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International summer course (update) | Urban design and sustainable architecture

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+sustainability+urbanism

Architecture in Alicante

The international summer course in Alicante we presented a couple of months ago is finally going to happen!

So far, 14 international – from quite diverse places like the US, Ucrania, Lebanon or South Corea – and 8 local students have already registered, and the University of Alicante just extended the registration period over June, so you still have a chance to join!

More Than Green international summer course

Sustainability is not just an environmental issue but, and above all, a social, cultural and economic one. This course about URBAN DESIGN and SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE proposes a complex incursion within the subject of sustainability understood not only as a problem but as an opportunity to meet new approaches to the city in a creative, innovative, playful and unprejudiced way.

Sustainability in an international environment: Experts in sustainability, teaching and design from all around the world meet in Alicante.
Learning by the sea: Meet friends from all around the world and enjoy the Mediterranean culture, a different way of understanding architecture, the city and life.
Challenging yourself: A fresh and playful approach to sustainable design.
Finding your way: We offer a wide variety of thematic contents as well as plenty of activities for your free time.


We will be taking part with PLAYstudio – the organizers –, Transsolar and Urban Think Tank. Looking forward to meet you there!

Place and date: University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain. 15-26th July 2013
Learn more: International summer course (by the sea)Versión en español
Official website:

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Curso internacional de verano en Alicante | inscripciones abiertas hasta el 7 de mayo

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+educación+eventos+sostenibilidad+urbanismo

More Than Green international summer course

¿Tenéis planes para este verano? Hace justo un mes os contábamos acerca de un curso internacional sobre urbanismo y arquitectura sostenible,  que tendrá lugar en Alicante y al que los de MoreThanGreen nos invitaron como docentes.


Architecture in Alicante

Nos comentan que ya se han cubierto más de la mitad de las plazas, con gente de sitios tan exóticos y variados como EEUU, Ucrania, Líbano o Corea del Sur, además de locales de Alicante y otros lugares de España. Esto es importante porque, además de abordar el tema del urbanismo y la arquitectura sostenible, el objetivo es crear un ambiente refrescante e internacional, con mucho tiempo para compartir con el resto de asistentes y disfrutar del verano en la costa.

Lively Alicante at dusk

Además de nuestro propio resumen (en inglés), International summer course (by the sea) | Urban design and sustainable architecture, en su página oficial podéis encontrar todo lo que necesitéis saber o tener en cuenta:

Contenidos + Objetivos
Metodología + Estructura del curso
Alicante + Tiempo libre
Alojamiento asequible
Inscripción y precio

Las inscripciones siguen abiertas hasta el día 7 de mayo.  ¡Esperamos veros allí este verano!

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International summer course (by the sea) | Urban design and sustainable architecture

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+sustainability+urbanism

More Than Green international summer course

The people behind More Than Green have organized a great summer course on July 15-26, 2013 in the mediterranean city of Alicante (Spain), where we will also be taking part together with PLAYstudio, Transsolar and Urban Think Tank.

Sustainability is not just an environmental issue but, and above all, a social, cultural and economic one. This course about URBAN DESIGN and SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE proposes a complex incursion within the subject of sustainability understood not only as a problem but as an opportunity to meet new approaches to the city in a creative, innovative, playful and unprejudiced way.

More Than Green

Contents + Objectives

Architecture in Alicante

Improve your design skills: based on an open criticism of the “only green” approach for the construction of our future sustainable cities, this course offers a much wider, complex and playful perspective at the same time. Students will combine the design of a team project –about an specific case‐ with the supervision of guest experts and their master classes.

Build a knowledge frame –examples of good practices told by guest experts‐ where students take consciousness of the importance of broadening their understanding of sustainability according to the new world policies.

Create a typical multicultural situation of an international course where students coming from different places exchange their various backgrounds and modes of undertaking the sustainable urban project. The diversity of the faculties contributes to enrich this situation.

Methodology + Course Structure

Architecture in Alicante

Master classes, teamwork and project reviews within the context of four different ways of understanding sustainability: ENVIRONMENTALLY, SOCIALLY, ECONOMICALLY and CULTURALLY.



DIRECTOR: José Luis Oliver Ramírez  (University of Alicante) + TRANSSOLAR: Matthias Schuler (Harvard GSD) + URBAN-THINK TANK: Alfredo Brillembourg (ETH Zurich) + ECOSISTEMA URBANO: Belinda Tato y Jose Luis Vallejo (Harvard GSD) + PLAYstudio: Iván Capdevila y Vicente Iborra (University of Alicante)

Alicante + Free time

Lively Alicante at dusk

It’s summer, you’re by the coast… who would dare to keep you away from having fun?  Within the course structure, it is programmed a considerable amount of free time so the students can visit other cities or some interesting spots on the surroundings, enjoy the sun and the beach, or take part in different summer activities organized by the University of Alicante.


University of Alicante

The University of Alicante offers you a wide range of facilities and affordable accommodation in several lovely locations from the historic city centre to the university campus surroundings.

You can download the brochure here: MTG International Summer Course  – PDF
For a more information on fees, acommodation, organization, etc. check the official website:

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Entornos Futuros / Generaciones Futuras – Alicante

Category: ⚐ ES+eventos

Dos generaciones de estudiantes alicantinos: unos, escolares de primaria; otros, estudiantes universitarios. Ambos reflexionarán sobre las ciudades del futuro y buscarán soluciones conjuntas a los problemas urbanos y su sostenibilidad usando como herramientas la arquitectura y los videojuegos.

Descripción del taller
El taller, concertado ya con los alumnos, se desarrollará en sesiones de mañana (10:00-14:00) y tarde (16:00-22:00) para los universitarios y de tarde (17:00-20:00) para los alumnos de primaria, durante los cuatro días programados.

Desde el taller se proyectarán y definirán las distintas posibilidades de configuración de los escenarios urbanos que nos rodean habitualmente. Los videojuegos servirán como herramienta-puente generacional para todos los participantes, siendo la arquitectura y sus últimos derivados plásticos (desde el vídeo hasta la geoweb, pasando por la visualización de datos) los ejes conceptuales que le tomarán el pulso a la viabilidad de los proyectos. continue reading