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urban acupuncture | ecoboulevard

Category: ⚐ EN+daz

The whole proposal for the eco-boulevard in Vallecas can be defined as an urban recycling operation consisting of the following actions: insertion of an air tree-social dynamizer, over an existing urbanization area, densification of existing alignment trees and reduction and asymmetric arrangement of wheeled traffic circulation. Superficial interventions reconfiguring the existing urbanization (perforations, fillings, paint, etc.) that defaces the executed development. continue reading

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Looking through ecosistema urbano eyes | Exhibition in Berlin

Category: ⚐ EN+daz+events

We are glad to announce the opening of “Looking through ecosistema urbano eyes” exhibition at Daz Architecture Center in Berlin on 18th November at 7.00 pm.

From the press-release:

+++ ecosistema urbano combine architecture, urbanism, engineering and sociology to strive
for a “creative urban sustainability”. The focus of their work is on the complex phenomenon
of the city, which they react to through innovative, creative and holistic interventions. They
catalyse urban processes that help citizens to change their own environment. At the DAZ ecosistema
urbano will visualize, through a classical 3D optical system, the process and strategies
for a selection of recent works. It will be the second exhibition of the DAZ series FORMULA_X,
presenting the facets of sustainable ideas and visions of the up-and-coming architects` generation.

Exhibition will include some of our recent works, such as Plaza Ecopolis and Air Tree for EXPO 2010 Shanghai that we have recently shared under a creative commons license.


| Looking through ecosistema urbano eyes |

EXHIBITION: 19.11.2010 – 16.01.2011 // DAZ Scharoun Saal
Tue to Fri 12.00 am – 7.00 pm, Sat + Sun 2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Admission: 3,00 EUR / reduced 1,50 EUR
Free admission on the 1st Sunday of every month and during events.
PRESS- + VIP-PREVIEW: 18.11.2010, 6.00pm // DAZ Scharoun Saal
OPENING: 18.11.2010
7.00 pm, Lecture // DAZ Taut Saal
Introduction: Kristien Ring, Director DAZ, Curator FORMULA_X
8.00 pm, Opening Party // DAZ Scharoun Saal

more info at

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[work in progress] air tree shanghai

Category: ⚐ ES+arquitectura+work in progress

En estos momentos esta concluida la obra que hemos llevado a cabo en la Expo Shanghai 2010. Ha sido todo un reto y una experiencia para nosotros. Construir un proyecto en el extranjero y además en China ha sido una aventura muy positiva para ecosistema urbano. Ha sido la primera vez que hemos construido fuera de Europa y creemos que hemos crecido como agencia internacional. Estar el la zona de Mejoras Prácticas Urbanas es el mejor lugar donde poder demostrar la validez de nuestras ideas. continue reading