Twitter’s users have got into the habit of selecting and suggesting someone interesting to follow. This action has become a weekly international event and it is called #followfriday.
As you probably already know, [Ecosistema Urbano] has been inspired by the Twitter #followfriday to create a new section known as #followarch focused on recommending interesting and innovative architecture offices.
Today we are glad to present the work of the Italian firm based in Rome StudioUAP.
studioUAP, in Rome, founded by Silvia Cioli, Luca D’Eusebio and Andrea Mangoni, works mostly on public spaces and participation.

Urban projects, architecture and landscape design are the occasions for experimenting models for the introduction of social interaction especially with children and low tech architecture. studioUAP, works as an independent office, consultant or together with other architecture firms. Research field on Rome, through Microcities (1999), Romalab (2005) and the Bilancio Partecipato (2009) together with architecture competitions focused mainly on the design of public space (1st prizes Parco Radicelli and Paesaggi Mirati, 2008) has offered the opportunity to investigate themes applied to public works such as the kindergarten in Quarticciolo, the youth center in Corviale (innovation and urban quality prize EuroPA 2009) and the prototype design for a sustainable low cost kindergarten for Bracciano and other sites. continue reading