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A recreation of our ‘Reggio school’ by Carlos Mazón | eu collaborators

Category: ⚐ EN+arquitectura+colaboradores+work in progress

Remember the Reggio Children experimental educational center we were invited to design back in 2012? We haven’t published anything about it in a while, but we can assure you that behind the scenes the wheels are turning very fast, and the construction project is almost being finished at this very moment.

As a great excuse to break this silence —we’ll be showing more about it soon—, today we want to share with you the result of a brief collaboration with architect and architectural illustrator Carlos Mazón (@imcarlosmazon), who created this inspiring image for the project:

Recreation of the experimental educational centre in Reggio Emilia - by Carlos Mazón

Recreation of the experimental educational centre in Reggio Emilia – by Carlos Mazón

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el ecobulevar paso a paso [004] – video render proyecto

Category: ⚐ ES+el ecobulevar paso a paso+proyectos+video

Os dejo con otra curiosidad sobre el ecobulevar: esta vez un video, realizado por Ignacio durante la fase de proyecto, a partir de los renders. continue reading