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En la pop-up city de India: Mapeando el Kumbh Mela

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+investigaciones+noticias+urbanismo

Kumbh Mela - Foto: sabamonin en Flickr - clic para ver original

El Kumbh Mela es un peregrinaje, dentro del hinduismo, que se realiza cuatro veces cada doce años, en 4 ciudades distintas de la India, dependiendo de la posición del planeta Júpiter y del Sol. Cada ciclo de doce años incluye un majā kumbhamela (o “gran reunión del jarro/pote”) en Praiag, en las riberas del Ganges, en la que participan varios millones de personas, lo que hace que probablemente sea el mayor peregrinaje que se celebra en el mundo. Se estima que en las tres semanas del último majá kumbhamela (celebrado en 2001), se dieron cita 70 millones de personas.

Kumbh Mela - Photo by Cishore on Flickr - clic to view original

El Kumbh Mela es un evento de un mes y medio de duración para el cual se crea una “ciudad instantánea”, que tiene que dar cobijo, servicios, y funcionar para un “campamento” de millones de personas. El encuentro transforma temporalmente una planicie aluvial vacía, habitualmente inundada por el Ganges, convirtiéndola en una de las ciudades más grandes del mundo por unas semanas.

Este año un equipo interdisciplinar (profesores, estudiantes de posgrado, arquitectos, antropólogos, médicos, documentalistas, etc…) de la Universidad de Harvard se ha unido al evento para ser testigos del mismo y poderlo documentar. El objetivo estaba claro: “Mapear el metabolismo de la ciudad”.

La confluencia de los ríos más sagrados del norte de la India tiene un significado especial para los millones de fieles que asisten al Kumbh Mela, pero el equipo de Harvard está igualmente interesado en el campamento que brota junto al agua.

Kumb Mela - imagen por Jenny Bordo

“Esta idea de una megaciudad creada con carácter temporal para 55 días es un logro increíble”, explica Rahul Mehrotra, uno de los líderes del proyecto y profesor de diseño urbano y planeamiento en la Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD). “Es un cruce de lo visible, lo invisible, lo sagrado, lo profano. Todo colisiona en este evento”.

El equipo de trabajo explora todo lo relacionado con el diseño urbano, la salud pública, la economía y la expresión religiosa analizando las dimensiones físicas y sociales: Desde el modo en que operan los mercados hasta las soluciones de saneamiento, etc… Entender y estudiar el Kumbh puede dar claves para inspirar y mejorar modelos de asentamientos en situaciones de emergencia, crecimientos urbanos, etc.

Dejo aquí algunas de las fotos sacadas por los asistentes de Harvard al Kumbh Mela de 2013:

Actualización: Añado un vídeo y artículo publicados en la Harvard Gazette por Katie Koch:

Lessons of a temporary city - clic para ver artículo y vídeo

Más información:

Inside India’s pop-up city | Harvard Gazette
Mapping India’s Kumh Mela
 | The South Asia Institute at Harvard University
Las fotos del viaje están sacadas de este segundo enlace.
Mapping a megacity’s metabolism | Harvard Gazette
Lessons of a temporary city | Harvard Gazette

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Superar miedos creando monstruos

Category: ⚐ ES+creatividad+cultura abierta

Nuestros amigos de Amasté organizan una interesante actividad,  Superar miedos creando monstruos, para identificar y sacar a la luz esos miedos que nos impiden avanzar hacia la práctica de la libre cooperación. Una manera lúdica -carnavalesca- y creativa de abordar cuestiones actuales sobre el trabajo colaborativo y los nuevos modelos de creación colectiva.

Los monstruos de la libre cooperación

Os dejamos con la información, que esperamos os resulte interesante.

#HONDARTZAN_16 Superar miedos creando monstruos

Esta vez queremos invitaros a un encuentro carnavalesco para identificar y sacar a la luz esos miedos que nos impiden avanzar hacia la práctica de la libre cooperación. Será el martes 12 de Febrero de 18:30 a 21:00 h., en el salón de actos del Centro Cívico San Francisco (Bilbao La Vieja).

