytre-Arne as community activator.

The workshop will continue on Wednesday 28th, with blogger Juan Freire. TECHNOLOGY ends on Thursday 29th with a lecture and a round table with Bjarte Ytre-Arne and Juan Freire from 19 to 21h.

You can still register for the workshops ( or just show up at the lecture on the 29th.

You are all invited to participate, share your ideas and meet other people interested in the future of Stortorget Square.

Belinda Tato will talk about this and other subjects on today’s Hamar Experience. Remember, you’ve got a date at 18h with Hamar Experience 10!

More info on TECHNOLOGY workshop here (Norwegian)


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We’ve Got the Mayor!!! Einar Busterud and Writer Knut Faldbakken On Hamar Experience

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar

Hamar Experience Knut Faldbakken
Image by alaskr

After the amusing – and sometimes amazing – Hamar Experience Session 6 with the Digital LAB team, we are ready to bring you a more serious and quite intellectual Hamar Experience.
We are proud to announce that today, at 18:00h (Madrid, Norway time), Hamar Experience will have two very special guests. We will be meeting Einar Busterud, Mayor of Hamar since 1999 and former general manager of the advertisement agency Ord & Jord. He will share with us his dreams for Hamar and Stortorget, and the wisdom of a long time Mayor.
As it is becoming customary, he is bringing friend along for the Experience.
And he is not just a friend, he is the novelist Knut Faldbakken. He was born in Hamar and lives there, too. His books have been published in 21 countries, translated to 18 languages and have sold two million copies worldwide.
Sorry, with guests likes this, you just can’t miss it. Can’t you?
Looking forward to see you on , today 5th of September, at 18:00 (Madrid, Norway time), just 12 days before the Opening Event of September the 17th!!

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Online Workshops open to participants & Hamar Experience Session 2

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar

dreamhamar is Ecosistema Urbano’s latest project and besides collaboratively designing the new Stortorget square in Hamar, aims to generate the conditions for interaction and self-organization between people and their environment.

Two online workshops will allow anyone to be part of an international network of professionals and talented people. The aim is to develop and share ideas about the design of a public space: Stortorget Square in Hamar, Norway.

Registration is open and they will take place in October 2011: continue reading

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Ilumina tu barrio: la casa luminosa | #usde #colaborativa

Category: ⚐ ES+educación+urban social design

Ilumina tu barrio: la casa luminosa | un proyecto desarrollado por Gildo Seisdedos (@gildoseisdedosen el marco del experience Facilitar la Ciudad Colaborativa, dirigido por Adolfo Chautón (@adolfochauton).


Ilumina tu barrio: la casa luminosa Iluminación, espacio público y colaboración público privada

El alumbrado público está de plena actualidad. En un entorno de cambio de modelo energético, es uno de los principales focos de ineficiencia de las ciudades desde una perspectiva doble: cuantitativa (derroche y contaminación lumínica) y cualitativo (cambio de tecnología de incandescencia a led). Cambiar bombillas por leds no es sólo un buen negocio para los proveedores de material de iluminación y el medio ambiente (ahorro de un 80% de emisiones de CO2) sino también para las ciudades (importantes ahorros eléctricos). Sin embargo, los gestores urbanos ven el cambio con recelo pues piensan que menos luz equivale a inseguridad, tristeza y, en consecuencia, menos votos.

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launching dreamhamar | LIVE NEXT MONDAY at 6pm

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar+urbanism

After few months of intensive work at Ecosistema Urbano, we are pleased to announce the launch of dreamhamar, a network design process around Stortorget square in Hamar, Norway.

Network Design is a process of open and transparent design allowing both local and international contributors to work and propose solutions for the same project. For more information about dreamhamar and network design process you can visit the ABOUT page.

Since one of the main purposes of dreamhamar is to encourage people’s participation in the project, please don’t hesitate to share with us your opinions and ideas by commenting this post or just through the CONTACT page.

One of the tools we will be using to communicate the progress of the project is the HAMAR EXPERIENCE, a weekly video broadcasting in which the Local Lab Team and Ecosistema Urbano will describe the project in progress. We will share reports about activities, challenges encountered during the process along with the every day life of the Local Lab Team. HAMAR EXPERIENCE aims to make the process a shared and learning architecture experience.

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