We attach a picture of the workshops that are taking place in Gliwice (Silesia), organised by the association of architecture students in Poland. ecosistema urbano is taking part as the tutor of one of the work groups.
Silesia is a region located in the southwest of Poland where a number of cities have sprung around the numerous coal mines, with a total population of approximately 2 million people. Currently, most of the mines and heavy industry associated with them have been dismantled and abandoned.
These workshops are an opportunity for thinking about the future of the region, the development possibilities given by the huge industrial heritage and the options for organising the urban centres in the area to function as a single regional megalopolis in Silesia.
If you took part in the workshops, we want to hear your comments!!
it was a real pleasure to take part in such a workshop..special thanks to you ecosistema urbano..hope we will have an oportunity to see again
it was a real pleasure to take part in such a workshop..special thanks to you ecosistema urbano..hope we will have an oportunity to see again
it sometimes happens that we forget that urbanism is not only scale 1:10000 but also 1:1. I have clariefied my thoughts and way of working. thanks for beeing there with us.
it sometimes happens that we forget that urbanism is not only scale 1:10000 but also 1:1. I have clariefied my thoughts and way of working. thanks for beeing there with us.
A great lesson of architecture!!
I was a participant of Ossa 2007 and I am really glad because I have spent really creative and fantastic time! thanks to ecosistema urbano for encouraging us to changing our minds and to work with people, no only with paper and computer!
Dear Friend at OSSA
Pursuant to our keen interest to work with you to create safe buildings and housing, I am writing to give you brief detaiis of the RUBACON Programme of Sustainable Development.
The RUBACON Programme – includes a group of interrelated projects with the key project, advanced building materials and construction system, at the core. Please take note of the two major systems and their advantages:
The RUBACON Materials and Construction System and the RUBACON ADOBE System
the design is hexagonal and consists of a series of panel components
the design is based on a modified form of ’rondavel’ – a typical system of building in southern Africa
the form and fibre-reinforced materials make for stability, providing high resistance to storm and earthquake
the panels are comprised of materials made from secondary and renewable resources
the ADOBE System panels are comprised of earth components
the panels in both systems are water resistant and water repellent
the materials are zero carbon and lightweight – gender-sensitive
they may be produced and assembled by women and older children
the initial or shelter panel is intended to protect against the elements
a wall panel provides excellent insulation against both heat and cold
a structural panel of high flexural and compressive strength and high thermal storage capacity
the construction system may be modified to be energy autonomous
DIY construction is easy to install and low in cost
all materials are 100 % recyclable
The RUBACON Action Plan to Counter Climate Change and Poverty includes:
the ‘RENEW’ project for developing Biogas (alternative energy), natural fertilizer and micro-mineral powder from agricultural residues, animal dung and humanure
a solar energy water harvesting system for providing people with both hot and cold water
a process for utilisation of ceramic waste to produce surface-glazed ceramic tiles sans kiln
durable sewer, water and irrigation pipe
low-cost road construction
technology for cleansing of polluted land and waterways
the Solaramic Mini Power Station
the Solaramic Desalination and Water Purification System and
the Coastal Erosion and Flood Barrier
Upon your request, I shall be pleased to send you copies of the detailed RUBACON Programme, an Implementation Plan for the country of your choice, our Action Plan to Counter Climate Change and Poverty and four World Bank Proposals, two of which were approved as finalists for the Development Marketplace 2006 event in Washington. Last but not least, the sending will include a copy of the Health Centre prototype project preliminary proposal.
For further details on Arcilla Research and its technology, you are cordially invited to visit our website (currently being updated): http://www.arcillaresearch.com
I indeed look forward to learn from you how we can best proceed. Meanwhile, many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Paul (Rayar)
Development Gateway
Global Village Energy Partnership GVEP
Scientists Without Borders
Julianastraat 50 T +31 43 455 1482
6285 AK Epen F +31 43 455 2091
Netherlands E arcilla@planet.nl
A great lesson of architecture!!
