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EU collaborators | Manon Bublot

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+placemaking

Manon Bublot


Last week we were glad to welcome a new collaborator here at our office in Madrid.

Manon Bublot is an undergraduate student at the Architecture school of Montpellier in France. She studied last year in the ETSAM in Madrid through the Erasmus exchange program, and during that time she grew interested in social participatory processes as a transversal approach to design architectural projects.

She will be helping us with this blog, providing fresh content in English, highlighting the most interesting projects, professionals and collectives related to her (and our) fields of interest . We hope you enjoy her first series of posts about placemaking and related projects.

Welcome to EU, Manon! We hope you’ll have a nice time here with us.

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EU collaborators | Urska Cernigoj

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+ecosistema urbano


Urska Cernigoj

Architectur student in Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana

My four months internship at Ecosistema Urbano is at the end. Working with such a great team, of young creative people is excellent experience for me at the point when I am just about to start my professional career. When I came here I immediately landed in the dreamhamar project. I took part at preliminary design process and now I am a part of a network design team. Coordinating, communicating, developing and dreaming Hamar’s square with so many participants and experts made this four months even shorter.

I am from Slovenia and I am an undergraduate student in the urbanism oriented program at the Faculty of Architecture from the University of Ljubljana. Before I finish my studies I decided to take the opportunity of the scholarship for international training exchange and to apply for internship.

In academic year 2009/2010 I was on Erasmus student exchange in ETSAG, University of Alcalá and became more familiar with Madrid’s architecture and also with Ecosistema Urbano, which became one of my favorite’s studios. Specially because of the projects, which are creative, smart, innovative, social and environmentally friendly. Probably the endless blue sky and mostly sunny weather only helped in my decision to come to Madrid again.

I am also the kind of person who always thinks that she does not have enough knowledge and I am always searching for new ways to learn more. Not just more about architecture but also about things from other professions, because when you have knowledge from different fields you can manage it and do things better. And my curiosity only helps. All this I found here and after four months I am even more convinced that my choice about the internship was right.

You can follow Urska on Twitter: @aksruc

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EU collaborators | Gitte Larsen

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+ecosistema urbano

Ecosistema urbano is always searching for talented people, but many times it works the other way around and we feel very lucky to be directly contacted by them. Today I want to introduce you to another person who has joined us at ecosistema urbano. We are very pleased with Gitte and with all collaborators that want to join us and share their unique backgrounds, that brings a fresh approach to our work.


Here is the profile of Gitte Håhr Larsen:

_BA, Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Denmark. 2007-2010
_Stud.arch MAA at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Denmark. 2010- | upcoming website:

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EU collaborators

Category: ⚐ EN+colaboradores+ecosistema urbano

Ecosistema urbano is always searching for talented people, but many times it works the other way around and we feel very lucky to be directly contacted by them. Today I want to introduce you to four different people who have recently joined us at ecosistema urbano. We are very pleased with their contribution and their unique backgrounds, which bring a fresh approach to our work.

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Lukas Feireiss

Category: colaboradores

name: Lukas Feireiss
profession: Curator, Writer and Teacher
city: Berlin
interests: Architecture, Art and Media beyond disciplinary boundaries
web: /

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Lluís Sabadell Artiga

Category: colaboradores

nombre – Lluís Sabadell Artiga
profesión – Artista, comisario de exposiciones, creador/creativo por la ecología
ciudad – Girona (España)
intereses – Arte, Arquitectura, Ecología profunda, Teoría de sistemas, Complejidad, Sistemas Emergentes, Peak Oil, Permacultura… y un huerto.
articulosLluís Sabadell – relaciones entre el ser humano y el entorno,
40.000 personas para limpiar 7.000 toneladas de basura en un día en Estonia

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Damla Ezgi Gül

Category: colaboradores

nombre – Damla Ezgi Gül
profesión – Estudiante de arquitctura de último año.
ciudad – Soy de Turkia, Izmir (Esmirna) aunque ahora vivo en Madrid por un erasmus.
intereses – Tengo un gran interés por la arquitectura a partir de residuos industriales o simplemente desechos urbanos, así como en general las arquitecturas de medios reducidos.
También me interesa mucno el diseño industrial. He tendio contacto y trabajado con el grupo Rotor de Bruselas que realizan proyectos a partir de estos residuos industriales.
Por lo general me gusta la idea de potenciar la poesía de los lugares buscando en su historia pasada. Por lo que no creemos en una arquitectura atada a la tierra.
web –

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Miguel Zapatero Coomonte

Category: colaboradores

nombre – Miguel Zapatero Coomonte
profesión – Soy estudiante de arquitctura de último año.
ciudad – Soy de Madrid aunque probablemente acabe en Turkia.
intereses – Tengo un gran interés por la arquitectura a partir de residuos industriales o simplemente desechos urbanos, así como en general las arquitecturas de medios reducidos.
He tendio contacto y trabajado con el grupo Rotor de Bruselas que realizan proyectos a partir de estos residuos. También tendría interés de poder contactar con el grupo basurama.
Me interesan también las teorias evolutivas de proyectos y su vez tuve la suerte de poder estar presente en el último simposium mundial de Space sintax en Estambul.
El año pasado estuve en Estambul de erasmus y creo que es un destino arquitectónico con mucho futuro.

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Alaitz Benito

Category: colaboradores

profesión – Ingeniera Química
intereses – El deporte, el cine, la música, los viajes, las iniciativas solidarias, la lectura, el mestizaje, la naturaleza, la fotografía, las nuevas tecnologías, la sostenibilidad ambiental y social, el medio ambiente… podría seguir durante horas.

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Carlos Romo Melgar

Category: colaboradores

profesión – Fotografía y Estudiante de Arquitectura
intereses – Nuevas Tecnologías, Sociología, Diseño textil, Rutinas sociales, Arquitectura, Diseño Gráfico
ciudad – Madrid/Salamanca
articuloseu:abierto – Carlos Romo Melgar