We want to point out the possibility of exercising good practice in Spanish towns.
Thanks to the boulevard in Vallecas, we have been offered the opportunity to take part in the competition for Good Practice in Dubai. It is an interesting way to support large actions in towns and cities. The first competition of the Good Practice Program was organised for the United Nations Conference, Habitat II, that took place in Istanbul in 1996, “a means of identifying urban policies and actions that, according to sustainability criteria, were proofed to be efficient for improving living conditions in cities and towns and showed ideas and experiences for supporting national reports and acting plans that national committees were preparing for the conference”.
On top of this, Dubai created an international award for Good Practice with the purpose of better identifying it.
José Fariña Tojo says in his article “Good practice for a more sustainable urban growth”, published in CSCAE magazine, common practice is more important than good practice, since in Spain we suffer from plenty of bad practice.
What we want to point out is the opportunity that these awards bring to Spanish towns to make an effort to implement these quality actions and invest public funds on public wellbeing, not on individual benefit.
No me acordaba ya de esa caravana que por cierto es preciosa…me parece super poetica…jajaj un saludo!