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Land stewardship network

Category: ⚐ EN+the environment+urbact

While preparing the latest URBACT Biannual report, we came upon an interesting non-for-profit organization – Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori – working to foster land stewardship as a conservation strategy for the natural, cultural and landscape resources and values of Catalonia and its environment.

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Master’s Programme Relational Barcelona

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture

Barcelona has always been a place of transfer and exchange, as well as a permanent laboratory for urban proposals that reflect the reality of many cities.

Today’s new, plural, intelligent cities not only work in traditional areas affecting urban environments, such as infrastructure, land, networks, etc., but they are now also focusing on other factors that affect their growth and development. These factors include sustainability criteria, creating balanced communities, making use of new technologies in the areas of transport, energy and communications, and cultural and geographic matters that can help the city develop a unique personality.

The Master’s Programme RELATIONAL BARCELONA, organized by the ESARQ School of Architecture and the Faculty of Humanities at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, provides students with a deeper understanding of the identity of cities, their origins and future developments, and how a critical, multidisciplinary approach can be taken to resolve unknowns regarding the projection, development and management of the cities of tomorrow. In particular, the Master’s programme is aimed at holders of undergraduate degrees who are interested in the growth, development and management of cities from the social, cultural, economic and urban perspectives. Candidates for enrolment in the programme include analysts, cultural managers, communicators, technical managers, technicians, environmental experts, political analysts and journalists. continue reading