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Some unpublished photos of Ecopolis Plaza featured in the book “Make_Shift City”

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+ecosistema urbano+publications+sustainability+urbanism

Last year, the Summer already burning over Madrid, a photographer went back to Ecopolis Plaza on an uncertain mission: to capture the life and spirit of the place, three years after the completion of the project.

The reason: the people from Urban Drift, working with the German publisher Jovis, had proposed us to include the project Ecopolis Plaza in their book “Make_Shift City – Renegotiating the Urban Commons” and asked us for some updated photos showing the life of the place. We realized we didn’t have nice, recent pictures of it,  so we called our favourite photographer Emilio P. Doiztúa and invited him to go and register whatever was happening there.

So there went Emilio, armed with some photography gear, and this is what he brought back:  the  images of a grown and lively  Ecopolis Plaza.

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

Time to go back home!

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

Relaxing in the shadow. Notice the tall macrophytes in the artificial lagoon.

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

The slides are a great attraction

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

Some teenagers hanging around…

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

… and, well, having some fun in front of the camera.

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

A not so common point of view of the building

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

This is probably the first photo published from this side of the building!

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

Parents and children going to/from the kindergarden

Ecópolis Plaza - Ecosistema Urbano - Photo by Emilio P. Doiztúa

For more pictures of this and more projects, you can get the book “Make_Shift City” here.

Makeshift implies a temporary or expedient substitute for something else, something missing. Make-Shift City extends the term to embrace urban design strategies. “Make-Shift City” implies a condition of insecurity: the inconstant, the imperfect and the indeterminate. It also implies the designing act of shifting or reinterpretation as a form of urban détournement.

In case you happen to be in Berlin in March, you will have the chance to attend the official presentation:

Wednesday, 19 – March 2014 –  19.00
AEDES auf dem Pfefferberg
Christinenstraße 18, 10119 Berlin

Make_Shift City: Renegotiating the Urban Commons
More info on Ecopolis Plaza, including these and more photos

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Plaza Ecópolis en la coreana C3 Magazine

Category: ⚐ ES+espacio público+publicaciones


Acabamos de recibir en la oficina dos ejemplares de la revista coreana C3 MAGAZINE, el número 351 de noviembre.



Una publicación muy cuidada y con obras muy interesantes. Estamos encantados de encontrar la escuela de Rivas Vaciamadrid entre ellas. Pondremos un post-it en la página 158.


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Plaza Ecópolis | Premio Mediterranean Sustainable Architecture 2013

Category: ⚐ ES+ecosistema urbano+noticias+sostenibilidad+urbanismo

Ecópolis201305blog grande

El premio Mediterranean Sustainable Architecture 2013 es un nuevo concurso internacional de dirigido a todos los edificios que se han completado en los últimos cinco años en la zona mediterránea.

El proyecto Plaza Ecópolis de Ecosistema Urbano ha recibido el segundo premio en la categoría CIVIC.

continue reading

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¿Cómo se ve Plaza Ecópolis en los mapas?

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+ecosistema urbano+eu:live+internet

Revisando la ubicación del proyecto Plaza Ecópolis en Rivas-Vaciamadrid para incluirla en la ficha del proyecto en nuestro portfolio, hemos descubierto que en Bing Maps ya aparece el proyecto finalizado. Ahí va una captura:

Ortofoto de Plaza Ecópolis en Bing Maps

Ortofoto de Plaza Ecópolis en Bing Maps – Clic para ver el mapa

Como curiosidad, en la vista aérea de Bing Maps, en cambio, aparece aún en obras:

Vista aérea de Plaza Ecópolis en Bing Maps - Clic para ver mapa

Vista aérea de Plaza Ecópolis en Bing Maps – Clic para ver mapa

Y en Google Maps (y StreetView) van mucho más atrasados: se ve todavía como un solar completamente vacío.

Ortofoto de Plaza Ecópolis en Google Maps

Ortofoto de Plaza Ecópolis en Google Maps – Clic para ver mapa

En OpenStreetMaps por defecto no hay ortofoto, y el edificio no está mapeado… pero eso sí que podríamos cambiarlo nosotros mismos.

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Plaza Ecópolis, premio construcción sostenible Castilla y León

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+sostenibilidad

El pasado 11 de febrero se entregaron en la sede PRAE los premios de la IV edición del Premio Construcción sostenible Castilla y León, con un total de 19 galardonados entre los 112 inscritos en las diferentes categorías en las que están divididos. Este reconocimiento, de carácter bienal, es una iniciativa de la Consejería de Fomento y Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Castilla y León, cuyo principal objetivo es impulsar la incorporación de los criterios y aspectos medioambientales al diseño y construcción de edificios respetuosos con el desarrollo sostenible y el medio ambiente.

Plaza Ecópolis fue premiado en la categoría Nacional.