Jugaremos para ello con la metáfora del “monstruo”. Esos seres fantásticos, de características ajenas al orden regular de la naturaleza, fruto de la mitología, el folclore, la criptozoología o la ciencia ficción. Cada cultura, cada época tiene sus propios monstruos, con los que se enfrenta a sus límites, convenciones y reversos tenebrosos. Una comunidad no lo es sin sus monstruos. Debe inventarlos, convivir con ellos, temerlos, vencerlos…

Crearemos un bestiario contemporáneo, nos disfrazaremos y haremos un baile de máscaras, sacando a danzar nuestros propios monstruos. Para participar en este akelarre colaborativo os recomendamos fervientemente este vídeo: ‘On rules and monsters – An introduction to free cooperation‘, de Christoph Spehr y Jörg Windszus [insertado en este post y transcrito y comentado en este otro]. También necesitaremos elementos de carnaval (un gorro, una capa, una pipa…) así que traed 3 cosas con las que podre disfrazaros. ¡Es importante!

Confirma tu asistencia aquí.
Más información:
Post original en ColaBoraBora

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Importing Architecture | Photos from the exhibition in Oslo

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+ecosistema urbano+events+urbanism

Arkitektur Import - entrance

Today we are sharing with you some pictures of the impressive exhibition Importing Architecture which is on right now at the Nasjonalmuseet (National Museum for Art and Architecture) in Oslo.

We had the pleasure to be included in the selection and it was a great opportunity to attend the opening last November and get a chance to know more about the different projects which are under construction or have been just finished as well as the international offices who are behind them.

Åpning Arkitekturimport - exhibition opening

Åpning Arkitekturimport - exhibition opening

The exhibition raises the question of Norwegian identity in architecture and how ‘imported architects’ respond to it:

Are foreign architects reinforcing the trend toward a type of globalization that is dissolving national and cultural differences? Or are they even more concerned with formulating a Nordic or Norwegian identity than their Norwegian counterparts? Is it possible for an architect to create exceptional architecture in Norway without first-hand experience of Norwegian society, building traditions, climate or the natural environment? Or on the contrary, do foreign architects bring new ideas and ways of thinking that enrich the quality of Norwegian architecture?

Arkitektur Import - general view

Our installation is located by the ramp at the entrance of the exhibition. We tried to take advantage of the windows to display images of the Dreamhamar project, along with four screens showing videos from the process. The physical-digital scale model of Stortorget (Main Square) was also brought from Hamar and installed on top of a vinyl that covers the floor resembling the pattern painted by Boamistura on the asphalt of the real square.

Arkitektur Import - windows

Arkitektur Import - general view

Arkitektur Import - looking towards the entrance

If you are in Oslo sometime between now and April, don’t miss it!

Photographers: Andreas Harvik and Børre Høstland.
Related post: Importing architecture | Exhibition in Oslo 

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Importing Architecture | Exhibition in Oslo

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+ecosistema urbano+events+news


Today, Thursday Nov. 22nd is the official opening of the exhibition Importing Architecture at the NasjonalMuseet of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo. The exhibition will be open to the public from tomorrow until April 2013.

Ecosistema Urbano team is pleased to be part of this exhibition with Dreamhamar project, a collective dream to redesign Hamar’s main public space, Stortorget. Other architecture offices included in the selection are: Steven Holl, MVDRV, Peter Zumthor, Renzo Piano, Vandkunsten, JDS, etc…

Here is the introduction by the curator of the exhibition, Eva Elisabeth Madshus:

An increasing number of foreign architects are winning competitions or receiving commissions in Norway. The exhibition takes up this relatively new and interesting development, which is primarily due to the introduction of the EU directive on competitions and more building activity in Norway than the rest of Europe.

This exhibition presents a selection of foreign architectural firms with projects in Norway. It also provides the basis for examining what this increasing internationalization means for Norwegian architecture’s identity and quality.

– Are foreign architects reinforcing the trend toward a type of globalization that is dissolving national and cultural differences? Or are they even more concerned with formulating a Nordic or Norwegian identity than their Norwegian counterparts?

– Is it possible for an architect to create exceptional architecture in Norway without firsthand experience of Norwegian society, building traditions, climate or the natural environment? Or on the contrary, do foreign architects bring new ideas and ways of thinking that enrich the quality of Norwegian architecture?

– Do the EU’s competition regulations, with their criteria for participation and ranking, ensure that the best architectural projects win? Or are foreign architects displacing their Norwegian counterparts in today’s highly competitive building market?

