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ecosistema urbano winner of experimental education center for Reggio Children Foundation

Category : ⚐ EN + architecture + competitions + ecosistema urbano + news + sustainability

experimental education center for Reggio Children Foundation

Last June, we shared in our blog we had been invited to participate in the competition for the design of an experimental center for early childhood education in Reggio Emilia (Italy).

The Reggio Children Foundation is a network of public schools for kids between birth and 11 years old in Reggio Emilia, a city where one third of the public budget is invested in education. During these months we have been working to develop the proposal, a laboratory-school where a new approach to children’s education is experimented, trying to make a proposal that would enhance the spirit of Reggio Children Foundation, their working method and philosophy, at the same time that addressing issues such as energy efficiency, sustainability, participation, etc.

It was very exciting to get a deeper knowledge of the “Reggio approach” and its learning methods, and experiment with the educational role of the spacial and urban space context. The Reggio Approach is an educational philosophy based on the image of the child, and of human beings, as possessing strong potentials for development and as a subject of rights who learns and grows in his relationships with others.

It is an honor for us to know that we have been winners of the competition, competing with extraordinary teams across Europe. The Reggio Children Foundation philosophy dovetails nicely with our own and we see the development of the proposal and the materialization of the solutions as a challenge we are willing to face.

Congratulations, Ecosistema!

experimental education center for Reggio Children Foundationexperimental education center for Reggio Children Foundation

We share an excerpt from the considerations of the jury:

“The proposed solution is the best suited to represent the new school concept, making the new building a new collective experiment. The building itself becomes an opportunity for comparison, on issues of sustainability and eco-backwards compatibility, making the children themselves active participants. The construction techniques proposed include a development which can be implemented over time, according to needs for teaching-learning related to the school’s teaching plan, which makes the construction of the building itself a community project, seen as a process rather than a point of arrival”.

experimental education center for Reggio Children Foundation

experimental education center for Reggio Children Foundation

Experimental education center for Reggio Children Foundation

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A peek into our ‘new’ office

Category : ⚐ EN + architecture + eu:live

Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid

Exterior view of the first two floors, now part of Ecosistema Urbano’s office. Photo: Emilio P. Doiztúa.


Our office has always had two floors: a ground floor and a basement, connected by the iconic red stairs you may have seen in previous pictures. During several years, the size of the company remained stable and the spaces fit perfectly our daily work: a single room for the whole team, a meeting room, a kitchen-slash-library and a secondary work and meeting space in the ground floor.

In the last three years, however, Ecosistema Urbano has seen a sudden growth, more than doubling its usual size at some point. It was getting harder to fit so many people in our existing spaces.

Some limitations of the office were also sinking in: the lack of natural light, on one hand, and the lack of separated spaces, on the other. At this point, we decided to take the leap… and expand.

Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid

View of the new common workspace in the first floor. Photo: Emilio P. Doiztúa.

Moving into the first floor

Recently, we acquired the first floor in the same building, and started the refurbishment process while we continued working in the ground floor and the basement. The building where our office sits was rebuilt after the Spanish civil war, using a wooden structure filled with brick and—as we found out during the construction process—debris.

The first challenge was to expose and reinforce the structure, which had been partly eaten up by termites, and to level the floor, which had a 40 cm—yes, 0,4 meters—difference in a just 10 m wide flat.

The second challenge was to turn the three different floors into something that would feel and behave like a single office. This required fitting a new internal staircase in the limited space available around the central patio.

Drawing of Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid

Drawing of Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid

Drawing of Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid


Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid

View of the internal stairs between the ground floor and the 1st floor. Phoot: Emilio P. Doiztúa.

Upgrading the common spaces

The kitchen/library has always been a key part in our daily routine. It’s the place where we socialize, distend and—as part of a singular and valuable tradition—cook and eat together.

By moving the main workspace to the first floor, we freed the whole basement to become a full-time social and creative space. It is now the most multifunctional space, including a workshop equipped with a 3D printer and some electronic tools, a bigger kitchen for coffee breaks and daily cooking, a cool place for our server, a quiet reading corner, a ‘bunker’ room for private meetings and a space for lunch, talks and creative workshops.

Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid.

View of the flexible space in the basement. A place for creation and social exchange. Photo: Emilio P. Doiztúa.

Ecosistema Urbano office Madrid

View of the refurbished kitchen, now finally up to the task of cooking everyone’s daily lunch. Photo: Emilio P. Doiztúa.

Subdividing the office!

During the last decades, especially with the surge of coworking and certain startup culture, there has been a huge trend towards open or shared office spaces. The practical truth, however, is that even in the ‘digital age’ there is much need for separated spaces. The more global and digital a company becomes, the more different conversations have to take place at the same time without interfering with each other.

So our new office has gone from 2 to 6 meeting spaces, divided by glass walls and sound-tight doors, while keeping the same open concept for the main working area and the basement.

Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid

View of one of the new separated workspaces, a small workshop in the 1st floor. Photo: Emilio P. Doiztúa.

View of two of the new meeting rooms. At the back, our main meeting room or “space capsule” to the world. Photo: Emilio P. Doiztúa.

View of two of the new meeting rooms. At the back, our main meeting room or “space capsule” to the world. Photo: Emilio P. Doiztúa.

On a small note, if you are wondering about the lighting: it’s custom-designed, made in our new ‘workshop’ with a combination of off-the-shelf components and 3D printed parts. But we will be sharing more about them soon, so we will just leave you with a teaser for now:

Ecosistema Urbano office in Madrid

You can see more pictures about this project in our portfolio.

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Jornadas Imagina Madrid: Entre la celebración y el conflicto

Category : ⚐ ES + arte + ciudad + convocatorias + noticias

Jornadas de cierre de Imagina Madrid

Tras desarrollar nueve proyectos de arte público en otros tantos lugares periféricos de la ciudad, Imagina Madrid propone, los próximos martes 23 y el miércoles 24 de abril, unas jornadas en las que se analizarán resultados y compartirán aprendizajes sobre esta primera edición del programa, llevada a cabo durante el 2018 y los primeros meses de 2019.

Ya en los comienzos de Imagina Madrid transmitíamos nuestro entusiasmo por un proyecto que nos parecía que cuestionaba muchos modos de hacer, y llevaba lo experimental tanto al espacio público físico como al propio modo de trabajo o a aspectos de gestión o legalidad que también influyen en la actividad de una ciudad.

Ahora, tras haber participado en varias de sus actividades y seguido algunos de sus proyectos, nuestro interés no ha hecho sino crecer. Como dicen desde la organización, “intervenir artísticamente en el espacio público conlleva momentos de convivencia y diversión, pero también de duda e inevitable desacuerdo”, y esos son sólo algunos de los retos que el programa afrontó, con el apoyo de metodologías y modelos de trabajo comunitario y participativo.

Imagen de "Kópera", uno de los nueve proyectos de Imagina Madrid. Foto: Lukasz Michalak.

Imagen de “Kópera”, uno de los nueve proyectos de Imagina Madrid. Foto: Lukasz Michalak.

En estas jornadas de pensamiento en torno al arte y la ciudad, se presentará el trabajo realizado en los nueve proyectos que han conformado este programa de arte público. A lo largo de tres sesiones abiertas se abordarán cuestiones como el derecho a la ciudad y la amenaza de la privatización del espacio público, la construcción de la urbe a partir de la experiencia de los colectivos subalternos o el papel del arte en los procesos de transformación social. Participarán prestigiosos profesionales de instituciones culturales y universidades internacionales, quienes abordarán estas temáticas desde la investigación y la práctica en conversación con el tejido artístico local.

Estas sesiones serán una ocasión única para conocer más de cerca un proyecto tan comprometido como complejo, casi inabarcable, cuyos aportes se entienden mucho mejor conversando con quienes formaron parte de él y escuchando sus visiones y experiencias.

Más información y programa completo

Fechas: 23 y 24 de abril de 2019.
Horario: De 17:00 h en adelante.
Lugar: Nave 16, Matadero, Madrid.

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Our sites were hacked!

