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Carlos Romo Melgar – eu:abierto

CATEGORY: ⚐ EN + eu:abierto

As we have said before, this blog is aimed to be a meeting point for creative people with a capacity for critical análisis. We like these people to have the chance to publish their ideas and thoughts, and obviously their work too. For this purpose we have created eu:abierto.
As part of this section, we want to introduce Carlos Romo Melgar. He has written a short introduction about himself which I am translating for you, and he is presenting some of his work, which you can download below. We want to remind you that everyone interested in doing the same should get in touch with Domenico – send an email to

I am Carlos, an architecture student at the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM).
I was born in Salamanca but for now I live in the capital.

A short while ago, I was lucky to take part in the Workshop that took place in Dubrovnik. I read about it in this blog and it was an experience that has helped me clarifying my intentions.

Despite being an architect “under construction”, I focus the way I work on the understanding of social operation through networks for organic generation, and how this knowledge can be applied to urban architecture. I try to see this application as the process for solving the puzzle of interests of different communities that interact.

The concept “sustainability” has been clarifying in the development of some personal thoughts related to the way I should manage my production process, but not so much as a goal to achive.

I am interested in sociology, addicted to DIY and an admirer of urban art. I am an active user of a few sites linked to the philosophy of the web 2.0 and a proud member of one of the first generations for which internet is a daily routine.

Currently I am initiating a project consisting in a community of citizens in Salamanca aiming to carry out urban actions on points of interest that pursue dynamizing the opinion and dialogue about the development of the city.

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