Between October and November 12 exhitions and various live events, disposed on three cities along the Via Emilia, will recount the projects, the researches, the architectures and the trajectories followed in these two years.
The biennial course, introduced in 2007, brought last November in Parma, Modena and Reggio Emilia workshops and lectures, all gathered under the general title Public Landscape, based on the same themes and part of the researches of this year exhibitions and kept from international architects, critics and art historians.
This year the exhibitions will run from 18th October to the 9th November in Parma and Reggio Emilia, from the 18th October to the 2nd November in Modena, and will be hosted in historical buildings in the heart of the cities: Chiostri dell’Ospedale Vecchio and Chiesa di San Ludovico in Parma, Chiostri di San Domenico in Reggio Emilia and Foro Boario in Modena.
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The Festival will propose even a series of live events in the three cities during the exhibitions. In Reggio Emilia Cuban architects Ricardo Porro, Vittorio Garatti and Roberto Gottardi will talk about their experience in the building of L’Havana School of Arts, meanwhile architects Guido
Canella, Paolo Portoghesi and Luciano Semerani will put the same experience under a critical and historical perspective. In Modena the public will meet international architect Volkwin Marg of GMP Architecten studio, and between the debated themes there’ll be a series of lectures on digital and virtual landscape and a study congress dedicated to the history of architecture with
Marco Biraghi, Fulvio Irace, Richard Ingersoll and Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Mario Pisani and Francesca Filippi.
In Parma the debate will focus on the new European Landscape, on the “landscape of memoy” of architects Edvar Ravnikar e Bogdan Bogdanovic, and on Eco-Virtuous architecture projects on the contemporary scene, with the interventions of critic William J.R. Curtis and architect Ken Yeang.
Modena will finally host an important exhibition and debate about the work of John Hejduk, while art critic Gillo Dorfles will talk about digital aesthetics.
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And obviously being kept up-to-date in real time with the festival program, dates and places of the events.