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[strategic issues] Clinton Climate Initiative series

Category: ⚐ EN+city+creativity+sustainability+technologies

The Clinton Climate Initiative, from the William J. Clinton Foundation, has decided to promote 16 good practices in sustainable urban growth. Everybody is making list, as Forbes, but they don’t present very well the meaning of thist list. Through the website, we can see that the Initiative push the urban regeneration and the improvement of green energy as goals to reach better cities and better life’s. From this first post, our aim is communicate information about those projects, receive comments from our community and in two weeks offer a critical overview and some strategic keys to understand why some of the presented projects are in this list, and why some have no reasons. I hope we will generate some group of discussion on the present of our cities and some positive criticism on the ways to improve them.
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[EU] spotify playlists #4

Category: ⚐ EN+creativity+eu:live+open culture+technologies


This is our last daily playlist at the office, from now on we’ll post weekly or monthly playlists, so the first music brain-storming ends up here… the bright side is that weekly or monthly playlists are smoother and rested, and we have more time to select tracks for everyday work…


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imagine the future

Category: ⚐ EN+city+creativity

Surfing the web I’ve discovered that number of colormagazine dedicated to the effects of climate changing and sustenible development in the island of Vörland, in the year 2057.
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the commons

Category: ⚐ EN+creativity+internet+open culture


In this innovative animation, filmmaker Laura Hanna, writer Gavin Browning and video artists Dana Schechter and Molly Schwartz examine the concept of The Commons as a means to achieve a society of justice and equality.

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Category: ⚐ EN+art+city+creativity


I’d like to present this curious group all composed by young women who invaded London’s streets with cakes.

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fisheye sessions #10

Category: ⚐ EN+city+creativity+urbanism


Glorieta de Bilbao [Madrid]

-fisheye view from top-

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Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+city+creativity+proyectos+sustainability


Quite often grand cultural events, as the Architecture Biennale is, cross the city of Venice in a such imposing manner, rarely interacting with what stays out of the exhibition path. This applies to the citizens (inhabitants, students, workers) and also to the professionals and the artists officially invited.

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fisheye sessions #9

Category: ⚐ EN+creativity+cultura abierta+urbanism

Jacinto Benavente Square, Madrid [Top view]

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KULER -explore, create and share color themes-

Category: ⚐ EN+art+creativity+design+findings

the web-hosted application for generating color themes that can inspire any project. No matter what you’re creating, with Kuler you can experiment quickly with color variations and browse thousands of themes from the community…

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Puma City by Lot-Ek

Category: ⚐ EN+architecture+creativity

Photos © Danny Bright, text © Lot-Ek

“Twenty-four shipping containers are retrofitted and transformed into PUMA CITY, a transportable retail and event building that is traveling around the world along with the 70-foot long Puma sailing boat – il Mostro – during the one-year long 2008 Volvo Ocean Race, just started in Alicante, Spain in early October.
The building is fully dismountable and travels on a cargo ship along with the sail boats; it will be assembled and disassembled a number of times once it reaches the different international harbors. continue reading