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Call for Projects Interactivos? Lima'08: Magic and Technology

Category: ⚐ EN+technologies

Selection of a maximum of 10 projects to be collaboratively developed.
Through a program of reflection, research and production, the use of open hardware and software tools in a collective and interdisciplinary manner will be explored, in order to create technological prototypes with success in the Media from different perspectives: playful, creative and critical. continue reading

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iaac summer workshop

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+events

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia launches the digital fabrication summer workshop. The aim is to produce the Venice Biennale installation that Guallart Architects (, IaaC ( and the Bcn Fab Lab (, with the collaboration of Bestiario, will present during the Venice Biennale, based on digital fabrication procedures. continue reading

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Come with us to Raumpiloten workshop at the Bauhaus Weimar!

Category: ⚐ EN+ecosistema urbano+events

ecosistema urbano and osa (office for subversive architecture) will guide a workshop in the School of architecture of the Bauhaus-University Weimar (Germany) between 5-8th of June 2008. This experimental workshop under the name Raumpiloten will join professionals, students and citizens from Weimar. We have accommodation for 6 people interested in coming with us to the event. Send us a small portfolio with a tiny text expressing your interest in coming (max. 3MB to:

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Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+educación+eventos+medioambiente+sostenibilidad+talleres

Fundamentos y herramientas críticas de actuación

El LAV: Laboratorio de Arquitecturas Vivas es un proyecto organizado por Hibrids 2.0

Este workshop servirá para establecer unas bases fundamentales que definan que es la ecología aplicada a la arquitectura y proveer de unas herramientas críticas que sirvan para distinguir aquellas actitudes, actuaciones, materiales, etc. verdaderamente ecológicos de las que no lo son.

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