I was a participant of Ossa 2007 and I am really glad because I have spent really creative and fantastic time! thanks to ecosistema urbano for encouraging us to changing our minds and to work with people, no only with paper and computer!
Dear Friend at OSSA
Pursuant to our keen interest to work with you to create safe buildings and housing, I am writing to give you brief detaiis of the RUBACON Programme of Sustainable Development.
The RUBACON Programme – includes a group of interrelated projects with the key project, advanced building materials and construction system, at the core. Please take note of the two major systems and their advantages:
The RUBACON Materials and Construction System and the RUBACON ADOBE System
the design is hexagonal and consists of a series of panel components
the design is based on a modified form of ’rondavel’ – a typical system of building in southern Africa
the form and fibre-reinforced materials make for stability, providing high resistance to storm and earthquake
the panels are comprised of materials made from secondary and renewable resources
the ADOBE System panels are comprised of earth components
the panels in both systems are water resistant and water repellent
the materials are zero carbon and lightweight – gender-sensitive
they may be produced and assembled by women and older children
the initial or shelter panel is intended to protect against the elements
a wall panel provides excellent insulation against both heat and cold
a structural panel of high flexural and compressive strength and high thermal storage capacity
the construction system may be modified to be energy autonomous
DIY construction is easy to install and low in cost
all materials are 100 % recyclable
The RUBACON Action Plan to Counter Climate Change and Poverty includes:
the ‘RENEW’ project for developing Biogas (alternative energy), natural fertilizer and micro-mineral powder from agricultural residues, animal dung and humanure
a solar energy water harvesting system for providing people with both hot and cold water
a process for utilisation of ceramic waste to produce surface-glazed ceramic tiles sans kiln
durable sewer, water and irrigation pipe
low-cost road construction
technology for cleansing of polluted land and waterways
the Solaramic Mini Power Station
the Solaramic Desalination and Water Purification System and
the Coastal Erosion and Flood Barrier
Upon your request, I shall be pleased to send you copies of the detailed RUBACON Programme, an Implementation Plan for the country of your choice, our Action Plan to Counter Climate Change and Poverty and four World Bank Proposals, two of which were approved as finalists for the Development Marketplace 2006 event in Washington. Last but not least, the sending will include a copy of the Health Centre prototype project preliminary proposal.
For further details on Arcilla Research and its technology, you are cordially invited to visit our website (currently being updated): http://www.arcillaresearch.com
I indeed look forward to learn from you how we can best proceed. Meanwhile, many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Paul (Rayar)
Development Gateway
Global Village Energy Partnership GVEP
Scientists Without Borders
Julianastraat 50 T +31 43 455 1482
6285 AK Epen F +31 43 455 2091
Netherlands E arcilla@planet.nl
The workshop was great:)It was a most educating and a fun experience.All the lectures were great,and working among people with a differentiated point of view on this matter was most interesting aspecialy for us,members of the Silesian comunity.All i all thanks for Your cooperation,hope to se You soon in Poland!
The workshop was great:)It was a most educating and a fun experience.All the lectures were great,and working among people with a differentiated point of view on this matter was most interesting aspecialy for us,members of the Silesian comunity.All i all thanks for Your cooperation,hope to se You soon in Poland!
Many thanks for educative lecture and inspirations during numerous chats. Many thanks for enormous contribution to workshops and got involve in such a difficult urban problem. Many thanks for being with us there. I hope we will meet next year.
Many thanks for educative lecture and inspirations during numerous chats. Many thanks for enormous contribution to workshops and got involve in such a difficult urban problem. Many thanks for being with us there. I hope we will meet next year.
great workshop, great people :) I have only listen to lecture you given becouse I was in a differen group, but even though I think you are great, you project are impressive, and that if I want to became a significant architect I have to start with winning europan :P
great workshop, great people :) I have only listen to lecture you given becouse I was in a differen group, but even though I think you are great, you project are impressive, and that if I want to became a significant architect I have to start with winning europan :P
Dear Friend at OSSA
Pursuant to our keen interest to work with you to create safe buildings and housing, I am writing to give you brief detaiis of the RUBACON Programme of Sustainable Development.
