one of the few built examples of wind power integrated into buidings is Near North Apartments in Chicago, where eight HAWT’s [HAWT Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine] on the structure´s roof produce about 10% of the building´s total energy needs…
Tag eólica
October 16, 2008
September 30, 2008
The Energy Ball designed and built by Home Energy, breaks from most wind turbine design by using a spherical structure. They say that by using such a design, significantly higher aerodynamic efficiency can be achieved (40% better efficiency), as compared to traditional designs…
September 26, 2008
Una sorprendente y nueva aplicación de la energía eólica, aprovechar el viento creado por los vehículos que se desplazan a gran velocidad por las autovías y autopistas. Este tipo de turbinas han sido ideadas por Joe, un estudiante de arquitectura de Arizona.