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Hello Wood festival call for participation | Hungary, 15-21 July 2013

CATEGORY: ⚐ EN + events + news


Hello Wood is a multicultural and multidisciplinary art program. Their most well-known event is the one week creator camp held every summer, where recognized experts and artists share their knowledge with talented students.

All work produced is carrying two attributes: it’s mostly from wood and it’s characterized by an interplay of art and social commitment. Hello Wood integrates various fields of art, design and science; it creates community and encourages talent. It brings together students and professionals across borders, moreover connects everyday people with the designer community.

We are researching how could the bond amongst nature, our artificial environment and humans become tighter. With the tools of design and architecture we are looking for an answer to the question: How could we get at least a step closer?

Hello Wood will focus on designing and creating 8 wooden installations. Considering past experiences (everybody prefers to build) in 2013 they will not separate the workshops by profession.
Besides architects, experts from different fields of art are invited as well to apply. You can be an architect, painter, sculptor, landscape architect, graphic designer, musician, ninja etc. The application procedure offers an equal opportunity for everyone.

hellowood flyer

Here you can see some samples of previous projects: The snail, Tornado, The Egg (featured above), Landscape Box… You can see more examples at the oficcial website.

We leave you with a video of last year’s edition. It looks FUN!

More information:

Official website:
Photo gallery: Momeline on Flickr
Video gallery: Momeline on Vimeo
Social networks: HelloWood on Facebook

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