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Juan Carlos Cristaldo, socio local de Ecosistema Urbano en Asunción

Category: ⚐ ES+colaboradores+Plan CHA+urban social design+urbanismo

Juan Carlos Cristaldo

Juan Carlos Cristaldo

Hoy tenemos el placer de presentaros a Juan Carlos (Juanca) Cristaldo, un joven arquitecto y diseñador urbano de Paraguay que es ahora nuestro socio local en Asunción y con quien estamos trabajando en el Plan Maestro del CHA.

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EU collaborators | Manon Bublot

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+placemaking

Manon Bublot


Last week we were glad to welcome a new collaborator here at our office in Madrid.

Manon Bublot is an undergraduate student at the Architecture school of Montpellier in France. She studied last year in the ETSAM in Madrid through the Erasmus exchange program, and during that time she grew interested in social participatory processes as a transversal approach to design architectural projects.

She will be helping us with this blog, providing fresh content in English, highlighting the most interesting projects, professionals and collectives related to her (and our) fields of interest . We hope you enjoy her first series of posts about placemaking and related projects.

Welcome to EU, Manon! We hope you’ll have a nice time here with us.

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[ecosistema urbano] Colaborador oficial Madrid Expo Shanghai 2010

Category: ⚐ ES+ecosistema urbano+madridshanghai

[ecosistema urbano] es autor del espacio publico del Pabellón de la ciudad de Madrid en la Exposición Universal de Shanghai  2010. Para este evento ha desarrollado un proyecto nuevo que responde a las necesidades programáticas y climatológicas de la Expo. continue reading