[ecosistema urbano] is an architecture and engineering team that focuses on the research and ecological design of new architecture projects that understand sustainable development as a resource for innovation and enthusiasm.
Its principle members have backgrounds in architecture and civil engineering from Madrid Polytechnic University, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia as well as the Bartlett School of Architecture at the University College London. They are design studio professors in the School of Architecture of Madrid and visiting professors at several universities in Spain and Latin America. They have received grants from more than ten public and private institutions.
They have received more than 15 awards since the year 2000 in national and international architecture design competitions. On the last year 2005, they have received top recognition for their work, including the European Acknowledgement Award from the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction (Geneva, 2005) and the selection as one of the “Top ten spanish architects under 40” by the Antonio Camuñas Foundation.
Exhibitions of their work have been shown in several national and international institutions. Their work has been covered by the national and international press, television programs, and specialized publications (Holland, France, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Canada, and USA).
Recently a monograph of their projects, entitled Monoespacios 8, was published by the Association of Architects of Madrid. Presently their work is being shown in the collective exposition FRESHMADRID (www.freshmadrid.com). Next they plan on showcasing one of their projects in an exposition by El Croquis Magazine.
Currently the team is involved in research projects about future paths of city design called “eco-techno-logical city”, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Industry. As for their latest project construction, they are building the second phase of the EcoBoulevard project in Madrid (pilot project of bioclimatic revitalization of a public space) and constructing the Meteorological Museum in the historical Buen Retiro Park in Madrid.
sono un’architetto che si occupa di progettazione sostenibilile sia alla scala urbanistica che edilizia. ho uno studio professionale e sono anche il Direttore del BIOECOLAB, un Centro della Provincia e del comune di Modena che si occupa di questi temi (www.bioecolab.it).
ho saputo del vostro lavoro tramite Ana Iglesias dell’EMVS di Madrid, che ho conosciuto in un convegno a Barcellona. Mi piacerebbe costruire un contatto con voi. vi ringrazio
Francesca Sorricaro
sono un’architetto che si occupa di progettazione sostenibilile sia alla scala urbanistica che edilizia. ho uno studio professionale e sono anche il Direttore del BIOECOLAB, un Centro della Provincia e del comune di Modena che si occupa di questi temi (www.bioecolab.it).
ho saputo del vostro lavoro tramite Ana Iglesias dell’EMVS di Madrid, che ho conosciuto in un convegno a Barcellona. Mi piacerebbe costruire un contatto con voi. vi ringrazio
Francesca Sorricaro