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Johnny Rabines | eu collaborators

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+ecosistema urbano

Today we introduce Johnny Rabines, an industrial design and interior architecture student who is doing an internship with us, helping in different projects and opening very interesting topics through our conversations and his articles. His own words:



Born in LIMA (Peru), grew up in STRASBOURG (France), now living happy in MADRID (Spain) for four months to work with Ecosistema Urbano. In real life I’m a student at the Ecole Camondo (product design and interior architecture) located in PARIS. Here you have an overview of some stuff I’ve done.

In 2012, I took part in “Design in the city” the first workshop organized by the association Particule 14 in partnership with the direction of the development of the city of Bordeaux and the School of Fine Arts of the City of Bordeaux.

« En écho au Projet de Trame Douce (déambulation urbaine et revalorisation de parcours pédestres méconnus) développé par l’architecte urbaniste Nicolas Michelin (Agence ANMA), ce workshop aura pour ambition de mettre en valeur des pépites (excroissances urbaines remarquables) in situ.
Les travaux des 25 étudiants venues d’écoles européennes (Camondo, La Cambre, Politecnico, Brighton, Esad, Ensadse…) ont été présentés le long de la trame douce et trouveront écho au sein du H14 pendant Agora (Biennale d’architecture, d’urbanisme et de design de Bordeaux).»


Improvised goal on narrow street.

With Poppy St James Wilson (University of Brighton) and Paolo Chiorino (Politecnico di Milano), our proposal was anchored in a process of “proximity design” close to the choices and habits of affected streets’s urban dwellers.

The same year, with Paul Marchesseau and Wladimir de Lantivy, I’ve co-founded DANT (acronym of Design Architecture and New Technologies), a research collective integrated to Art&Flux (CNRS research team on art, economy & society integrated to ACTE Institute, UMR 8218, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University). For us, this entity is a lever for the exchange, exploration and application of ideas in connection with space, object and fair use of technology. Indeed, as practitioners, we keep the project finality in mind.

Photo conférence vernaculaire numérique

On 19th of March 2013, the first DANT conference was held in the auditorium of the Ecole Camondo together with Yasmine Abbas (french architect, author of the book Le Néo-nomadisme : Mobilités. Partage. Transformations identitaires et urbaines.) and Victor Petit (french teacher and researcher in philosophy of science and techniques) around the theme we called “digital vernacular“.


Currently, I began my master thesis about the impact of digital technology on future school environments designs. Thus during my internship at Ecosistema Urbano, I have initiated writing a serie of posts on the issue called EntornoEducativo. A coincidence with the experimental school in Reggio Emilia ongoing project and the launch of EU-education. In the right place at the right time!

Before that, I’ve worked in two product design studios.
2011: Nathalie Dewez, designer _ Brussels (Belgium)
2012: Mathilde Brétillot, designer _ Paris (France)

Moi & nathalie2

Nathalie Dewez and me at Ampersand House (Brussels)

Thanks Ecosistema! Great place, kind people, creative food and interesting work!

Occupation: Industrial design and interior architecture student, DANT’s co-founder
Interests: Digital, education, sociology, economy, food, design, architecture, cities, drawing, graphic design
City/country: Paris, FR
Web: twitter, linkedin

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Matthieu Darcourt | eu collaborators

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+ecosistema urbano

Today we introduce Matthieu Darcourt, an architecture student who has been doing a short internship with us, bringing the French language back to the office after a couple of years… Here is what he tells us:

Matthieu Darcourt

Matthieu Darcourt

I’m a student in architecture at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Strasbourg in France, and I will graduate in October 2014. I had the opportunity to travel a lot especially during my Erasmus in Budapest and my internship here at ecositema urbano in Madrid. I believe there is no such thing as losing yourself in an unknown city in order to discover it’s deeper essence, culture and personality. As an architect and as a person, I am really interested in this balance between big cities and traditional culture, and Madrid is a beautiful example of it: a 21st century city with a village atmosphere.

Matthieu Darcourt in Budapest

Matthieu Darcourt in Budapest

During my internship at ecosistema urbano, I had the chance to think about it when writting an article about situationist theories and urban participation. Indeed, thanks to their blog, they take some time to think and research concerning urban social design, so it creates a stimulating and creative atmosphere and projects. I found really interesting the original project approach they have, including social networks, technologies, and creative commons, questioning urban landscape and social life. Finally, I enjoyed the nice atmosphere of the studio, especially during cooking time! Thanks again.

Occupation: Architecture student
Interests: Architecture, Anthropology, Sculpture, Cities
City/country: Strasbourg, FR
Web: Portfolio