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[ecosistema urbano] Silver Award Europe2008 Holcim Foundation For Sustainable Construction


El proyecto Softly_Maribor fue galardonado ayer con el Silver Award de la Holcim Foundation For Sustainable Construction , siendo seleccionado entre más de 500 proyectos de toda Europa.

A continuación adjuntamos el informe del jurado:

“The project’s notoriety lies in its ecological and social qualities as well as its transferability and economic efficiency. The basic idea of revitalizing an existing municipal waste dumping area is unique. The project creates an elevated landscape shaped in large circles that will host manifold sports, recreation and cultural facilities for public use. The planned housing units surrounding the multi-use spaces are designed as earth shelters and therefore will be completely integrated into the landscape with a minimum consumption of energy and materials.
The striking concept includes, in addition to traditional architectural and landscaped elements, the dimension of time as a further design parameter. All buildings and the newly landscaped areas are temporary and designed for relocation and reuse. Such a design approach is visionary and innovative. It fi ts many other similar situations especially in emerging countries where waste is often disposed in a rather unprofessional way. Overall it is a very smart and economically-effi cient solution for the reuse of an otherwise lost and abandoned territory.”

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Comments (4)

Mis mas sinceras felicitaciones. Sigan así.


Mis mas sinceras felicitaciones. Sigan así.


felicidades!!!! un fuerte abrazo de méxico, la ibero y

espero que la hayas pasado bien en la fiesta del jueves! que bizarro encontrarte de nuevo, justo un año después!

felicidades!!!! un fuerte abrazo de méxico, la ibero y

espero que la hayas pasado bien en la fiesta del jueves! que bizarro encontrarte de nuevo, justo un año después!

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