Category : ⚐ EN + eu:live

This is just a short update to let you know that all our sites were attacked a couple of days ago. This is the reason behind the unrelated posts or any other strange behavior you may have seen these days. The attacks were not dangerous for our readers, and we didn’t lose any information, but they were nonetheless a hassle and kept us busy for a couple of days.

Attackers, again!

This is the second time this happens in several years, and this time we were more prepared, with regular backups and other security measures. It just seems the attackers were also more prepared!

So… don’t worry, and bear with us as we chase down every single one of the malicious files. We will soon be back on track and with new content!

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Estrategia para activar el cambio | Frente marítimo de West Palm Beach

Category : ⚐ ES + concursos + ecosistema urbano + sostenibilidad + urbanismo + work in progress

El proyecto Open Shore, del cual estamos actualmente desarrollando algunas partes, propone soluciones a algunos de los retos de la ciudad de West Palm Beach, Florida, desde varias perspectivas complementarias. Retos que, por otro lado, comparte con muchas otras ciudades costeras.

A continuación os contamos con más detalle nuestra estrategia para activar el cambio en el frente de la ciudad hacia la laguna.

Como se presenta en la página web del concurso Shore to Core, West Palm Beach es una ciudad joven en pleno crecimiento. La región se asocia generalmente con la importante comunidad de personas retiradas que se mudan allí en busca de un estilo de vida más relajado y un mejor clima, pero además hay una creciente población de jóvenes entre 20 y 30 años, así como una gran comunidad afroamericana e hispánica. El centro de la ciudad y las 10 millas de frente marítimo brindan una gran oportunidad para desarrollar nuevas actividades que conecten con diferentes sectores de la población.

Algunas de las preguntas planteadas por el concurso era: ¿Cómo re-imaginar el centro de la ciudad para hacerlo más atractivo y vibrante? ¿Cómo pueden las ciudades recabar información que alimente las estrategias adaptación y crecimiento? ¿Cómo podemos facilitar la interacción social entre grupos diversos? ¿Cómo podemos construir un ambiente que mejore la vida de los residentes física, mental y socialmente?

En este artículo os compartimos el análisis previo y la estrategia general que utilizamos para generar el diseño de cada área del proyecto.

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Propuestas para regenerar el frente fluvial de Voronezh

Category : ⚐ ES + concursos

Vista aérea de la "Isla del Ocio", una de las propuestas para Voronezh

Vista aérea de la “Isla del Ocio”, una de las propuestas

Hoy, al hilo de otros proyectos relacionados con el desarrollo de frentes marítimos o fluviales, recuperamos un proyecto de 2014 que solamente habíamos contado en inglés. La propuesta, que no se llegó a implementar pero sigue plenamente vigente, contiene varios de los temas que más nos interesan, como la revitalización urbana, la regeneración ambiental y la creación de espacios públicos. Fue desarrollada en colaboración con expertos de diversas disciplinas aunando aspectos tecnológicos, sociales y ambientales.

El departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ecología de la región de Voronezh en Rusia organizó, en 2014, un concurso restringido para desarrollar una estrategia para el futuro del río Voronezh, cuyo embalse frente a la ciudad se encuentra actualmente contaminado. El objetivo era recoger las ideas sobre el uso del embalse para convertirlo en un lugar más atractivo para la población y en un recurso para el desarrollo de la ciudad… una vez que el agua estuviera limpia.

La propuesta que desarrollamos en Ecosistema Urbano obtuvo el primer puesto en el concurso. En ella abordamos tanto las diversas fuentes de contaminación como los usos potenciales del embalse, combinando diversas soluciones para convertir la orilla de nuevo en un espacio público, traer nuevas oportunidades para su disfrute y nuevas formas de experimentar el lago.

Mejorar la calidad del agua

El primer conjunto de propuestas, que se enmarcan en la Fase 0, consiste en afrontar las diferentes fuentes de contaminación, aportando soluciones especializadas para cada una de ellas.

