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Carta para el diseño de nuevos desarrollos urbanos y regeneración de los existentes

Category : ⚐ ES + ciudad + sostenibilidad

Carta urbanismo ecosistemico

El 22 de Mayo del 2018 Salvador Rueda, director de la Agencia de Ecología Urbana de Barcelona, presentó en Barcelona, en el ámbito del Congreso Post-Habitat III, la “Carta para la planificación ecosistémica de las ciudades y metrópolis’’. En el mismo congreso se creó una comunidad de miembros e instituciones que apoyan Carta con la intención de impulsar los principios incluidos en ella. Cada profesional, institución y empresa que quiera unirse puede hacerlo inscribiéndose aquí:

Desde Ecosistema Urbano buscamos crear, con una visión integral, ciudades y espacios públicos que incorporen en su desarrollo el equilibrio ambiental, la justicia social y la calidad de vida. Compartimos muchos de los principios del “urbanismo ecosistémico” expresados por la carta, de modo que os animamos a revisarla y, si lo creéis conveniente, suscribirla.

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Banyan Hub: A new urban ecosystem for West Palm Beach | Open Shore Project

Category : ⚐ EN + architecture + design + ecosistema urbano + urbanism + work in progress

The Banyan garage is envisioned as a new beacon for activities in downtown. This hybrid and flexible building will be open to the public all day long and will be an active presence in the city, producing culture, knowledge, and goods, while attracting businesses, talent, and innovation with its attractions.

Its configuration allows many different uses to coexist, which also makes it flexible to permit future changes in use.

It is a permeable building, open, and accessible to all citizens, a true part of the city from the ground floor to the public roof terrace. Its bioclimatic design, based on a green permeable facade and two big thematic courtyards -natural and digital- will provide pleasant internal climate moderation throughout the year while reducing environmental impact and management costs.

The Banyan Hub is, not only tightly connected to the street: it takes the street and its energy inside and makes it one of its core features. Folding, twisting and ramping up towards the open terrace on the roof, this new kind of street provides a unique urban-like experience inside the building, but also retains many of the features of an ordinary street.

Section of Banyan Hub, an Urban Ecosistem in the Heart of West Palm Beach

Areas of the building will be open to the public at anytime. The building may be accessed by many modes of transportation such as pedestrians, cyclists, skaters, and light vehicles. It connects different uses along its path — from businesses to cultural spaces to public plazas.

Prioritizing public accessibility is integral in ensuring that this project has a landmark presence in West Palm Beach. Banyan Hub is envisioned as an urban ecosystem where users can satisfy their wants and needs without ever having to leave the building. Banyan Hub is sure to set the tone for the future of West Palm Beach as a collaborative, sustainable, and creative city.

The Banyan Hub includes a series of public spaces located at different levels connected by a re-envisioned parking ramp which provides access to different spaces and twists around the courtyards.  

+A flexible square at ground level which consists of an open hall connected to the surrounding streets and to the passageway at the back of the building.

+A covered but open air plaza at an intermediate level of the building, right where the two courtyards begin. This space is the heart of the Hub and plays a crucial role in its climatic conditioning and cultural activity. 

+A top terrace, overlooking the lagoon which offers a panoramic view of the natural environment and of the whole downtown. Relaxing and breezy like the decks of a cruise ship, it is and an ideal place to begin a stroll through the building and along the waterfront.


One of the most important qualities of a city is the ability to evolve by changing its uses and its physical configuration according to the needs of the society that lives in it. The Banyan Hub materializes these principles as it being conceived in a way in which changeability is the only constant. It will remain open to transformation by its managers and users, embracing evolution as a way to stay useful and relevant. This will be achieved by introducing changeable programs and spaces between fixed elements, and designing movable physical delimitations and reconfigurable technical infrastructure.

Change is the only constant

The rich mix of different uses in close proximity helps create situations where activities can complement and benefit each other. This also gives a special character to each part of the building, enabling interactions that would not take place in a conventional building.

In order to become the everbeating heart of West Palm Beach, Banyan Hub will include a diverse and complementary set of programs, balancing the type of activities, desired level of comfort, need for equipment, and profile of the participants throughout the day. The scale of the Hub allows the coexistence of various uses, bringing together diverse age groups, interests, and communities.

Management & Stakeholders

The Banyan Hub operational model could be developed as a public-private partnership. The main partners could be comprised of the City, private companies, non-profits, athletic associations, and other organizations. This would beg the creation of a managing board which would share the funding, ownership, and decision making responsibilities of the building.

This board would take care of the construction and later lease spaces and equipment to other urban stakeholders. It would also create working committees for logistics and maintenance, programming, communication, and participation. It would serve as a mediation entity between institutions, the general public, entrepreneurs, and other potential partners.