Debate about foreign influences on architecture is not entirely new. Craftsmen from the continent were involved in building Norwegian mediaeval churches, and after the dissolution of the union in 1814 the country’s new institutions were by and large designed by Danish and German architects. But since the beginning of the 1900s, once architecture was an established course of study at NTH (Norwegian Institute of Technology; today the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim), Norwegian architects have been responsible for the vast majority of building works in the country. It was not until the EU competition regulations were adopted in 1994 that foreign architects began to make inroads in the Norwegian market, and the trend has been sustained by the country’s strong oil-driven economy and numerous public sector building projects. In 2012 the results of these factors are striking: a dozen public building projects designed by foreign architects are either in preparation, under construction, or completed.

The architects included in this exhibition are consummate professionals. Their projects reflect exceptional quality at every stage – planning, design, choice of materials, execution – and many of them will become important sources of inspiration. Norwegian architecture is well served by intensified international competition. Every good architect can acquire competence about the particular context that a building project is always a part of, regardless of national origin. Thus, increasing globalization need not lead to uniformity in architecture.

More info about the exhibition: Oslo Nasjonalmuseet
Photos and details of the projects: Nasjonalmuseet at MyNewsDesk

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Dreamhamar + Den Kulturelle Skolesekken | Education, culture and ideas

Category: ⚐ EN+dreamhamar+ecosistema urbano+events+networked design

The Cultural Rucksack (Den Kulturelle Skolesekken) is a Norwegian national programme for art and culture provided by professionals in Norwegian schools. The programme helps school pupils to become acquainted with all kinds of professional art and cultural expressions. Last year Hamar Kommune decide to connect it with the project Dreamhamar which was at that point under development. This meant that 1292 students from different local schools joined dreamhamar providing their own ideas for the square Stortorget.

Kids drawings Cultural Rucksack 2011 - click to enlarge

Kids drawings Cultural Rucksack 2011 - click to enlarge

From fountains to hot dogs, from ice skating rinks to dancing contests, all sort of ideas emerged through the process and some of them made it through influencing the final design.

This year, again, the Kommune joined Den Kulturelle Skolesekken with Dreamhamar and our colleague Liz Eva Tollefsen is working on site, sharing with a new group of students the whole creative process as well as the final design we delivered last July.

Liz Eva Tøllefsen presenting the Cultural Rucksack

Liz Eva Tøllefsen presenting the Cultural Rucksack

We are really looking forward to see this year’s ideas and we hope kids get interested on urban landscape and design.

If you are curious about last year’s activities, you can check our Flickr galleries, featuring a small selection of the more than 1000 drawings and models we collected:

Drawings from Cultural Rucksack.
Models from Cultural Rucksack
More photos from Cultural Rucksack

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Ecosistema Urbano en Harvard GSD: Urban Social Design II

Category: ⚐ ES+ecosistema urbano+urban social design

El próximo otoño, Jose Luis Vallejo y yo, Belinda Tato, de ecosistema urbano nos unimos una vez más al equipo de GSD Harvard comoVisiting Professors dentro del departamento de Urban Design, que dirige Rahul Mehrotra.

El título del option studio es Urban Social Design II, una continuación del taller que realizamos en 2010, donde exploramos la construcción de un nuevo espacio público aumentado fruto de una nueva relación entre lo físico, el espacio digital y el ámbito social. Los estudiantes trabajarán en el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas que posibiliten una mayor y mejor participación democrática en la vida urbana como una respuesta más eficiente a los nuevos problemas urbanos contemporáneos. Y como caso de estudio… la ciudad de Boston.

A continuación os mostramos uno de los proyectos más interesantes realizados en el Taller que allí realizamos en 2010.

Actual Air en funcionamiento

Mike Styczynski -estudiante del GSD Harvard- crea con Actual Air un proyecto híbrido entre instrumento de medición, base de datos y red social. Detectando altos niveles de asma en un barrio de Boston, se plantea profundizar en este fenómeno, sus causas y consecuencias. Para visualizar, registrar y denunciar los alarmantes niveles de contaminación, elige un elemento de uso cotidiano en la ciudad, la bicicleta. Actual Air es un dispositivo plug in que se acopla fácilmente a cualquier rueda de bicicleta, monitorizando la calidad del aire a través de distintos sensores. Un piloto de iluminación LED varía de color en función del grado de contaminación y dicha información recogida en tiempo real, es volcada a una base de datos en la web, mapeando los niveles de contaminación urbana, y visibilizando un problema hasta entonces ignorado. La información, así accesible, es un instrumento al servicio de la comunidad para potenciar la controversia.

