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UNAUS ampliando debates fuera de la Academia

Category: ⚐ ES+noticias

Green School
Bamboo School Bali. John + Cynthia Hardy + PT Bamboo

La red UNAUS (University Network for Architectural and Urban Sustainability) es una organización cuyo objetivo es introducción de los conceptos de sostenibilidad medioambiental en la enseñanza de arquitectura y urbanismo, fundada en el 2004 en el marco de Programa Asia Link de la Comisión Europea. Sus principales actividades se centran en la creación e implementación de programas formativos online y semipresenciales, organización de talleres, congresos y concursos de diseño, e intercambio de estudiantes entre universidades europeas y asiáticas. Las escuelas que forman parte de esta red son Hanoi Architectural University, Politecnico di Milano y la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona. Conjuntamente con el Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, imparte una serie de cursos online trimestrales cuyo objetivo es transmitir conocimientos teóricos y prácticos sobre aspectos medioambientales en la arquitectura, la construcción, el urbanismo y el paisaje.

Este mes la red UNAUS ha iniciado una serie de debates abierto que involucran a los estudiantes de los cursos  Edificación y sostenibilidadRestauración sostenibleTécnicas SIG aplicadas al desarrollo sostenible y por primera vez se abre fuera del límite “de inscritos” y promueve el aporte de todas aquellas personas que tengan inquietudes o experiencia sobre el tema planteado. Se busca así, ampliar el debate fuera del círculo académico y abrirlo a experiencias concretas, aciertos e incluso desaciertos que puedan enriquecer la discusión. Un tipo de formato similar a otras experiencias como las Glass House Conversations

El primer debate se centró en el impacto de la construcción sobre el medioambiente y de posibles estrategias de conciliación. Fue moderado por César Reyes Nájera, co-fundador de dpr-barcelona. Puedes consultar el debate .

T4 Barajas
Terminal T4 Barajas. Madrid. Foto por Gabri Solera

El segundo debate centrado en la Rehabilitación energética de edificios comenzó el lunes 28. Plantea la necesidad de ahorro energético en un entorno junto a un entorno en el que existe un gran parque edificado caracterizado por la ineficiencia energética.

Thermal Roof
Thermal Roof. Source IR.Services

Plantea las siguientes preguntas:

¿Qué líneas debería seguir la rehabilitación energética?
¿En qué ámbitos se debe actuar?
¿Es posible conseguir edificios 100% energéticamente eficientes (casa pasiva) mediante rehabilitación?
¿Cuáles son los principales obstáculos para llevar a cabo este tipo de intervenciones?

Esta vez el debate será moderado por Còssima Cornadó, arquitecta con máster en Tecnología en la Arquitectura. Profesora de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), y del máster Tecnología en la Arquitectura.

Fuente: dpr-barcelona

Hanoi Architectural University

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POLITECNICO DI MILANO to participate in dreamhamar

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar

Yesterday Noa  (@dolceoblio) described in this excellent post – please read it to fully understand network design – the different participation profiles. The great thing about newtwork design is that allows both individuals and collectives to participate. That is why we also invite schools and universities from all over the world to take part into this collective dream to redesign the city center of Hamar.

Today, I am very glad to offically announce that Politecnico di Milano will take part in dreamhamar.

Every year, in architecture school, we use to have a design course where we developed a design for a specific case study…so why not work on Stortorget Square in Hamar? From Ecosistema Urbano we believe there are a lot of talented students and professors out there that could share their ideas about how a 21st century public space should be and how to apply those ideas to Stortorget Square.

Probably, prof. Fabrizio Zanni was thinking something similar when, during the very first session of HAMAR EXPERIENCE put forward – via the chat – the idea of participating into dreamhamar with his students of the course Architectural Design 3 of Politecnico di Milano.

Here are more details from prof. Fabrizio Zanni:

The contemporary urban public space has been invested in recent decades, by substantial modification processes and trivialization of the form, social use, materials and construction technologies.
It is to reconfigure the role and form of new public urban spaces “hybrid”, built and unbuilt, artificial and “natural”, placed between the soil, underground and above-ground, inserted in the “Core” of the city or lost in urban sprawl .
The overall intention is to move from their typological definition to a more complex phase of materials, equipment, scenery, so you rethink the urban space as a hybrid generating nucleus of a new and more contaminated Forma Urbis.
The laboratory will develop the project of an interesting case of urban public space (built or not), the scale urban master plans, architectural scale to the definition of a sort of his “inner landscape”, with a focus on the use combination of materials and techniques bio-eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable.

Students will develop a series of transformation and revitalization proposals for the square.

I want to add that Fabrizio Zanni and his students will especially focus their work on  TACTICAL URBANISM online workshopsdirected by Ethel Baraona Pohl and Paco Gonzalez. It’s still not confirmed if Politecnico di Milano is taking part into this workshop as a special guest or if they will just develop a special process from the distance. By the way, if you want to participate in dreamhamar too, registration is still open for ONLINE WORKSHOPS to take part on October 2011 (fee reduction until 31st of August 2011)

If you want to have a more precise idea about Prof. Fabrizio Zanni and his Urban Hybridization research program, please visit or have a look at the presentation below. We did it for the first Urban Hybridization conference in Milan (Domenico Di SienaManu FernandezPaco GonzalezCesar Reyes Najeraand Ethel Baraona PohlFrancesco Cingolani):


Click here to read it in full screen.


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TAC – Technically Advanced Construction – Postgraduate Course – Milan 2011

Category: ⚐ EN+events+parametric

is a new postgraduate course for graduates and professionals established by the Department of Building Environment Science and Technology (BEST), Politecnico di Milano and Co-de-iT. It will run for three months and will allow participants to achieve high levels of knowledge in the design-to-production process through the use of advanced digital tools for design and machines for the creation of physical models.

The entire course, based at the Polytechnic of Milan, will take place through studies, workshops and working periods assisted (during the development, manufacture and test trial) by a team of highly skilled professionals and teachers (from studies and international schools like AA London, ARUP, Buro Happold, Zaha Hadid, Gehry Technologies, SPAN Architects …). continue reading