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La Fab City Summit de París te espera

Category : ⚐ ES + ciudad + eventos + noticias + sostenibilidad + tecnologías

Ciudades que, para 2054, sean capaces de producir todo lo que consuman. Este es el reto que lanza la iniciativa global Fab City, que celebrará su tercera cumbre en París del 11 al 13 de julio de 2018, y que no sólo promete ser uno de los eventos más interesantes del año, sino que además está deseando contar con la participación de la comunidad española de arquitectos, diseñadores, urbanistas, sociólogos, makers, economistas y todas aquellas personas que piensan, investigan o desarrollan proyectos en torno a la ciudad. Más abajo os contamos más sobre eso, pero veamos, antes, de qué va el evento:

¿Podemos cambiar nuestras ciudades repensando el modo en que las “fabricamos”? ¿Podemos sustituir el movimiento de materiales por el de datos? ¿Podemos repensar la economía, la producción y la ecología desde las tecnologías y nuevos enfoques que ya tenemos a nuestro alcance, o que aún están por desarrollar? El modelo urbano que propone Fab City busca crear ciudades autosuficientes, productivas a nivel local y conectadas a nivel global. El escenario a 2054 contempla ciudades que no sólo producen lo que consumen, obteniendo los materiales de forma local a través del reciclaje y los “materiales digitales”, sino que comparten un repositorio global de soluciones de código abierto.

Fab City propone una nueva forma de urbanismo experimental, con el fin de cambiar el sistema operativo bajo el cual parecen estar atrapadas la economía, la sociedad y la ecología en la actualidad. (Ver libro blanco).

En las ciudades participantes se busca empoderar a la ciudadanía y crear sistemas más ecológicos promoviendo el movimiento de datos sobre el de materiales. Para ello, Fab City reúne en cada una de sus cumbres a expertos y comunidades interesadas en la economía circular, el planeamiento urbano, la fabricación digital, la búsqueda de nuevos modelos de negocio, la participación ciudadana y el diseño y la producción sostenibles.

Fab City: From "Product in, trash out" to "Data in, data out"

Fab City: From “Product in, trash out” to “Data in, data out”

La lista de invitados cuenta con perfiles tan potentes y variados como Saskia Sassen, Dave Hakkens (¿os suena Precious Plastic?), Danielle Wood, Francesca Bria, NeilGershenfeld, Tomás Saraceno… mejor ved la lista completa.

Este año, además, la Fab City Summit coincide con FAB14, el encuentro internacional de la red de más de 1500 Fab Labs de todo el mundo, y estará seguida del “The Fab City Campus” entre el 14 y el 29 de julio, donde 500 participantes mostrarán más de 40 proyectos transformadores. Tendrán lugar también eventos distribuidos en más de 40 lugares distintos de París, de modo que no habrá mejor momento para estar en esa ciudad si te interesan estos temas.

Fab City Campus - Paris 2018

Fab City Campus

Os dejamos un resumen de los temas clave, para ir abriendo boca:

  • Ecosistemas avanzados de fabricación de bienes materiales
  • Permacultura urbana y producción de alimentos
  • Flujo de materiales y datos: economía circular, logística urbana y datos abiertos
  • Educación para el futuro
  • Economía local: distribución, monedas locales y criptomonedas
  • Colaboración entre gobiernos y sociedad civil

Y para no extender más este post, os dejamos con la presentación completa del evento:

Fab City Summit – web oficial

Desde la organización de la cumbre nos lo han dicho así: nos gustaría invitar especialmente a la comunidad española y a vuestra red. Así que nos hemos unido a ellos para facilitar la asistencia al evento a las personas con las que colaboramos, que conocemos o que nos siguen. Concretamente, este viernes enviaremos a través de nuestro boletín un código del 40% de descuento que podrán usar todas las personas suscritas hasta ese día, y sortearemos una entrada gratuita entre quienes estén interesadas en acudir. Si todavía no estáis en la lista, podéis apuntaros a través de este enlace:

Suscribirse al boletín


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Ecosistema Urbano en el Congreso “Menos arquitectura, más ciudad”

Category : ⚐ ES + eventos + noticias

V Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura y Sociedad "Menos arquitectura, más ciudad"

Belinda Tato participará mañana jueves 14 de junio en el congreso “Menos arquitectura, más ciudad” en Pamplona, en el que también participan con ponencias Eduardo Mendoza, Leonardo Padura, Manuela Carmena, Joan Clos, Iwan Baan, Dominique Perrault, Farshid Moussavi, Salvador Rueda, Deyan Sudjic, Jan Gehl y Jaime Lerner. De la presentación del congreso:

Con esta quinta edición del congreso Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura y Sociedad se inicia un nuevo ciclo centrado en la ciudad. La sesión inaugural correrá a cargo de escritores que examinarán la ciudad como un ámbito de libertad, introduciendo los dilemas del gobierno municipal que centran la segunda sesión, encomendada a alcaldes de grandes ciudades, cerrándose este primer día con una sesión que enfrentará las visiones urbanas de un fotógrafo y un arquitecto. El segundo día del congreso se abrirá con una sesión donde arquitectas en ejercicio presentarán su obra desde una óptica urbana, para seguir con personalidades destacadas de la teoría y la crítica que han prestado en su trabajo atención a la ecología política de la ciudad, cerrándose el evento con una reflexión sobre la movilidad sostenible y el futuro de la ciudad, que será abordada por protagonistas de la transformación urbana contemporánea.