Por acción o por omisión, cualquier iniciativa ciudadana tiene significado político. El geógrafo y teórico social David Harvey habla de la necesidad de acostumbrarnos al conflicto continuo que promueva el consenso para generar entornos urbanos saludables. Por ello, debemos percibir como positivas las iniciativas de carácter reivindicativo que activando a los ciudadanos generan ese clima de debate.

Prototipo de Actual Air

Mike ha continuado con el desarrollo de su proyecto más allá de GSD, lo cual responde a la actitud proactiva que intentamos potenciar en los estudiantes, con el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas que les capaciten y conecten con nuevas posibilidades de desarrollo profesional.

Estamos entusiasmados con esta nueva etapa en Harvard. Y si estás por Boston el próximo otoño, ¡te esperamos en el GSD!

Página oficial de Harvard GSD
Si quieres saber más sobre el proyecto: o en Facebook
Fotos cortesía de Mike Styczynski

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Ecosistema Urbano prequalifies for a planning competition in Kiruna, Sweden

Category: ⚐ EN+competitions+ecosistema urbano+news+urbanism

Ecosistema Urbano has, together with the Norwegian architecture office 70°N arkitektur, the Danish landscape studio Kristine Jensen, the Swedish lighting firm Ljusarkitektur and Atkins engineers, been prequalified for the planning competition in Kiruna, Sweden.

Kiruna kommune has shortlisted 10 international teams —out of 56 that were applying— for the next phase of the competition.

Kiruna Center from the southwest, with the LKAB facilities in the foreground

It’s an unusual, but very interesting challenge the Municipality of Kiruna is facing after more than a century of mining by the LKAB company. The ground is becoming unstable as some of the main tunnels are localised right underneath the city, so the city centre and all other areas affected will have to be relocated. In a time frame of approximately 20 to 25 years, some 400,000 sq. m. of housing and non-housing development will need to be replaced within the forecasting line of LKAB’s next main level, 1,365 metres below ground.

Map of Kiruna

The aim for the competition is to create a sustainable, distinctive and pleasant urban environment, a city centre linking together surrounding housing and industrial areas with the whole city and constituting the natural hub of the new Kiruna. This is an opportunity for creating something completely new, emanating from Kiruna’s unique history, to accommodate future needs and the desire for good living in an Arctic climate.

Kiruna, view of the city centre

We are very excited to start working with the other firms in our team in this competition, and we look forward to develop the future Kiruna during autumn 2012.

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Ecosistema Urbano in the winning team for Albertslund Syd

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboraciones+competitions+ecosistema urbano

Last year, 2011, when we moved to Hamar and started working for the new Stortorget, we had the opportunity to meet Vandkunsten, the danish office responsible for the design of the new Culture house in Hamar. We then started to know more about their work and different and interesting projects.Albertslund Syd recreationFrom this encounter, we cooperated together for the competition of Albertslund Syd, an intervention for the renovation of 1.000 courtyard houses in Copenhagen. The team also included other companies and professionals as Wissenberg, Transolar, Lise Gamst, Imagine Envelope, etc. The task was to develop the best suggestion for the renovation of the houses and to provide ideas for the urban architectural vision for improving Albertslund Syd.

Albertslund Syd diagrams

Last week we found out we have won the competition. We are very excited about this, and we are looking forward to start this new cooperation!

Albertslund Syd diagrams 2

The full report with jury evaluations is available at and at the website of the Albertslund Kommune.

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Ecosistema Urbano lecture in Tromsø

Category: ⚐ EN+ecosistema urbano+events+news

Ecosistema Urbano will lecture next Thursday in Tromsø, a city located 1.643 km north from Oslo. The lecture is hosted by the North Norwegian Architects Association and will take place at Drivloftet, starting at 8.30 pm on Thursday,  14th.

I will present Ecosistema Urbano latest works, including dreamhamar, the project we are currently developing for the main public space of Hamar, Norway.

Tromsø in the North

By the way, this is the further north I have ever been to… I guess their summer is different from ours.