As part of its ongoing multimedia exhibition project ‘Endless City’, MAMA is launching an open-submission competition: ‘Reclaiming the Street’. ‘Endless City’ is a multi-part project, initiated in the summer of 2009, in which MAMA explores the relationships between skateboard culture, the public realm and (visual) art, with a wink to the heritage of the Situationist International.
‘Reclaiming the Street’ is an open-submission competition aimed at established and emerging artists, architects and skateboarders who have or wish to establish a relationship with skateboard culture. We are looking for unpublished and unrealised concepts for the (re)organisation of urban public spaces in order to create a place for multiple user groups including skateboarders. Whereas in the past skateboarders were driven away from public spaces and then ‘caged up’ in purpose-built skateparks, we envisage a new phase in which youth culture and skateboard culture will be integrated within the public realm. In addition to our wish to provide a valid place for skateboard culture, we see skateboard culture as an instrument for improving the quality of certain public spaces.
‘Reclaiming the Street’ takes the idea of skateboard culture as ‘homo ludens’ as its starting point for building bridges between the all those who make use of the public realm.
We want you to send a design sketch for an urban intervention, environment, object or piece of street furniture that can be used by skaters and which will also stimulate use by other members of the community, thus improving the quality of a particular public space. A jury will nominate five of the submitted ideas for further development, from which a winner will be selected. All the submissions will be included in a short-term exhibition and accompanying publication.
MAMA will do its best to implement the winning idea but can give no guarantee that it will be realised.
MAMA is a platform for visual art and youth culture, based in Rotterdam. Alongside exhibitions in its own gallery space, MAMA organises projects on location in Rotterdam and further afield. MAMA offers an extensive programme of educational and supplementary projects. MAMA also undertakes research and develops new methods for reaching a broad public via art and culture.
PLEASE NOTE: applications coming from outside the Netherlands need to provide only an English text, no Dutch text is needed.
– call for entries launched in April 2010.
– deadline for submissions: 31 May 2010 (date of postmark or date of delivery will be judged to be the date of receipt). Submissions received after this date will be returned unopened to the sender.
– presentation of the designs and jury’s decision: June-July 2010
– final presentation of nominated designs to the professional panel: early August 2010
– presentation of the publication: September 2010
These dates are subject to change.
If you have any further questions about the competition, you can send them by email (subject: Reclaiming the Street) before 1 May 2010 to:
Reclaiming the Street is supported by: Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur, Stichting Mondriaan, Gemeente Rotterdam Dienst Kunst en Cultuur
Procedures and the rules for the competition