Seguir el evento en directo

Más información en la página oficial del evento

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An Overview to our Latest Projects in Latin America

Category : ⚐ EN + architecture + Centro Histórico Abierto + city + Cuenca Red + ecosistema urbano + Plan CHA + Plan Encarnación Más + sustainability + technologies + urbanism

During the last year we have been busy with several projects and competitions (including the latest Open Shore project for West Palm Beach) which didn’t give us the time to look back and reflect on some of our projects from the last few years.

As maybe some of our readers know, Ecosistema Urbano has been working on several large-scale projects in Latin America since August 2014 when we won a competition to develop the Master Plan of the Historical Center of Asuncion, Paraguay. In 2015, we accomplished another significant project: the participatory process Centro Histórico Abierto for the transformation of the historical center of Distrito Central, capital of Honduras. We also worked on the transformative Cuenca RED project which acted on the Public Space Reactivation Plan of the Historical Center of Cuenca, Ecuador. After the first experience in Paraguay, we had another project in the city of Encarnación, giving origin to the Plan Encarnación Más, composed by an Urban and Territorial Planning and Sustainability Plan.

In these four cases, the urban issues and the peculiar situations that required our intervention were distinct yet shared many common features. More specifically, the enthusiasm and interest shown by the people directly and indirectly involved was apparent throughout all of the projects, but also the opportunities that these experiences have given us as an architecture firm, to test ideas, tools, and methodologies.


Although they share the same area of origin, each of these cities has developed unique problems and issues. Some of these, such as the ones found in Encarnación, are physical-territorial matters such as the recent loss of the city center because of the controlled rise of the water level in the Yacyretá dam. That event led to the envisioning of a “Sustainable Development Plan” and  “Urban and Territorial Ordering Plan” in order to prepare the city for the future. In the case of Cuenca, the need for a new plan was determined by a series of big changes underway: the definition of a new model of mobility and the progressive emptying of population that afflicts the historical center, World Heritage Site since 1999, and headquarters of most of the commercial, touristic and economic city’s activities. In the case of Asunción and of the capital of Honduras, the project regards the transformation and the regeneration (both physical and social) of their historic centers. The Distrito Central is part of the development framework of the new urban axis “Choluteca River”.


1 – Participation

The first of the projects’ common keys are connected with the theme of sociability, expressed in the form of participation. The citizens’ involvement, promoted both through a series of organized activities and through online platforms, has been one of the cornerstones of our work in Latin America. We involve citizens because we believe that the citizen is the only force able to achieve a deep and lasting change in the urban environment and so they should not be just a passive receptor of the changes promoted by the city’s institutions. That’s why in some cases, as in that of Asunción with the ASU-LAB, a space was created which could serve as an interface between citizens and institutions: a place for the execution of the city planning but also an open place where each person or group can drive a new regeneration initiative or attend a course.

Organized activities with the citiziens

Organized activities with the citizens

Participatory activities, such as workshops and events, have been geared to address representative members of the city such as children, university students, “active agents”, citizens and institutions. For each of these categories we have developed, project after project, a series of ad hoc initiatives.

Participatory process in Asunción, Encarnación, Cuenca and in Distrito Central

Participatory process in Asunción, Encarnación, Cuenca and in Distrito Central

For the children we created a “toolkit” with which we had them reflect on their perception of the city and with which they could propose their ideal vision for the city. The kit consists of portions of the city map on which they could draw and that, once recomposed, could recreate the overall image.

2 – Urban actions

These activities were followed by a series of urban actions so that the results could be shown tangibly in the city. In the case of Distrito Central, ideas were gathered in a week of workshops with 80 students from the three major universities in the city and have been translated into urban actions like “Las Gradas de la Leona“. The staircases are indispensable spaces in a city with a very distinct topography as Tegucigualpa. But in the city these vertical connections are often perceived as inhospitable, dangerous, and dirty places and therefore they are cut off from any kind of activity. The students’ work was aimed at legitimizing these stairs as a public space through cleanliness,  decor,  lighting, and the organization of a series of activities that achieved resounding success and participation.

Socialization along "Las gradas de la Leona"

Socialization along “Las gradas de la Leona”

In the case of Encarnación, one of the proposals that has distinguished our approach in this project was the inclusion of a series of pilot projects that accompany and translate into concrete proposals within the “Plan de Desarrollo Sustentable” and the “Plan de Ordenamiento”. Among these, one of the most successful pilot projects was the “Proyecto Piloto Bicisienda“, whose purpose is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants by optimizing the use of alternative mobility and by raising awareness of the value of sports and recreation. Again we have sought the cooperation of citizens by promoting a series of initiatives (such as the construction of bike lanes in the city) in which the citizens could feel protagonistic.