Entre otras acciones, proponemos plantar plantas macrófitas en la superficie de la planta de tratamiento de agua. Esta acción tiene el potencial de mejorar el rendimiento de la planta hasta un 40% y es más eficiente no solo a corto plazo sino también a largo plazo, ya que reduce el consumo de energía y es de bajo mantenimiento.

Las macrófitas flotantes pueden absorber muchos tipos de contaminantes. Se ubican en las zonas menos profundas del lago para evitar que las algas se multipliquen y emitan un olor particular en verano.

Macrófitas flotantes en acción

Macrófitas flotantes en acción

Tras incorporar este sistema natural de depuración, se propone la creación de zonas de baño acotadas y especialmente protegidas, tanto en el entorno urbano como en el natural del lago.

Como complemento a este sistema, se crean varias infraestructuras móviles de limpieza. Estas barcazas contribuyen a controlar la eutrofización del agua, reduciendo la cantidad de fósforo en ésta. Disponen en su base de depósitos llenos de alúmina para la sedimentación del fósforo, e incorporan diversos programas de ocio y posibilidades en la parte superior, por lo que pueden ser utilizadas en diferentes zonas de la ciudad durante la época estival.

Al mismo tiempo, se prevé que las barcazas flotantes incluyan sistemas de muestreo y análisis para dar la información en tiempo real sobre las condiciones y calidad del agua a través de una plataforma web y una aplicación móvil desarrollada específicamente para este fin.

Infraestructuras flotantes y móviles de limpieza

Infraestructuras flotantes y móviles de limpieza

Revitalizar la ribera

El proyecto contempla dos áreas a desarrollar a través de una asociación público-privada. Estos nuevos desarrollos ayudarán a dar forma a una nueva identidad para Voronezh y a una nueva relación de la ciudad con el agua.

La primera es una zona de uso mixto que incluye viviendas, oficinas, comercios, edificios públicos y equipamientos culturales. Este nuevo desarrollo busca convertirse en una experiencia piloto que incorpore tecnologías actuales de desarrollo sostenible, así como la incorporación de buenas prácticas en la gestión del agua. El agua de lluvia que se desborde se recogerá y purificará a través de pequeños estanques con macrófitas flotantes para su posterior uso en el riego. El sistema de bombeo para los estanques y fuentes de aireación recibe la energía de micro-aerogeneradores situados en la orilla.

Nueva zona de uso mixto frente al embalse

Nueva zona de uso mixto frente al embalse

Como segunda oportunidad de desarrollo, proponemos convertir la actual presa Pridachenskaya en una Isla del Ocio con diferentes actividades, convirtiéndose en una nueva infraestructura para la ciudad con áreas de agua limpia disponibles para nadar y bañarse. La isla también tendrá senderos para bicicletas y caminos para caminar y correr, una estación náutica para deportes acuáticos, playa urbana, jardines, parques infantiles e instalaciones deportivas.

Tipos de infraestructuras de limpieza y actividad

Tipos de infraestructuras de limpieza y actividad

A continuación os dejamos algunas imágenes más de la propuesta, que muestran cómo el tratamiento de aguas y la regeneración ambiental pueden combinarse con la reactivación social del embalse a lo largo del día y de las estaciones del año.

Piscinas frente al parque fluvial

Piscinas frente al parque fluvial

Nuevas actividades y formas de relación de la ciudad con el agua

Nuevas actividades y formas de relación de la ciudad con el agua

Activando también la escena cultural y nocturna

Activando también la escena cultural y nocturna

La ribera evoluciona, ofreciendo diferentes experiencias a lo largo del año

La ribera evoluciona, ofreciendo diferentes experiencias a lo largo del año


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Un nuevo frente marítimo para Palma de Mallorca

Category : ⚐ ES + espacio público + sostenibilidad + urbanismo

En 2018, la ciudad de Palma de Mallorca se propuso reformar su paseo marítimo frente a la zona portuaria, y convocó un concurso abierto para ello. Hoy os contamos algunos detalles sobre nuestra propuesta, que quedó finalista.

