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SeeClickFix, a powerful digital tool for the collective management of cities | Social Toolbox

Category: ⚐ EN+social toolbox



Type: Application | platform
Issues: Street conditions | Accessibility | Quality of life

SeeClickFix follows a similar concept to that of the recently featured FixMyStreet and ReparaCiudad, but on steroids! It is a highly integrated digital platform which focuses on issues of quality-of-life, from simple problems regarding street and environmental conditions to more complex issues about the health of citizens and communities. continue reading

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FixMyStreet, platform for the improvement of street conditions l Social toolbox

Category: ⚐ EN+social toolbox

Type: Platform | App
Issues: Streets’ conditions | Mobility and accessibility

To kick off with the #SocialToolbox series, here is one of the first and most remarkable −almost ‘classic’− examples of an urban social tool bridging the physical “body” of the city and the digital “soul” where humans and data interact.

FixMyStreet is a site to help people report, view, or discuss local problems they’ve found to their local council by simply locating them on a map. It launched in early February 2007. FixMyStreet is primarily for reporting things which are broken or dirty or damaged or dumped, and need fixing, cleaning or clearing, such as: abandoned vehicles, dog fouling, flyposting or graffiti, flytipping or litter, streetcleaning, such as broken glass in a cycle lane, unlit lamposts, potholes. continue reading