Proyecto Piloto Bicisienda

Proyecto Piloto Bicisienda

3 – Informative events 

The disclosure of the participatory process to the citizenship, promoted both online through the project’s platforms and through open exhibitions, is a recurring phase in all four projects. We felt it important and necessary that each phase of the process was documented and could be easily accessible to all so that the citizens could be informed about the progress made in the project. Among these, the most scenic event, realized in Tegucigualpa, Cuenca and Encarnación, was the creation of a ” mosaico ciudadano“, a wall made of post-it notes with written words, phrases, and ideas about the city.

City mosaic in the several projects

City mosaic in the several projects


Another theme of our projects in Latin America is sustainable development expressed in various forms: care and attention to the environment, the introduction of an alternative mobility system, the importance of education to the environment as an engine of sustainability, and the development of the project made in collaboration between private initiatives and institutional management. In the case of Cuenca, for example, our intervention was partly required as a consequence of the municipality’s willingness to define a new model of mobility for the historical center of the city consisting of ceasing car traffic in the center and building a new tramway system. This new model of mobility has direct implications for the current urban dynamics, as well as on the public space, as it tries to reduce the vehicular load of the city, giving priority to pedestrians and cyclists. This, and the creation of quality public space, led to strengthen the social, economic, and cultural role of the city’s historical center making it more pleasant for residents and locals. Our aim is to activate a historical center that promotes social, economic, and environmental development, as well as a more livable, habitable, and inhabited historical center.

Cuenca’s plan is divided into four aspects: an urban acupuncture strategy, which proposes small / medium-scale interventions to recover areas with potential; a development of a network of active courtyards, by transforming the typical patios of Cuenca in catalysts capable of generating new synergies, connections, and interactions between residents, visitors and inhabitants; a guide to the historic center re-design, which defines the main lines for the design of the public space; a process of socialization, to define the “acopuntura” and the active patios network strategies. The intervention strategy in the square “Mary Corilè” in conjunction with the creation of “La casa en el árbol” is part of the active patios network strategy. This square is an unused and degraded space, perceived by the residents as an unpleasant and dangerous place.

The square "Mary Corilè"

The square “Mary Corilè”

Among the several interventions proposed, such as the re-furnishing of the square, traffic closure, and the design of activities in collaboration with the municipality, there’s also the creation of “La casa en el árbol“, a space included in the existing trees of the square where educational activities in relation to the theme of the environment can be carried out. “La casa en el árbol” is set up as a space to get in contact and be familiar with the nature, built in harmony with the surroundings. Inside there are several “environmental” classrooms in which one can study natural resources such as sun, wind, and water. More specifically, one can study: a system of photovoltaic panels that generate the energy needed for the lights, rainwater harvesting structures, and urban gardens as environmental and ecological experiences for schools and kindergartens. It is, ultimately, an open classroom in which a new form of pedagogy built on the respect for the environment is proposed, in order to increase awareness of the natural resources and of their use, as well as increase awareness of existing technologies.

In the case of Asunción we proposed a strategic plan with ten actions in order to promote a connection between the several parts of the city through the development of spaces, named “corridors“, and of individual buildings, named “urban catalysts“, which might act as drivers of change and benchmarks within the city. The corridors are divided into three types: those “green“, which introduce a new green infrastructure in specific parts of the existing roads; those “civic“, which consist of a new network of public spaces along the roads in order to connect the most important historic and government buildings; those “dynamic“, aimed at creating active urban environments and encourage economic and cultural activities.

Configuration of a charateristic dynamic corridor

Configuration of a charateristic dynamic corridor

Among the actions of Asunción strategic masterplan one concerns the economic and landscaping regeneration of the “Green Active Coast”. Due to its topography, this area is subject to cyclical floods because of the rising water level of the Paraguay River. That forces the inhabitants of the informal settlements who live there to move temporally. While fully respecting the identity of the river and of the existing topography, we have proposed the creation of a green lung with a large sports area in continuity with the Bicentennial Park. We also promoted the integration of the informal settlements both within the urban fabric and in the areas of new urban expansion.

The Encarnación masterplan incorporates within its own name the concept of “sustainability”, since it is composed of the “Plan of Sustainable Development” and of the “Plan of Urban and Territorial Organization”. The “Plan of Sustainable Development” will establish the standards and mechanisms for the growth and for the future development of the city according to the criteria of sustainability. The “Plan of Urban and Territorial Organization” aims at directing the use and the occupation of the territory in the urban and rural areas of the municipality. Officially, the city will face in the next twenty-four years an increase of the population amounted to 62,000 people, for whom it will be necessary to provide a massive increase in housing. The model we proposed to face this need refers to the sustainable principle of “the compact city.” Through the identification of a physical border for the city’s urban growth, we have protected the rural areas from new settlements. Moreover, we encouraged, through private and municipal initiatives, the densification of areas already developed, by filling the vacant urban lots and expanding pre-existing single-family homes.

