Next Saturday May 18th, Belinda Tato will be giving a lecture at the Dani Arhitekture, Days of Architecture 2013 in Sarajevo, Bosnia, presenting the most recent works of ecosistema urbano, among which is dreamhamar from Norway.
This year’s event title is Common space, inviting participants to reflect about the meaning of the common:
What is a common space on a city scale?
How do we create a positive interaction and encourage more citizens to an active use and participation in creating these areas?
What is the role of architects, urbanists, politicians?
Are architects simply creators, removed from the users, or are they mediators in this process, where every user himself becomes the creator of space?
These are some of the questions around which the different participants will discuss and share their experiences.
Other lecturers will be: Raumlabor, Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée, Glamourmanifest, Archipelagos and many others.
For more info:
About the lecture: Belinda Tato at Daniarhitekture