“Sensible scape – La performatività del design alla scala urbana e territoriale” è il titolo dell’iniziativa, a cura della Facoltà di Architettura della Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli. L’appuntamento è in programma il 13 gennaio dalle ore 9.30 nella sala conferenze del Belvedere di San Leucio e rientra nel progetto “Le luci e la pietra. San Leucio Design Lab 2009”.
Il Convegno è organizzato in due sessioni. In mattinata è previsto l’intervento di relatori di fama internazionale che illustreranno il loro approccio al progetto di design. Tra gli ospiti, insieme a Pascal Amphoux (Università di Nantes), Jurgen Bey (NL), Andrea Branzi, Stefano Mirti (Id-Lab) ci sará anche Jose Luis Vallejo (ore 12:00) in rappresentanza del nostro studio.
L’intervento di Jose Luis seguirá le seguenti linee:
The public space in its physical dimension encompasses the streets, pedestrian walkways, plazas, parks; in its social dimension cherishes the ability of groups to organize and implement actions for the common good and in its political dimension, it represents a meeting place of ideas and openness. Public space is a task for all citizens, its development and maintenance are part of the search for a more fair and pleasant social life.
We live in a democratic era, in which we would expect significant contributions to the public sphere, however today’s public space is planned with no identity, appearing as a sterile field of operation and without the minimum conditions for the development of the social life that creates a “city”.
A public space should be an open structure for citizens, a meeting place for everyone, in which the participation of each of the individuals who occupy it, defines and characterizes it.
Since we believe that many of the world’s most difficult environmental challenges can be addressed and solved by cities … the project what if…?cities is a collection of ideas from people with different backgrounds from all over the world presenting their own visions for an alternative future urbanity. Because cities are the answer.