Example of urban densification

Example of urban densification

The new interventions follow the principles of the bioclimatic architecture: large overhanging roofs and vegetation as protections from the hot summer sunlight, the use of wind to moderate the hot and humid climate of Encarnación, the reuse of rainwater, and the increase of the vegetation to absorb CO2 emissions.


In all four projects, technology represented an important collaborative tool to promote our work and to enable everyone to be constantly updated on ongoing progress, but also as a support for the participatory process, so that the involvement of the citizens would not be exhausted with the end of the activities organized, but could continue to map needs, issues, concerns and initiatives for those interested.

For this reason we have developed a platform, called Local-in (formerly What if ..?), which has been adapted to each project according to their personality and to the peculiarities of each participatory process, while maintaining a common format. Local-in is a free and accessible to everyone application of collective mapping. In it, registered users can add messages, photos and geolocalised links, sorting them into categories and labels. It’s easily installable and customizable, in perfect harmony with the spirit of the projects themselves, and it can be found for each project under the name “AsuMAP” for Asunción, with the name “Encarnación Más” for Encarnación, as “Cuenca RED” for Cuenca and with the name “Centro Histórico Abierto” for Distrito Central.


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Arquitectura medioambiental | Curso de verano ETSAM

Category : ⚐ ES + arquitectura + noticias + sostenibilidad

Una de las imágenes del folleto

Eduardo Prieto organiza un curso de verano titulado “Arquitectura medioambiental: Técnica, Tipología, Historia”, que se celebrará en la ETSAM entre junio y julio de este año y contará con profesores como Iñaki Ábalos, Antonio Picon, Javier Neila, Simón Marchán, Carlos Sambricio, Juan Calatrava, Joaquín Medina-Warmburg o Javier y Jacobo García-Germán, entre otros.

El curso está dirigido tanto a especialistas en gestión energética como a profesionales o estudiantes interesados en los problemas medioambientales: a los primeros, porque ofrece una visión integradora que permite combinar las aproximaciones técnicas con las cuestiones históricas que resultan fundamentales en la disciplina; a los segundos, porque ofrece un panorama global —técnico, tipológico, histórico— de la relación de la arquitectura con el medioambiente.

El curso está compuesto por tres módulos: el primero, más técnico, presentará las estrategias fundamentales del diseño pasivo; el segundo tendrá por argumento los modos en los que, a lo largo de la historia, dichas estrategias se han aplicado a la arquitectura; el tercero incardinará esas soluciones en el contexto contemporáneo.

Más información e inscripciones

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Ecosistema Urbano busca profesional de comunicación

Category : ⚐ ES + convocatorias

Actualización: El proceso de selección está cerrado por el momento. ¡Gracias por vuestro interés!

En Ecosistema Urbano estamos buscando a una persona que nos ayude a mantener y mejorar nuestras dinámicas de comunicación y a llevar nuestro trabajo a nuevos ámbitos.

Las principales actividades que desarrollaría serían:

  • Revisión e implementación de la estrategia de comunicación de Ecosistema Urbano.
  • Búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades y ámbitos de trabajo.
  • Elaboración de documentación para ofertas y convocatorias.
  • Coordinación, creación y actualización de contenidos para el blog, la web, prensa, etc.
  • Dinamización de la presencia online por redes sociales.
  • Establecimiento de colaboraciones con otras empresas.

Para ello buscamos a alguien con el siguiente perfil:

  • Persona proactiva y constante, con gusto por la comunicación, el trato con diversos agentes, la organización de la información, el seguimiento de procesos, etc.
  • Formación en comunicación, marketing, relaciones públicas, periodismo o campos relacionados. Se valorará perfil polivalente.
  • Habilidad y gusto por la escritura en distintos idiomas. Imprescindible muy buen dominio del inglés y el español.
  • Diseño gráfico (maquetación) y familiaridad con herramientas digitales en general: G Suite, gestores de tareas y contenidos, WordPress, redes sociales, rastreo de webs y bases de datos online, etc.

Ante todo, nos gustaría contar con alguien afín, que tenga interés por el trabajo de Ecosistema Urbano y por el desarrollo urbano sostenible, la arquitectura y la ciudad, la participación, la cultura abierta o la innovación social.

Condiciones y contacto:

Trabajo presencial en nuestra oficina de Madrid, a jornada completa en horario de mañana y tarde. Se hará una oferta de acuerdo con el perfil de la persona seleccionada.
Si estás interesado/a, envíanos tu currículum a

Actualización: El proceso de selección está cerrado por el momento. ¡Gracias por vuestro interés!

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What we’ve been up to | Portfolio Review and Current Projects

Category : ⚐ EN + architecture + ecosistema urbano + work in progress

We know it’s been a while since we published something in our blog, but we can assure you that we have been everything but idle. In fact, it was totally the opposite: 2017 was a big year here at ecosistema urbano. We had the opportunity to develop a wide scope of projects, from participatory workshops to urban-scale studies, in countries like Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Germany, and even Spain! Let us have a look at the last updates to our 2017 portfolio, and some of the projects that are coming during 2018.