El reto consiste, principalmente, convertir lo que ahora es una barrera, un borde, en un nuevo espacio urbano que conecte la ciudad con el puerto. Nosotros proponemos una transición en la forma de entender ese espacio público, desde concebirlo como un “paseo” lineal a verlo como un “frente” marítimo más amplio, un lugar donde la ciudad pueda expandir sus usos actuales y descubrir otros nuevos.

La propuesta es crear un espacio con nuevas cualidades, un eje cívico donde la ciudad pueda ver reflejada su identidad, aportando representatividad y, sobre todo, añadiendo a ese espacio valor de uso para ciudadanos y visitantes. No se trata, por tanto, solamente de un proyecto de pacificación del tráfico y renaturalización, sino de caracterización y activación.

El enfoque general del proyecto se puede desglosar en una serie de criterios o líneas de actuación. Estas líneas se han agrupado en cuatro “frentes” (integrado, ambiental, activo y conectado) entendidos como capas del frente costero que sintetizan las prioridades de la propuesta e ilustran la visión de la ciudad que la sustenta.

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How to make streets livable in the traffic-packed city of Dhaka

Category : ⚐ ES + city + design + dhaka + mobility + urbanism

Trying to drive along a street in the Lalbagh area, in the city center of Dhaka.

Trying to drive along a street in the Lalbagh area, in the city center of Dhaka.

After getting out of the airport in Dhaka, the first thing we noticed—the first thing every visitor notices—was the traffic. As we were heading to our hotel in a taxi, the streets around us were crowded: trucks, taxi, private cars, rickshaws, auto-rickshaws, pedestrians, carts with horses… All transportation modes were sharing the same space among clouds of dust, smoke and a cacophony of sounds, without any apparent organization.

How could some of these roads be turned into walkable, human-friendly streets within a short period of 5 years?

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Febres Cordero | A new hybrid building in the historic center of Cuenca

Category : ⚐ EN + architecture + ecosistema urbano + mixed-use building + sustainability

Vista aerea febres

The Febres Cordero building was developed within the scope of CUENCA RED, the urban reactivation strategy for Cuenca, Ecuador. The aim of Cuenca Red was to incorporate activities and programs in the Historic Center in order to create a new network of reactivated public spaces. One of those spaces is Febres Cordero, an emblematic and historical building which had functioned as a school for decades.

This building has great heritage value and has one of the largest courtyards of the entire historic center (3,300 m2). It is located on Gran Colombia Street, right next to the tram line. It is comprised of two main volumes, one of them  with much less quality and architectural interest.

The building was going to stop its activities within a few months of the beginning of the project, as the school was going to be relocated into a new building. Also, the school has been an important node of social and economic activity for years on the area. This large community injects daily activity into the center of Cuenca.

Fachada Exterior Febres Cordero

Activity from the beginning

One key aspect of the project was not only to design a building with new uses and programs, but also to plan the transition process between one moment and the other. We conceived the project from its Phase 0, in order to unleash, through different actions and activities, dynamism and interest in the future of the building and its interior space.

Space is activated from the beginning, dividing the construction into 3 phasesThe project is planned in 3 phases. The first one is really important, consisting of the opening and reactivation of the central courtyard as a public space for events and activities. This phase is esentially low cost, but its implementation will have a strong impact in keeping momentum and activity around the area, and also generating interest and expectations around the building. Subsequently, the reconditioning and construction of the building will be carried out, and finally the climatic conditioning of the new interior square.

In search of new uses

Following our conclusions of the urban analysis, we noted the progressive emptying of housing in the Historic Center of Cuenca. Although the center still continues to be an active space for tourism and commercial activity, the number of residents is decreasing, moving towards the perimeter of the city center.

This is certainly a problem, especially in the afternoon or the evening, when the shops and offices close, and the lack of activity and people in the area becomes more evident. That emptiness generates unfavorable conditions, like sense of insecurity, or an increase in the number of abandoned or underused properties.


Current status of the interior patio of the Febres Cordero School in Cuenca, Ecuador.In this complex context we identified, through a participatory process partly hosted in the school itself, the need of strengthening the resident population living in the center of Cuenca. It was also key to generate conditions for other families to consider attractive and feasible to live there. The inhabitants of the CHC and technicians who participated in the participatory process agree that the building has optimal conditions to become a new “catalyst” of the city. The Febres Cordero building can be reconstructed as a pilot project that will address many of the opportunities and challenges shared with other historic centers in Latin America.


