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Dreamhamar, selected as BEST practice by the Dubai International Award

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+dreamhamar+ecosistema urbano+news

Best Practice Database

Best Practice Database

This week we come with some good news in a row! Some days ago, we were notified that our project dreamhamar has been awarded as BEST PRACTICE by the UN at the Dubai 2014 International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment.

The Spanish submissions to this award have been highly appreciated: 62 of them were labelled as GOOD practices, 17 as BEST practices and 2 selected for the international AWARD.

From now on, the project will be part of the UN-HABITAT Best Practice Database. It’s our third project to join that list, together with the previously selected Plaza Ecópolis and the Ecoboulevard. The project will also be showcased in the Décimo Catálogo español de Buenas Prácticas and added to the “Ciudades para un Futuro más Sosteniblelibrary, CF+S” online library.

Here is a short video about the methodology (Dream Your City) we used in the dreamhamar project in Norway:

You can find more about the project on the website and on the recently published book “Dreamhamar: A network design process for collectively redesigning public space”, which explains the project’s actions and methods in great detail.

See the previous posts about dreamhamar.

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Plaza Ecópolis and Ecobulevar | Dubai International Award for Best Practices

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture

Best Practice Database - click to visit site

Best Practice Database

Today we are glad to announce that our project Plaza Ecópolis has been selected by UN-HABITAT for the Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment.

The project, together with the Ecobulevar de Vallecas (which was awarded back in 2008) is now part of the Best Practices Database “as a way of promoting global exchange, learning and replication”. Here are the links:

Plaza EcópolisBest practice 2012

Plaza Ecópolis - click to view large

Plaza Ecópolis

Ecobulevar de VallecasGood Practice 2008

Eco Boulevard - Vallecas - click to view large

Eco Boulevard – Vallecas

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.

Related links:

UN-HABITAT web page
The Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme
Related posts about Plaza Ecópolis
Related posts about Ecobulevar de Vallecas