Idea Hermosillo

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB/BID) tasked us with the challenge of reactivating urban spaces around the Historical Downtown in Hermosillo, Mexico. For this project, we put in place a brief but intense participatory process involving different stakeholders (institutions, businesses, students, neighbors) from Hermosillo. That way, we were able to identify the key aspects to address towards the revitalization of the city center. The Idea Hermosillo Revitalization Plan consisted of a brief diagnosis, a series of general strategies, and a set of 27 pilot projects which, together, would help reactivating the urban spaces in the area. One of these pilot projects was further developed as proof of concept: the Banco de Ideas, proposing the renovation of an existing building with a creative and mixed program that would act as a catalyst for attracting activity and driving interest about the Historic Downtown.

One of the pilot projects in Hermosillo – ‘Banco de Ideas’

See the “Idea Hermosillo” project in our portfolio

Febres Cordero Mixed-use Building

The Febres Cordero School was identified as one of the key interventions in the the CUENCA RED project in Cuenca, Ecuador. The proposed project keeps part of the original school building while creating a new mixed-used building in side it. The main goal was to create new public spaces and combine local businesses, a civic center, student residences and other uses that would help activating the surrounding area. The new Febres Cordero building also implements sustainable design elements such as locally sourced materials, bio-climatic façades and passive temperature regulation.

Technical design of Febres Cordero complex

See the “Febres Cordero” project in our portfolio

Spielraum – Der Andere Park Competition

In 2017 we were also invited to take part in an international competition to design the conversion of a former military base in Heidelberg, Germany. The City of Heidelberg alongside the IBA hosted a competition for the opening of the -until then- restricted area, and creating new public spaces for the city to enjoy. ecosistema urbano devised a playful layout for the park, concentrating the intervention in the central areas of the open spaces, and integrating the existing pavements and elements whenever possible. The overarching design and pathways of the park were conceived as a “game board”, where elements of the park, such as playgrounds, would become “game pieces”. The program and final design of these elements would be defined by the “game rules” consisting on a series of participatory processes involving neighbors and other stakeholders.

Schematic overview of programs at Der Andere Park

See more about the “Spielraum” project in our portfolio

Thinking Fadura

This project consisted of the preparation of a big participatory project in Getxo, Spain, towards the conversion of a closed sports area into an open park. An urban diagnosis of the Fadura area was made in order to identify the main issues, challenges, and opportunities that the park, the surrounding area and the population currently possess. This diagnosis was intended to inform both the technical development and the participatory process. In addition to this, a social mapping was created by meeting and interviewing all possible stakeholders and representing their relationships, their possible level of involvement and the key topics they were interested in. Over the course of four months, the team conducted multi-stakeholder meetings and presentations to engage the users of the park, as well as to inform and prepare them for the participatory process.

Stakeholder mapping as part of the preparation for the participatory process

See more about the “Thinking Fadura” project in our portfolio

Cervecera – Fadura Community Center 

In the same sports area in Getxo, Spain, a participatory architecture project was commissioned to us, with the aim of building a community center in the place of a public facility which had recently been damaged by a fire. In its final years, the former pub (cervecera) was used as a social facility. In order to create a design that would allow for the same level of engagement and active use, a participatory design process was devised. Three workshops were conducted where stakeholders could take part in the rethinking and redesigning of the building and its surrounding open spaces. At the end of the process, a sustainable and flexible community center was designed, capable of hosting even more activities than before while remaining adaptable to future needs.

Rendering of the envisioned cervecera

See more about the “Fadura Community Center” project in our portfolio

Santa Fe – Resilient Cities

As part of the 100 Resilient Cities program in Santa Fe, Argentina, ecosistema urbano was asked to lead a participatory project for the youth of Santa Fe. In this exciting activity, we had the opportunity to create and run a program which allowed children to get involved with the future of their city. The children were led through an explorative stroll around Parque del Norte where they were encouraged to be creative about what they observed and what they envisioned for the park. Afterwards, the children drew on maps to demonstrate what they hoped to see implemented into the future park. Then they were given materials to create small models of their proposals, micro-landscapes they created using natural materials, sourced from the park itself, in a transparent box. The maps and boxes provided invaluable feedback in order to include the vision of the younger citizens in the future park.

Images of the “participation kits” used for the creation of models

See more about the “Santa Fe – Resilient Cities” project in our portfolio

EU GPP Public Space Maintenance 

In a collaborative project with the European Commission, ecosistema urbano is helping to define the European Union Green Public Procurement (GPP) Criteria for Public Space Maintenance. We are working on creating a guide of best practices that will become the framework for procurement processes regarding public space maintenance. This project will have a big impact due to its scale: the public sector represents 14% of the GDP of the European Union. Therefore, a systematic sustainable change in any part of the public sector will increase the market viability of sustainable products. Our participation in this project will help to augment sustainable change and cost effectiveness in the EU.

