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Appropedia | sharing sustainability

Category: ⚐ EN+sustainability


For those of you who are not yet familiar with it, Appropedia is an appropriate technology wiki entirely dedicated to sustainability, poverty reduction and international development. Containing an encyclopedia, discussion forums and numerous links, Appropedia is a user generated open platform tool for empowering and informing. Anyone can add, remove or edit content. continue reading

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URBACT | From macro to micro-urbanism

Category: ⚐ EN+urbact+urbanism

Any analysis of today’s reality of European or Spanish cities and their current urban trends will entail placing them in a context of crisis that globally implies, among other structural issues to be taken into account: climate change –with unforeseeable characteristics and demanding modifications to be made to energy and consumption models- or the enormous concerns for the collapse of world economy and the crisis of financial systems and their direct or indirect impact on urban ways of life. This very complex moment forces us to be more conscious of our limits and announces the end of an era of apparent safety and the beginning of another that ranges between the unforeseen and the uncertain.

The current crisis is particularly serious in Spain due to the economic model of preceding years, strongly based on building construction and exploitation of resources, in particular the resource of land. In this context of required change it is necessary to try to focus on a fixed reference point or frame where the basic axis for urban interventions can be set. The current scenario is a complex one, there are few certainties and time and processes are key characters. However, this crisis, like any other crisis, is not only useful for correcting trends but mainly for detecting opportunities. A time of large changes and few certainties is probably when the greatest demand for creativity, innovation and prospecting for opportunities for the future should occur, as well as when time should be taken for thinking before acting, making the most of a moment of lesser economic acceleration. continue reading

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Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+ecosistema urbano

Ecosistema Urbano has been invited to lead a workshop (FESTARCH-LAB) at the international architectural event, curated by Stefano Boeri, FESTARCH 2011 ( to be held at various locations in the Italian region of Umbria (Terni, Perugia and Assisi) between May 26th and June 5th 2011.

The workshop will focus on experiencing the urban complexity while interacting with the city and its citizens. At the same time we’ll try to approach the contemporary urban environment by creative and participatory solutions.

The workshop will take place in Terni (100km north of Rome), from May 27th to June 1st  2011. continue reading

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CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS | Shanghai — Urbain, trop urbain

Category: ⚐ EN+urbanism

We are pleased to announce the first Call for Paper for the first issue of Urbain trop Urbain magazine: a “No City Guide for Shanghai”.

The main idea is to develop a digital “no city guide” for the pleasure of the “flâneur urbain”. The review is edited in French language, but English and Spanish Papers are allowed, so most authors will be able to write in their mother tongue. You can find more details (in French) on our web page continue reading

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11 Blogs for Urbanists

Category: ⚐ EN+urbanism

These 11 blogs will help you keep on top of news and views about various aspects of urbanism and city life in 2011. An urban planning news website, featuring articles, op-eds, jobs, courses and information for the urban planning, design and development. (@Planetizen)

PriceTags: Gordon Price is a former Vancouver city councillor and the Director of the City Program at Simon Fraser University. His blog gives readers an insider’s perspective of urban issues. While it with a focus on Vancouver, he cover topics of interest to anybody interested in urbanism.

Urbanophile: Aaron M. Renn’s blog focusing on helping America’s cities thrive and find success in the 21st century. He offers unique perspectives and innovative strategies for cities and their residents. (@Urbanophile). continue reading

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URBACT | The city of our dreams

Category: ⚐ EN+creativity+urbact

Chaos unceasingly invents lives never imagined
Boris Cyrulnik

Let’s accept the crisis. Personally, I accept it convinced that it has an important systemic character and that it urges us to act because we are still far from seeing signs of the crisis bottoming out.

As a society, we have neglected all the signs that forecasted the collapse of the economic system for decades, and we have insisted in pursuing till the end a development model that, besides being deeply unfair and unbalanced, has shown itself to be exquisitely hypocritical, in particular for those of us who have tasted it to a greater extent.

The population of the so called developed countries have placidly flown with the tide of the promise of individual happiness, of the illusion of personal fulfilment, of the glare of the American dream….

The blindness caused by the flashes of the consumer society has driven us to an individualized existence, to the point that we have forgotten every social or environmental compromise with our environment. Meanwhile, we were begging to establish economic links with external powers we don’t even know, nor understand, and, of course we don’t control. These links have made us accomplices of this human devastation and environmental pillaging our mortgaged planet is suffering. continue reading

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'city civic movements in a global world' – Saskia Sassen in Lisbon (18th April)

Category: ⚐ EN+events+sustainability

Next monday (April 18) Saskia Sassen will be in Lisbon for an evening conference on ‘city civic movements in a global world’ at the presentation of the ‘GLOBAL CITY 2.0′ NETWORK (see document below ).

The Portuguese CIDADES PELA RETOMA movement is now challenging partnersworldwide to create a global network called GLOBAL CITY 2.0, an open invitation toindividuals, groups and institutions who wish to think about the role of URBAN CIVICMOVEMENTS and its potential to transform cities and beyond, specially in this hardeconomic times ( continue reading

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ecosistema urbano lecturing at the EKODesign Conference, Istanbul April 14th

Category: ⚐ EN+ecosistema urbano+sustainability

ecosistema urbano lecturing at the EKODesign Conference, Istanbul April 14th

The fourth of EKODesign Conferences organized by Yapı-Endüstri Merkezi, the information centre of the building sector on ecology, sustainability, environment-friendly buildings and practices at the architecture and building sectors shall be held on 14 April 2011, Thursday at YEM Events Hall, Istanbul Turkey.

ecosistema urbano will be lecturing, presenting thir most recent works under the title of URBAN SOCIAL DESIGN as keynote speech. continue reading

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Dordrecht Energy Carousel: Exploring playground potential

Category: ⚐ EN+competitions+ecosistema urbano

Ecosistema Urbano’s energy carousel, created for the Carve design contest for the Dordecht space, Governeurs Plein, has been designed to serve as meeting place for different age groups. As a forest of revolving rope swings that hang at different lengths, the hanging rope seats towards the center of the structure accommodate smaller, younger children, while taller, older children may grab onto the shorter ropes on the outside.  the kinetic energy that is released by the children’s hanging and turning on the ropes is captured via carousel structure and stored in a battery underneath the play site. When the park begins to lose light, the carousel’s battery supplies energy  to light up the structure. When the speed of play increases, the lamps will light up brighter. The color of the lights also change according to how much energy has been generated for the battery on any particular day. Over the past year, the design for the Carousel was developed with three phases. You may view the planning documents here: continue reading

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Third edition of Public Design Festival from 12th to 17th April

Category: ⚐ EN+creativity+design

The event will take place in four main public areas that need to be re-designed around the citizens.

Public Design Festival is also get-together, exchange and occasion to create new opportunities for young designers to show up their ideas and projects. For that reason the festival is organizing.

PUBLIC MARKET is a marketplace entirely dedicated to self produced design pieces, processed crafts, limited edition objects.

PUBLIC MARKET is the chance to present new design ideas and sell them directly.

PUBLIC MARKET is the place where young designers can presents their works, in the contest of the design week.

PUBLIC MARKET is a market of ideas, experiences and stories from all over the world

PUBLIC MARKET will take place on Saturday 16th at Parco Esposizioni Novegro and will be the main content of Public Design Party event, the traditional closing party of the design week.

For more information:

produced by Esterni.