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SeeClickFix, a powerful digital tool for the collective management of cities | Social Toolbox

Category: ⚐ EN+social toolbox



Type: Application | platform
Issues: Street conditions | Accessibility | Quality of life

SeeClickFix follows a similar concept to that of the recently featured FixMyStreet and ReparaCiudad, but on steroids! It is a highly integrated digital platform which focuses on issues of quality-of-life, from simple problems regarding street and environmental conditions to more complex issues about the health of citizens and communities. continue reading

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ReparaCiudad, a Spanish platform for the improvement of street conditions | Social Toolbox

Category: ⚐ EN+social toolbox

Type: Platform | App
Issues: Street conditions | Mobility and accessibility

ReparaCiudad follows the same concept of FixMyStreet. It is an application that allows citizens to report incidents in the street and immediately inform the public administration, which can quickly react and provide feedback to the citizens about the solutions adopted. The application provides a mobile version and a web based version. continue reading