Other ongoing projects in 2018

The past few months have been incredibly busy at ecosistema urbano, with more projects happening all over the world. Here are some examples of what we are working on right now:

  • In 2017 we won the competition to become the architectural partner for the Open Shore Initiative in West Palm Beach. We are currently working on the Banyan Hub multifunctional building, as well as the public space improvement of selected passageways. We have recently begun work on a new intervention at one of the key streets in downtown.
  • We started a public space project at the University of Málaga. The project addresses the planning and construction of a central boulevard that will improve the flow of people across the campus, promote sustainability and green space, integrate physical and digital layers of the campus and create places for new activities to happen.
  • We are also currently working with the World Bank in the identification of opportunities for improvement of public spaces and public buildings in one of the most dense and congested cities in the world: Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh.

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#UrbanThinkers: Campus de Pensamiento Urbano en ESNE

Category : ⚐ ES + eventos + noticias + urbanismo

Los próximos 26 y 27 de octubre (miércoles y jueves de esta semana) se celebrará en la Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología (ESNE) el Campus de Pensamiento Urbano #UrbanThinkers. Tras el plenario de apertura, desde Ecosistema Urbano tendremos el placer de abrir la primera jornada con la charla “La ciudad no son los edificios”, sobre la importancia del aspecto social en el desarrollo urbano y las diferentes formas de entender la participación.

El interesante programa que seguirá a continuación, con sesiones de pensamiento urbano, laboratorios y grupos de debate, promete ser una gran ocasión para crear debate y construir consensos entre los cada vez más diversos agentes que se ocupan de abordar los desafíos de la urbanización y proponer soluciones al futuro urbano.

El modelo de Campus de Pensamiento Urbano (en inglés, Urban Thinkers Campus) es una iniciativa de ONU-Hábitat concebida como un espacio abierto para el intercambio crítico entre investigadores urbanos, profesionales y responsables de decisiones para la mejora de nuestras ciudades. Estas jornadas combinan diferentes formatos de debate y reflexión en torno a cuatro áreas temáticas: el empoderamiento ciudadano, la innovación en movilidad, el diseño de la regeneración urbana, y lo relacionado con big data y smart city.

Más información, programa, contenido de las sesiones e inscripciones

Fecha: 25-27 de octubre de 2017
Horario: de 9 h a 17,30 h.
Lugar: Campus de ESNE. Avenida de Alfonso XIII, 27 28016 Madrid.
Contacto: +34 915 55 25 28

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POPS y la Trump Tower | Espacios públicos de propiedad privada I

Category : ⚐ ES + ciudad + urbanismo

Entrada a la Trump Tower – Imagen: Wikimedia Commons

Hace unos pocos meses surgió una gran polémica en EEUU en torno a las restricciones de uso de los espacios públicos dentro de la Trump Tower, residencia del actual presidente de los Estados Unidos.

Hablaremos más adelante del caso concreto de Trump, pero antes conviene contextualizar el régimen que rige estos espacios: los “POPS” son una práctica muy frecuente en Manhattan, pero también en otras partes del mundo. ¿En qué consisten?

Manhattan y los POPS

Los POPS, o Privately Owned Public Spaces, son espacios exteriores o interiores provistos para uso público por una entidad o propietario privado de un edificio a cambio de una concesión en la edificabilidad del solar. Este procedimiento conlleva generar espacios de uso público siguiendo una serie de requerimientos, y fue implantada en 1961 para revitalizar el crecimiento inmobiliario de Manhattan. Desde entonces, la ciudad ha generado entorno a 525 espacios con estas características, generando un área pública total para la ciudad de más de 32 Hectáreas, lo que corresponde a ¼ de Central Park.

Las características de estos espacios varían enormemente en cada caso ya que suelen ser fruto de negociaciones concretas entre los emprendedores privados y la administración local (New York City Department of Buildings y New York City Department of City Planning).

Sin embargo, el mantenimiento de las características que hacen que estos espacios se entiendan como públicos no siempre se ha mantenido de acuerdo a la regulación pactada y, como se ha demostrado posteriormente, la Administración de Nueva York no ha llevado una cuidada vigilancia de estas zonas.

En el año 2000 el abogado y profesor de la Universidad de Harvard, Jerold S. Kayde (fundador de la organización Advocates for Privately Owned Public Space) realizó una investigación en torno a los POPS en colaboración con el New York City Department of City Planning y la Municipal Art Society of New York, catalogando cada uno de los espacios y su situación con respecto a la normativa que los rige.

Ejemplo de ficha de un espacio público de propiedad privada – clic para ver la original

El libro resultante, “Private Owned Public Space: The New York City Experience” (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000) contenía dos conclusiones principales: aunque los acuerdos de zonificación produjeron una cantidad impresionante de espacio público para la ciudad, la calidad de esos espacios dejaba mucho que desear y. lo que es aún peor, un número significativo de propietarios habían privatizado ilegalmente sus espacios públicos. Una auditoría de 2017 confirma estos puntos.