Más información:

Página del proyecto en nuestro nuevo portfolio: Plaza Ecópolis
Página oficial de los premios:
Dossier de obras premiadas: [Download not found]

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Plaza Ecópolis and Ecobulevar | Dubai International Award for Best Practices

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture

Best Practice Database - click to visit site

Best Practice Database

Today we are glad to announce that our project Plaza Ecópolis has been selected by UN-HABITAT for the Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment.

The project, together with the Ecobulevar de Vallecas (which was awarded back in 2008) is now part of the Best Practices Database “as a way of promoting global exchange, learning and replication”. Here are the links:

Plaza EcópolisBest practice 2012

Plaza Ecópolis - click to view large

Plaza Ecópolis

Ecobulevar de VallecasGood Practice 2008

Eco Boulevard - Vallecas - click to view large

Eco Boulevard – Vallecas

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.

Related links:

UN-HABITAT web page
The Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme
Related posts about Plaza Ecópolis
Related posts about Ecobulevar de Vallecas

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Construcción sostenible | Vídeo en Plaza Ecópolis

Category: ⚐ ES+sostenibilidad+video

Álvaro Rodríguez, coordinador del Máster de Medio Ambiente de la Escuela Europea de Dirección y Empresa, nos manda este vídeo didáctico en el que explica de forma básica algunos principios de la sostenibilidad con la Plaza Ecópolis de fondo.

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Tour virtual por la Plaza Ecópolis

Category: ⚐ ES+hallazgos

Os dejamos este Tour Virtual de la Plaza Ecópolis. Con él podéis navegar por todos los elementos característicos de la plaza y del interior del edificio. Encontraréis descripciones detalladas, infografías y vídeos explicando por ejemplo cómo se depuran  las aguas residuales en la laguna de plantas, el funcionamiento de los toldos regulables y los tragaluces para el ahorro energético, o cómo se aprovecha la luz solar y el calor del terreno con paneles solares y bombas de geotermia.

Tour Virtual Plaza Ecópolis

Para iniciar el tour haced clic en la imagen. Está disponible para Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome e Internet Explorer, sólo en Windows. Necesitaréis este plugin para Mozilla y Explorer o este otro para Chrome.

Fuente: Rivas Ecópolis

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Learn for Life | book by Gestalten

Category: news+publications

Gestalten has recently published Learn for life, a book about new spaces for new learning —not just in kindergartens, schools, and universities. It features, among other examples, our project Plaza Ecópolis.

Learn for life

Learn for Life is a diverse collection of inspiring architecture and interiors that support progressive models of acquiring knowledge. New interpretations of kindergartens, schools, universities, and libraries are featured along with architecturally innovative offices and conference rooms. These examples are rounded out by more experimental projects that offer further perspectives on the rapidly evolving topic of how best to learn in the new millennium.

The groundbreaking spaces promote learning by inspiring us, providing us with helpful tools, and facilitating opportunities for productive cooperation and the exchange of ideas within groups. In short, the work makes clear that the creative use of architecture and interior design not only provides a new physical framework for acquiring knowledge, but also revitalizes and advances the process of learning as a whole.

You can learn more about it here: Learn for life | gestalten

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Buckminster Fuller Institute assesses our work at Ecosistema Urbano. [The Buckminster Fuller Challenge]

Category: competitions+ecosistema urbano+urban social design

As a current semi finalist for the Buckminster Fuller Challenge award, Ecosistema Urbano is proud to share the Buckminster Fuller Institute’s Summary Assessment with our readers. We are always excited to read that others believe in the potential of our work to inspire and engage architects and residents to become active agents of change. You can find Ecosistema Urbanos complete Semi-Finalist profile here

Ecosistema Urbano is an architectural firm located in Madrid, Spain led by Belinda Tato (@belindatato), Jose Luis Vallejo (@jlvmateo), Michael Moradiellos (@terapiasurbanas) and Domenico Di Siena (@urbanohumano). The core of their proposal centers on contributing to an emergent practice of urbanism that responds more fluidly to the nature of contemporary urban problems. “Creative Urban Sustainability” is the theoretical framework that scaffolds their endeavors, which include built prototypes, an online platform for citizens to engage with their cities and Web 2.0 tools for design practitioners to engage with each other. The idea is simple: combine innovation, creativity and action to generate urban solutions.

Three projects they recently launched highlight their approach. The first is the Plaza Ecopolis pilot, a demonstration site focused on water issues and on transforming local cultural norms. It features a macrophyte water treatment system integrated into a complex of buildings (including a kindergarten) built around a plaza. The second is the What If Cities web platform that asks citizens to imagine what their cities could do and be. Anyone can download it as open-source software and modify it for his/her town/city. It is currently being used in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. The third is a blog and TV station they launched as a solution generator and mode of exchange for fellow design practitioners. continue reading