Participatory activities carried out with the students of the Febres Cordero School

A hybrid architectural complex

Febres Cordero does not only house a school, but also commercial premises along the ground floor. The project aims to enhance this aspect, creating a hybrid building capable of bringing together different programs, generating a diverse community that serves as a reference for social and economically sustainable urban intervention.

The rehabilitation of the Febres School seeks three main goals, as steps towards the improvement of the Historic Center:

  • Increasing the extension of public spaces in the area
  • Providing diverse housing typologies (including social housing)
  • Generating a new heart of urban activity through the insertion of new facilities.

Hybrid program of the new complex

To achieve this, Febres Cordero comprises 3 components:

  • Rehabilitation of the existing heritage building (4.500 m2) with new apartments, students dormitory, commercial ground floor, common workspaces, rest area and an elevated outdoor public space.
  • Construction of a new building (5.000 m2) on the surface freed by the demolition of the unprotected building. It is mainly residential and will also have a series of additional services and facilities that are of a public nature and therefore accessible to the rest of the inhabitants of the complex.
  • Reconfiguration of the inner courtyard as a new public square for the city (3.300 m2).


The new building is connected to the heritage building by corridors

A new public square

The courtyard is conceived as a new public square for the city. It recovers the entrances from the 3 adjacent roads and generates an active and attractive, programmable public space. The ground floor will be adapted to reinforce this idea, promoting permeability and the visual connection between the streets and the courtyard.


New public square, with 3 entrances from the surrounding streets

The proposed square includes two conditions: a flexible space with a mobile grandstand that allows the creation of different configurations for cultural and sport events, and a more natural space, a cuencan garden inspired by the multiple existing green patios that together create a network of vegetation and biodiversity in the historic center.

Respecting heritage

We are aware of the historical value of a building like this. After a careful study of the history, typology, and construction of the building (built around 1900), the intervention was designed to preserve and respect its historical value and at the same time to introduce new structures to diversify the possibilities of use and adapt it to the evolving urban context.

The intervention respects and seeks to value the intrinsic qualities of the building, and also wants to create a dialogue with the most innovative construction techniques.

TOMO 2.pdf

View of the new public space with the mixed-use building connected to the old Febres Cordero School.

Sección Transversal de la Escuela Febres Cordero

Cross section. A relationship between the new mixed building (left), the public square (center), and the heritage building (center and right).


Architectural plans of the refurbished complex.The main strategy consists of concentrating the utilities or technical systems of the apartments in spines perpendicular to the façade line. This way we can  to minimize the impact on the façade and generate cross ventilation in all the rooms. The exterior façade is not altered by any of the interior interventions and will preserve its current structure and image towards.

On the other hand, the roof was in poor condition. Activating the space under the roof with the creation of a new housing ring towards the interior of the patio enabled us to expand the useful surface without impacting the building on its exterior appearance and its relationship with the public road.

Maximum sustainability

In a project as ambitious as Febres Cordero, the most appropriate technical mechanisms must be sought to achieve maximum economic, social and environmental sustainability. The final design and construction systems were devised under the following sustainability criteria: following bioclimatic design principles for better energy efficiency, adopting local materials and construction techniques to improve durability, and considering the economic impact of the construction at a local level.


Adaptation of housing typologies to the structural modules in the heritage building.

Comportamiento bioclimático Febres Cordero

Basic outline of the bioclimatic behavior.

The rehabilitation of Febres Cordero is also conceived to be financially sustainable, allowing a short-term return of the investment with the sale and lease of housing and commercial premises, and with the generation of new economies in the urban area.

In general, this rehabilitation project, a pilot within the general Cuenca Red plan, will increase the intensity of use, the possibilities of social interaction and the generation of economies that contribute to the long-term sustainability of the historic center.

You can see the full documents of this project in our portfolio.