Según los datos publicados en su página web, el estudio mostraba que un 41% de ellos no superaba los criterios mínimos de calidad. La Normativa de Zonificación de 1961 no imponía una normativa concisa entorno al mantenimiento de los POPS, por lo que los propietarios no estaban obligados a preservar las zonas de acceso público ni a considerar la cualidad de aspectos esenciales de esas áreas (asientos, jardinería, materiales, orientación, soleamiento, etc.). En los años 70, influenciados por el trabajo del urbanista norteamericano William H. Whyte y su Proyecto “Vida en la Calle”, los funcionarios de la Ciudad mejoraron la normativa incluyendo requisitos de asientos, jardinería, bastidores para bicicletas, fuentes de agua potable y placas de identificación.

El estudio contenía como segunda conclusión el hecho de que muchos propietarios redujeron o impidieron el uso público de sus POPS a través de acciones ilegales de privatización. En el 50% de los edificios con POPS, al menos uno de los espacios denominados como tal habían sido cerrados al público.

Estas acciones de privatización podían ser de tres tipos: negación del acceso público (puertas bloqueadas impidiendo el acceso durante las horas en las que debería permanecer abierto, representantes del edificio informando incorrectamente sobre la posibilidad de acceso, baños públicos señalizados sólo para residentes), ocupación del espacio público por usos privados adyacentes (obligación de consumir en espacios de estancia públicos) y disminución de los servicios requeridos.

Los estándares de los POPS

En el 2007, y tras la publicación del estudio, el New York City Zoning Resolution definió unos estándares de calidad mucho más concretos, que pueden consultarse a través de su página web y de los que vamos a exponer algunos de sus puntos más interesantes:

  • Para facilitar su entendimiento como espacio público, los POPS deben tener al menos un 50% de visibilidad desde la calle.
  • Para evitar que espacios residuales del edificio se consideren como POPS, éstos no pueden ser menores a 4,5 m en ninguna de sus dimensiones.
  • Para favorecer el uso de los espacios, está prohibido proteger las zonas potenciales de asiento.
  • Para aclarar su condición pública es obligatorio incluir una placa informativa con horarios de uso.

61/2 POPS

En 2012 el Ayuntamiento de Nueva York empezó a llevar a cabo una propuesta de unificar los POPS entre la calle 51 y la 57, y entre la Sexta y la Séptima Avenida. El objetivo era vincular espacios públicos previamente no conectados y agregar cruces de peatones y otras mejoras en seguridad y señalización, creando entre otras cosas la dirección “6th Ave ½” (un guiño humorístico al andén 9 y ¾ de Harry Potter).

POPS y activismo

El concepto de Ciudad que genera la proliferación de POPS y la privatización (aunque sólo en propiedad y no en uso) del espacio público es un aspecto a tener en cuenta. Tercerizar el diseño y gestión (aunque sean regulados) de los espacios públicos de la ciudad aumenta la falta de control sobre la toma de decisiones y la realización de estrategias urbanas a mayor escala que respondan a problemas urbanos más complejos que los de cada espacio individual.

Numerosos proyectos y colectivos ponen critican estos modelos de gestión evidenciando ambigüedades y controversias. Los que siguen son sólo algunos de ellos.

En 2011 el Estudio Graham Coreil-Allen lanzó una convocatoria en Kickstarter para realizar Arcade Parade, una “procesión” por algunos de los POPS de Manhattan para reivindicar y visibilizar estos espacios como públicos utilizando la ironía y haciendo un llamamiento a artistas y performers para colaborar en el evento.

The Arcade Parade – Vídeo

En las protestas de “Occupy Wall Street” los manifestantes fueron desalojados de POPS sin existir una clara regulación sobre este tipo de situaciones. De esa situación nació el grupo de trabajo whOWNSpace coordinado por DSGN AGNC. Su objetivo es cuestionar las reglas, a menudo conflictivas, que rigen estos espacios, proponiendo políticas alternativas, usos y diseños para el espacio que fomenten su uso público.

¿De quién son los espacios libres? – Fuente:

En 2013 el Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration de la Universidad de Tokyo editó el libro “Privately Owned Public Space: The International Perspective”  (que se puede descargar gratuitamente aquí) donde se analizaban las normativas y estructuras que rigen este tipo de espacios en diferentes ciudades: Santiago de Chile, Seattle, Aquisgrán, Bangkok, Hong Kong o Tokio.

Cada punto representa un POPS. La comparación muestra que los POPS en Manhattan están mucho más concentrados que en Tokyo. Fuente: Privately Owned Public Space: The International Perspective.

En la segunda parte de este artículo indagaremos en el caso concreto de la Trump Tower para ejemplificar algunas de las dudas o polémicas más habituales en torno a estos espacios.