The RUBACON Programme – includes a group of interrelated projects with the key project, advanced building materials and construction system, at the core. Please take note of the two major systems and their advantages:
The RUBACON Materials and Construction System and the RUBACON ADOBE System
the design is hexagonal and consists of a series of panel components
the design is based on a modified form of ’rondavel’ – a typical system of building in southern Africa
the form and fibre-reinforced materials make for stability, providing high resistance to storm and earthquake
the panels are comprised of materials made from secondary and renewable resources
the ADOBE System panels are comprised of earth components
the panels in both systems are water resistant and water repellent
the materials are zero carbon and lightweight – gender-sensitive
they may be produced and assembled by women and older children
the initial or shelter panel is intended to protect against the elements
a wall panel provides excellent insulation against both heat and cold
a structural panel of high flexural and compressive strength and high thermal storage capacity
the construction system may be modified to be energy autonomous
DIY construction is easy to install and low in cost
all materials are 100 % recyclable
The RUBACON Action Plan to Counter Climate Change and Poverty includes:
the ‘RENEW’ project for developing Biogas (alternative energy), natural fertilizer and micro-mineral powder from agricultural residues, animal dung and humanure
a solar energy water harvesting system for providing people with both hot and cold water
a process for utilisation of ceramic waste to produce surface-glazed ceramic tiles sans kiln
durable sewer, water and irrigation pipe
low-cost road construction
technology for cleansing of polluted land and waterways
the Solaramic Mini Power Station
the Solaramic Desalination and Water Purification System and
the Coastal Erosion and Flood Barrier
Upon your request, I shall be pleased to send you copies of the detailed RUBACON Programme, an Implementation Plan for the country of your choice, our Action Plan to Counter Climate Change and Poverty and four World Bank Proposals, two of which were approved as finalists for the Development Marketplace 2006 event in Washington. Last but not least, the sending will include a copy of the Health Centre prototype project preliminary proposal.
For further details on Arcilla Research and its technology, you are cordially invited to visit our website (currently being updated): http://www.arcillaresearch.com
I indeed look forward to learn from you how we can best proceed. Meanwhile, many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Paul (Rayar)
Development Gateway
Global Village Energy Partnership GVEP
Scientists Without Borders
Julianastraat 50 T +31 43 455 1482
6285 AK Epen F +31 43 455 2091
Netherlands E arcilla@planet.nl
First day you started the work with asking about our expectations to this workshop. My answer was ‘a little break through’. Now job is done and I must admit, I’ve got what I wanted! Thanks and hope to see you soon!
Some photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=6825&l=00c8f&id=620832730
First day you started the work with asking about our expectations to this workshop. My answer was ‘a little break through’. Now job is done and I must admit, I’ve got what I wanted! Thanks and hope to see you soon!
Some photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=6825&l=00c8f&id=620832730
Hola EU.
Thanks for your lecture. It was very interesting and useful. And it was a great plesure to associate with you. ECOarchitecture – it’s what we realy need.
Gracias. Le deseo muchos exitos.
Hola EU.
Thanks for your lecture. It was very interesting and useful. And it was a great plesure to associate with you. ECOarchitecture – it’s what we realy need.
Gracias. Le deseo muchos exitos.
Many thanks for you Ecosistema Urbano for being and working with us! I had really a great time! You are the best :)
Hope to see you soon somewhere!
Many thanks for you Ecosistema Urbano for being and working with us! I had really a great time! You are the best :)
Hope to see you soon somewhere!
Hi everyone!
It´s been great to get so much feedback from you. It´s been a pleasure for us to be part of this workshop and meet all of you. Keep in touch and don´t forget to check the blog and take part in it!
Hi everyone!
It´s been great to get so much feedback from you. It´s been a pleasure for us to be part of this workshop and meet all of you. Keep in touch and don´t forget to check the blog and take part in it!
thanks for each and every minute from the early morning to the late evening. all of them were the same important. devil is in the detail.
thanks for each and every minute from the early morning to the late evening. all of them were the same important. devil is in the detail.