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A starting point: Banco de Ideas as an activator of the Hermosillo center

Category : ⚐ EN + architecture + ecosistema urbano + mixed-use building + sustainability + urbanism

In a previous post, we shared the general approach for the Revitalization Plan of the historical center of Hermosillo. Pointing out how a strategic-tactical approach can contribute to transforming the city.

As we are focusing this month on hybrid buildings and urban catalysts, we want to take a closer look into one of the key sub-projects of the Plan Idea Hermosillo: the Banco de Ideas (Bank of Ideas).

Identifying an opportunity for activation

During the mapping process of the historical center, both in the on-site surveys and in the participatory meetings and workshops, one of the locations began to stand out as a key spot in the project’s approach: the Banco de Ropa (bank of clothes), a two-storey building used by a local NGO as a collection, storage and re-distribution point for second-hand clothes.

General view of the location of the Banco de Ideas and its surroundings, as seen from Cerro de la Campana. Historic Center of Hermosillo, Mexico. Ecosistema Urbano.

General view of the location of the Banco de Ideas and its surroundings, as seen from Cerro de la Campana.

View of the Banco de Ropa from the No Reelección Avenue, and current façade seen from Avda. Obregón. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

View of the Banco de Ropa from the No Reelección Avenue, and current façade seen from Avda. Obregón.

Many of the ingredients needed to launch an urban activation project are present on the Banco de Ropa:

  • It is strategically located in the center of the intervention area (see map). On the main street, near an important intersection and with direct views of the Cerro de la Campana. This location gives the project an excellent level of visibility and maximizes its potential impact on the urban center.
  • It presents an interesting combination of building and public space. Two of its facades, equipped with large sliding doors, face different streets, one of them with a small square in front. Right next to it, there is a vacant lot currently used as a parking lot. This combination of spaces creates the ideal situation to experiment with interior and exterior urban interventions.
  • The size of the building—around 1,700 m2—and of the surrounding spaces are also ideal, keeping the intervention in an affordable range but allowing a significant level of impact to be achieved in its surroundings.
  • The building is the only public property in the area, which enables some approaches that would not have been possible on a privately owned lot.
  • Transferring the existing use—as a clothing ban—to another location was deemed feasible and even desirable.
  • During the workshops and meetings, several local agents expressed their interest in taking part in the activation of the Banco de Ideas from the socio-cultural and business side. The building is seen as a possible hub for entrepreneurship, gastronomy, and technology, incorporating an educational component in its core.
  • The building’s general construction quality is relatively low, but on the other hand offers great potential for reconversion, being able to function as a large container of activities.

All these factors give this location a great potential for transformation and positive impact on the environment. They enable the ability to activate spaces, attract people and become the first step towards the revitalization of the historical center.

This is why this location was chosen as the main intervention of the Plan Idea Hermosillo, being developed as the “Banco de Ideas” Pilot Project.

The Banco de Ideas as an urban catalyst

The name and identity of the Banco de Ideas establish a link between its current use as a clothing bank and future use as a cultural, social and economic incubator. It is a space of exploration, a place capable of kick-starting the social, cultural and economic activation of the area. Capable of functioning as a collaborative “kitchen” in which the city and the neighborhood can experience new activities and ways of organizing themselves, and launch initiatives that improve the quality of life.

This is the role of an urban catalyst: to be one of the first steps on the long process of revitalization of an area of the city. The aim is to create a public and open place that would become a new node of activity, achieving a high impact without consuming excessive economic resources.

Diversifying uses

One of the first considerations when conceiving a new urban space like this one is the incorporation of new uses and programmes that will guarantee its transformation into an attractor of activity.

Many of the proposals emerged during the participation process with different stakeholders. The activities also served to identify the people or groups that could be involved in the subsequent management of the space. The uses and programmes that were identified as relevant for the reconversion of the building included gastronomy, culture, and heritage, entrepreneurship, education, new technologies and sport.

Key themes and activities identified around the Banco de Ideas. Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Ecosistema Urbano.

Key themes and activities identified around the Banco de Ideas.

