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building futures – the RIBA looks into the future

CATEGORY: ⚐ EN + architecture + city + research + technologies

Building Futures is the future studies programme of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). Its activities include undertaking research, producing publications, and holding lectures, debates and seminar events. Building Futures  promotes and encourages  interaction between researchers, developers, architects, clients and the public.
Building Futures was established to create space for discussion about the needs of society from our built environment and, consequently, the built environment professions in 20 years and beyond.
The group aims to address the big picture. How and where will we be living in 50 or 100 years’ time, when the climate has changed and cities are bigger than ever? What technologies will architects be using to design buildings and what new materials will they be specifying? How will the inevitable new technologies affect the buildings we all use every day?

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Comments (1)

That looks like a great project that might have impact on our future.

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