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Planning for protest | Things we could learn from #15M in Madrid

Category: ⚐ EN+ecosistema urbano+publications

Planning for protest publication - by Project Projects

Planning for protest publication by Project Projects

As we told you in a previous post, last year we were invited to join an exhibition and publication called Planning for protest. Among 11 other architectural offices in different cities across the globe, the people from Project Projects invited us to examine the role of architecture in shaping, defining, or limiting the flow of protest within our respective cities. continue reading

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ll Internacional Conference ART TECH MEDIA 09 “Innovation, Networks & New Media at Digital Culture and Social Development”

Category: ⚐ EN


Barcelona, 18th to 22th december 2009

The conference will serve as a meeting point for art, creativity, and innovation. It will also raise institutional, entrerprise and social awareness, nationally and internationally, of the challenges and threats that new information and communication technologies bring for the construction of a Knowledge Society that will define the future of Spain and the whole world. It is directed to institutional representatives within the art world, technology business, university, research centres, communication media, foundations and other social organisations. continue reading