Maximize the relationship with the environment

The Banco de Ideas building is a visual reference for the entire area because of its solid volume and height. It can clearly be seen from the Cerro de la Campana. However, given the importance of its integration into the urban context, the intervention cannot be restricted to an isolated architectural project: it needs to engage with the surrounding environment.

In the adjacent outdoor spaces (the small square on Obregón Avenue and streets) interventions are proposed in order to improve usability, comfort, attractiveness and general quality of the space.

The Banco de Ideas and its surroundings as hubs for new uses. Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Ecosistema Urbano

The Banco de Ideas and its surroundings as hubs for new uses.

The location of the building (right next to a public parking lot surrounded by a historic façade) allows for the creation of a unique combination of interior and exterior spaces. The parking lot is incorporated as a temporary expansion space in the moments of low usage, making it possible for the Banco de Ideas to also program outdoor activities.

The four large opposite entrances facilitate themovement of people, furniture and large objects, and provide physical and visual connection through the building.

The project

The concept of an urban catalyst is translated as a hybrid building (see more examples), capable of hosting a wide variety of uses. This building typology lies halfway between the closed and the open, the public and the private, the physical and the digital.

Axonometries showing elements to be demolished (red) and to be added (green) to the Banco de Ideas. Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Ecosistema Urbano

Axonometries showing elements to be demolished (red) and to be added (green) to the Banco de Ideas.

The project is based on the existing building, modifying it according to six key principles: the creation of multifunctional spaces, the connection of interior spaces with surrounding public spaces, the improvement of its climatic comfort by bioclimatic design, the integration of new facilities and technologies to prepare it for innovative uses, the creation of an open and inclusive management system, and the extension of opening hours to create an almost 24/7 facility.

Explanatory diagrams of the main concepts behind the proposal for the Banco de Ideas. Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Ecosistema Urbano.

Explanatory diagrams of the main concepts behind the proposal for the Banco de Ideas.

Inside the building, the intervention focuses on improvements that will allow new programmes and increase comfort: more natural lighting and ventilation, an adaptation of the space to new needs, improved accessibility, modernization of basic infrastructures, improvements in the perception of the space, etc.

A central patio combines vertical communications, lighting and ventilation. Three open floors are created, with a flexible distribution aided by furniture and light walls.

Plant and section of the proposal. Hermosillo, Sonora, México - Ecosistema Urbano

Plant and section of the proposal.

A key action for the renovation of the building is the addition o a new façace, made with light structures and semi-opaque textiles over the existing façace. Its design allows, on one hand, to protect the structure and the main enclosure of the building from direct solar radiation, improving its climatic behavior. On the other hand, brings a renovated image to the building while maintaining part of its previous shape.

Image of the building and the surrounding spaces from the outside. Banco de Ideas de Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Ecosistema Urbano.

Image of the building and the surrounding spaces from the outside.

The key to a sustainable management

One of the main challenges is related to the reactivation and management model of the Banco de Ropa building. Improving its physical appearance or incorporating new programmes is not enough. The real challenge is to develop an ad-hoc management model that guarantees its economic feasibility and at the same time promotes its use as a public facility.

This is why it is necessary to have the support of different urban stakeholders (private entrepreneurs, civic associations, local institutions, foundations, NGO’s, volunteers, etc.) organized in an administrative and consultive committee, and a civic board that will operate the Banco de Ideas in its day to day functioning.

The public sector will provide the building on a concession basis and will provide resources for the initial materialization of the physical infrastructure. At the same time, it will facilitate its management and operation with the other public agencies involved.

Profiles identified with a view to the co-management of the Banco de Ideas.. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Ecosistema Urbano.

Profiles identified for the co-management of the Banco de Ideas.

This management model is based on good practices from different parts of the world, such as Estación Indianilla (CDMX, Mexico), Cascina Cuccagna (Milan, Italy), Infante 1415 (Santiago, Chile), Chapitô (Lisbon, Portugal) or the Scuola Open Source (Bari, Italy).

The aim is making the Banco de Ideas a self-sufficient project that generates its own economy and activity.

If you want to know more about this project, we recommend you to check the Plan Idea Hermosillo, and the document with the proposal for the Banco de Ideas, which you can read below: