“Toledo creates Toledo” is an interactive exhibition aiming to connect art, architecture and public action and to make citizens see themselves as active parts, conscious of their critical and creative capacity.
“Toledo creates Toledo” is the first event-exhibition of a line of action through which we want to link architecture, action and city, bringing citizens closer to the physical and mental space where they can be conscious (doing-acting) of their critical and creative abilities as active builders of their city… parallel to the project they have set up a blog (www.toledocreatoledo.blogspot.com) and a meipi (wikimap meipi) that help it stay active and accessible. The exhibition is set up as a lab where the visitor can watch the works at the same time as it can take part in the creative process throughout 10 days full of events.
“Toledo crea Toledo” has been organised around 6 actions concerned with different architectural scales and concepts (#01. Intercambios de Identidad –identity exchanges-, #02. Safari fotográfico –safari in photos-, #03. Atmósferas de jabón –soap atmospheres-, #04. Casa de Toledo –house in Toledo-, #05. Atlas, #06. Paraísos personales –personal paradise-).
PKMN [pac-man] is a team of architects developing in Madrid since 2006 as an open group for the production and widening of architectural/interdisciplinary ideas, tools and projects, developing theoretical/practical studies of concepts and realities such as action, city, body, identity, trace and memory [www.pkmn.es]