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A recreation of our ‘Reggio school’ by Carlos Mazón | eu collaborators

Category: ⚐ EN+arquitectura+colaboradores+work in progress

Remember the Reggio Children experimental educational center we were invited to design back in 2012? We haven’t published anything about it in a while, but we can assure you that behind the scenes the wheels are turning very fast, and the construction project is almost being finished at this very moment.

As a great excuse to break this silence —we’ll be showing more about it soon—, today we want to share with you the result of a brief collaboration with architect and architectural illustrator Carlos Mazón (@imcarlosmazon), who created this inspiring image for the project:

Recreation of the experimental educational centre in Reggio Emilia - by Carlos Mazón

Recreation of the experimental educational centre in Reggio Emilia – by Carlos Mazón

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Designing learning spaces | Lectures and exhibition in Reggio Emilia

Category: ⚐ EN+⚐ IT+architecture+architettura+events

Next Friday we will be in Reggio Emilia at the presentation of the Reggio Children educational project “A school as a learning community”, together with Graziano Delrio, Luca Molinari, Carla Rinaldi and Maddalena Tedeschi. We will talk about our proposal for the Reggio Children experimental learning centre, and after that an exhibition will be opened, showing the projects submitted to the competition.

Progettare Spazi per l’Apprendimento

Progettare Spazi per l’Apprendimento


Progettare Spazi per l’Apprendimento
Friday, February 15 2013 at 16.30
Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi – Sala Kuwait

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ecosistema urbano ganador del concurso para el centro experimental Reggio Children

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+concursos+ecosistema urbano+noticias+sostenibilidad

Centro educativo experimental Reggio Children

El pasado mes de junio compartíamos en nuestro blog que habíamos sido invitados a participar en el concurso para el diseño de un centro experimental de educación infantil en Reggio Emilia (Italia).

A lo largo de estos meses hemos trabajado desarrollando la propuesta, una escuela-laboratorio donde experimentar nuevas aproximaciones a la educación infantil, intentando ofrecer una respuesta que potenciara el espíritu de la Fundación Reggio Children, su método de trabajo y su filosofía, abordando a su vez temas de eficiencia energética, sostenibilidad, participación, etc. Ha sido apasionante profundizar en el “Reggio approach” y su método de aprendizaje, y experimentar con el papel que juega el entorno espacial y urbano en el contexto educativo.

Es un honor para nosotros saber que hemos resultado ganadores del concurso, compitiendo con extraordinarios equipos de toda Europa. El desarrollo de la propuesta y la materialización de las soluciones se plantean como un reto que estamos deseando afrontar.

¡Enhorabuena, Ecosistema!

Centro educativo experimental Reggio Children - clic para ampliarCentro educativo experimental Reggio Children - clic para ampliar

Os dejamos con un extracto (en inglés) de las consideraciones del jurado del concurso.

“The proposed solution is the best suited to represent the new school concept, making the new building a new collective experiment. The building itself becomes an opportunity for comparison, on issues of sustainability and eco-backwards compatibility, making the children themselves active participants. The construction techniques proposed include a development which can be implemented over time, according to needs for teaching-learning related to the school’s teaching plan, which makes the construction of the building itself a community project, seen as a process rather than a point of arrival”.

Escuela en Reggio Emilia - vista general

Centro educativo experimental en Reggio Emilia - vistas generales

Escuela en Reggio Emilia - funcionamiento climático - clic para ampliar