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Government 2.0 – Hype, Hope, or Reality?

Category: ⚐ EN+espacios sensibles | sentient city

In the space of two years, the “2.0” meme has risen from obscurity to mainstream in Government policy, as the comparison between the EU Ministerial Declaration of 2007 and 2009 shows. Yet much of the debate is still on the potential opportunities and risks of Government 2.0, with evangelists  emphasising the great benefits of crowdsourcing and of leveraging collective intelligence, and skeptics pointing to the risks of wishful thinking, to the limits of transparency, and to the hype about its impact. The question is then: has government 2.0 so far really provided visible benefits for citizens? continue reading

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Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+sostenibilidad

Today we present here a new initiative in which we have been working for the last months and we are asking for your participation.
We are trying to imagine what would happen if we were able to think about real solutions but…new / alternative / revolutionary … which together were capable of generating an alternative urbanity implemented over the contemporary city? continue reading